
The Crookston School District has officially canceled prom.  Superintendent Jeremy Olson talks about school in the fall, prom and graduation.  The letter to the public is below-

Crookston School District is planning for three scenarios for this fall: distance learning, hybrid model (50% student capacity with distance learning used to bridge the gap when students are not inattendance), and face to face with several safety protocols in place. Minnesota schools have been told that on the week of July 27th we will find out from the state which methods of instruction will be allowed.  

I am certainly hoping for face to face instruction with safety protocols because I believe that this is best for learning and best for kids. I also believe that we can’t hit the pause button indefinitely, and that we must rise to the challenge and safely face whatever comes at us. If we return to face to face instruction, I do want to make sure that the community understands that this will not represent business as usual. What I have learned in my time as a school leader is that managing expectations is important. I very much want our community to understand that even a face to face return will look and feel very different from business as normal as we are going to do everything we can to provide a safe environment for students. 

As we learn to live and thrive in this pandemic we must learn to be adaptable. Schools will certainly  look and feel different this fall even if we are allowed to be in a face to face learning situation. Expect to see transportation to school look vastly different, students entering school will most likely experience some type of temp check or questionnaire on how they are feeling. Staff will have masks on and the school will most likely be strongly recommending students to wear masks as well. Lunch lines and recess will look vastly different and may be staggered to accommodate social distancing. Inside of the classroom protocols will need to be established to help kids understand social distancing to the greatest extent possible in a learning environment. 

We also need to understand that the situation we start in this Fall may change and may necessitate a more or less restrictive response which is why we must plan for several scenarios. We need to be prepared to quickly and seamlessly adapt to changing conditions and recommendations from healthcare experts to ensure that we keep our students safe. 

From a timeline perspective here is what you can expect:

July- Planning Phase-planning for three different scenarios: distance learning, hybrid model (½ student capacity), and face to face instruction. 

Early August: Announcement on which method we will start the school year off with. 

August-final planning/training for staff/setting of expectations for this Fall. 

Event Status

We have been in consultation with Public Health to determine what is safely feasible for our students as safety is our primary responsibility.

Prom: We will be cancelling the Prom that was originally planned for July as the current guidelines do not allow for this type of close proximity and interaction necessary for a Prom. While I know that this will come as a disappointment to many, I do believe that this is the responsible thing to do in light of the current guidelines.

Graduation: At this time we are planning on holding a somewhat traditional graduation on July 25th at 2pm. Under current guidelines we can allow each graduate to have two guests attend a traditional graduation ceremony in our gym as we are limited to 250 people. We are developing a safety plan for entrance into and out of the gym to comply with current guidelines. We will also recommend masks for attendees. This event is subject to cancellation if health guidelines would change or if the local always if you have questions or comments about Crookston Public Schools, feel free to contact me at 218-770-8717 (cell) or email me at Go Pirates!



The University of Minnesota Crookston’s business department recently was granted official accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). It joins the ranks of 1,200 member campuses globally to be accredited.

In addition to attaining regular accreditation for the eight business degree programs, the university also received separate accreditation for the Accounting degree program, which makes UMC one of only two universities in the state of Minnesota with this separate accreditation.  

Kevin Thompson, Unit Head for the Business and Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Departments, underscored the significance of receiving the ACBSP accreditation. “Our department and campus have always had a strong focus on quality and continuous improvement to benefit our students in preparing them for their future careers. Being a part of ACBSP will bolster our efforts and bring us to a new level of teaching and learning excellence,” he said.

“The University of Minnesota Crookston has shown its commitment to teaching excellence and to the process of quality improvement by participating in the accreditation process,” said ACBSP Chief Accreditation Officer Steve Parscale. By going the extra step to add accounting accreditation, Parscale said that UMC is proving a “deep commitment to providing the highest quality business education” for its students.

Thompson said that ACBSP accreditation offers resources, best practices, and connections with member colleagues that will benefit students and the university.

The ACBSP Model of Excellence
ACBSP ( is a leading specialized accreditation body for business education. It provides a set of standards and criteria to assist ACBSP undergraduate degree member institutions in achieving excellence in business program education. Through a process of self-study, on-site visits, and assessment, business units can demonstrate their commitment to serving students, other institutions, and industry.

ACBSP is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and was the first to offer business accreditation at all degree levels. ACBSP currently accredits business programs in 63 countries. ASBSP sets standards of excellence that are based on student participation and achievement, innovative curriculum development, research-based teaching methods, and the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence.



The Polk County Wellness Coalition (PCWC) works on improving health and wellness throughout Polk County by helping to make healthy choices easier where we live, work, and play. Achieving and maintaining physical and mental health can be challenging, and it is critical to nurture both, as one can affect the other. To promote mental well-being, PCWC is launching a community-based initiative, known as BeWell.

BeWell supports health through happiness and meaningful relationships using proven resiliency tools. BeWell aims for a community that flourishes by practicing positive emotion, engagement, and positive relationships. Evidenced-based mental health resiliency tools (such as Random Acts of Kindness, Gratitude- 3 Good Things, Taking it Outside, Thank-You Letters, and Social Connectedness) are incorporated into daily life will create reserves of well-being that can be drawn upon when times are tough. Individuals and organizations are invited to participate!

The Polk-Norman-Mahnomen Community Health Board (PNM CHB) completed its Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), which was adopted by the PNM CHB on November 23, 2019. A Community Health Improvement Plan is a long-term plan, describing how the local health departments and a broad set of community partners and stakeholders plan to address needs identified in recent community health assessments. The 2020-2024 plan is based on a community health assessment, which was completed for Polk, Norman, and Mahnomen counties in 2017 and 2018. The top 10 health issues were identified from the assessment. Partners cultivated and established strategies for addressing the top three health priorities (focus areas) for 2020-2024. One of the top three health priorities for Polk, Norman, and Mahnomen counties, is improving mental health and well-being.

Positive mental well-being can increase social connectedness and can decrease the number of adults feeling hopeless, anxious, or loss of interest. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and Trauma and Hope Informed Care are a high priority for many agencies and school districts. In Polk County, we want to work to increase resiliency and coping strategies, while reducing the stigma around mental well-being.

Join Polk County Public Health and the Polk County Wellness Coalition as we #TakeItOutside and BeWell. Being outside can be calming, peaceful, and rejuvenating for the soul. #TakeItOutside is great for your overall mental well-being. What does #TakeItOutside look like for you? Take your virtual meeting outside, take lunch outside, or take your phone conversation outside. Be creative and see if you can TAKE (You fill in the blank____) OUTSIDE!

Join public health and the wellness coalition as they #TakeItOutside. Post a picture on Polk County social media and include the hashtag #TakeItOutside. They look forward to your photos and fun activities.

For more information on Take It Outside and other upcoming ‘BeWell’ initiatives, please contact Brenna Olson at Polk County Public Health at or by calling 218-281-3385.



Families still have time to apply for additional food assistance benefits to help feed their children this summer when they are not receiving school lunches. Due to a deadline extension up to 150,000 families have until July 31 to apply for Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfer, also referred to as P-EBT. The benefits are issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Services in a lump sum of $325 per child to purchase food within a year of the date issued. More than 200,000 families have already applied for or received P-EBT.

Minnesota has also extended P-EBT to provide an additional food benefit through the summer. With Summer P-EBT, each eligible child will receive an additional $100 food benefit. Eligibility follows P-EBT guidelines. Those who have applied will receive the benefit automatically; those who have not can apply for P-EBT online. The department will issue the summer program funds in August.

DHS and the state Department of Education are urging families with school children who received the federal free and reduced-price meal program to apply for P-EBT online at Qualifying families with children receiving free or reduced-price meals, who were already on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or Minnesota Family Investment Program received these benefits automatically on their existing EBT cards in late May. Families can check their EBT card balance at Families who were receiving free or reduced meals for the 2019-2020 school year but who were not also receiving SNAP or MFIP benefits need to sign up for a benefits card, known as a P-EBT card, to receive P-EBT and Summer P-EBT funds.

Also new for July, children enrolled in a school district pre-K program who received federal free and reduced-price meals will be eligible to receive P-EBT benefits by applying online at

Individuals in need of translation assistance can call the DHS P-EBT hotline at either 651-431-4050 or 800-657-3698, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Information also can be found online in P-EBT frequently asked questions and in a series of fliers in Somali, Russian, Spanish and Hmong posted online. The application is available in these languages as well.

In addition to using EBT cards at traditional grocery retailers, people who use SNAP can use their EBT cards to purchase groceries online. While Walmart and Amazon are the only online retailers approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for SNAP purchases available in Minnesota at this time, DHS is encouraging other retailers to seek approval from the USDA so that SNAP recipients have more options to buy food safely.

Families in need of additional assistance accessing healthy foods are urged to contact their county or tribal human services office or the Minnesota Food Helpline at 888-711-1151 or



The Minnesota Department of Health said the state had 12,705 COVID-19 tests with 444 new cases and six new deaths.
There have now been 36,303 positive cases of COVID-19 in the state from the 605,316 tests taken and 1,141 deaths. Of the deaths, 1,131 have resided in long-term or assisted living facilities, and there are an additional 35 probable COVID-19 deaths that do not have a positive test documented. As of today, 270 people are hospitalized with COVID-19, 136 of those in ICU, and 31,601 patients no longer need isolation. All the numbers are below – 

Updated June 30, 2020
Updated daily at 11 a.m., with data current as of 4 p.m. the previous day.

Data is for cases that were tested and returned positive. All data is preliminary and may change as cases are investigated. Many data points are collected during case interviews. Data presented below is for all cases, regardless of interview status. Data for cases pending interview may be listed as “unknown/missing.”

Not all suspected cases of COVID-19 are tested, so this data is not representative of the total number of people in Minnesota who have or had COVID-19. Cumulative numbers are since Jan. 20, 2020.

Daily Update:

Because all data is preliminary, the change in number of cumulative positive cases and deaths from one day to the next may not equal the newly reported cases or deaths.

Total positive cases (cumulative)
Newly reported cases
Newly reported deaths
County Newly reported cases
Aitkin 1
Anoka 22
Blue Earth 24
Brown 3
Carver 2
Cass 1
Chippewa 1
Clay 3
Cottonwood 1
Dakota 23
Dodge 3
Douglas 3
Freeborn 1
Goodhue 2
Hennepin 140
Houston 1
Itasca 1
Koochiching 1
Lake 2
Le Sueur 3
Meeker 1
Mille Lacs 1
Mower 9
Murray 1
Nicollet 8
Nobles 1
Norman 1
Olmsted 19
Otter Tail 1
Pipestone 4
Ramsey 58
Rice 6
St. Louis 3
Scott 16
Sherburne 6
Sibley 2
Stearns 36
Steele 1
Stevens 1
Todd 1
Wabasha 1
Washington 13
Watonwan 3
Winona 5
Wright 5
Yellow Medicine 2
Unknown/Missing 1
  • Cases removed*: 2

* Cases are removed for many reasons including residence in another state, duplication of cases, and false positive reports.

County of residence Age group Newly reported deaths
Hennepin  70-79 years 2
Hennepin  80-89 years 1
Hennepin  90-99 years 1
Mille Lacs  70-79 years 1
Rice  60-69 years 1
Residence type Newly reported deaths
Private Residence 3
Long-term care facility/Assisted living 2
Other 1


Total approximate number of completed tests: 605,316

Testing data table

Date reported to MDH Completed tests from the MDH Public Health Lab (daily) Completed tests from external laboratories (daily) Total  completed tests
3/28 470 1,055 18,082
3/29 245 964 19,291
3/30 156 889 20,336
3/31 176 1,340 21,852
4/1 300 703 22,855
4/2 102 1,880 24,837
4/3 56 1,290 26,183
4/4 108 1,555 27,846
4/5 30 1,435 29,311
4/6 46 1,133 30,490
4/7 90 1,460 32,040
4/8 80 1,373 33,493
4/9 93 1,738 35,324
4/10 107 1,652 37,083
4/11 93 1,533 38,709
4/12 56 1,134 39,899
4/13 39 746 40,684
4/14 128 1,063 41,875
4/15 137 1,559 43,571
4/16 110 1,345 45,026
4/17 126 1,340 46,492
4/18 123 1,358 47,973
4/19 66 1,165 49,204
4/20 124 716 50,044
4/21 214 1,535 51,793
4/22 230 1,899 53,922
4/23 216 2,274 56,412
4/24 296 2,792 59,500
4/25 172 2,448 62,120
4/26 71 2,493 64,684
4/27 149 1,868 66,701
4/28 268 3,077 70,046
4/29 253 6,829 77,128
4/30 429 3,919 81,476
5/1 277 4,207 85,960
5/2 302 3,426 89,688
5/3 70 3,088 92,846
5/4 231 3,836 96,913
5/5 266 2,900 100,079
5/6 323 4,156 104,558
5/7 336 4,676 109,570
5/8 254 4,624 114,448
5/9 232 4,682 119,362
5/10 68 5,230 124,660
5/11 278 5,025 129,963
5/12 355 3,658 133,976
5/13 301 6,992 141,269
5/14 1,074 5,659 148,002
5/15 548 8,578 157,128
5/16 717 7,250 165,095
5/17 232 5,746 171,073
5/18 132 6,255 177,460
5/19 601 5,775 183,836
5/20 531 6,424 190,791
5/21 394 7,864 199,049
5/22 742 8,977 208,768
5/23 1,069 7,825 217,662
5/24 86 6,894 224,642
5/25 86 6,561 231,289
5/26 162 6,777 238,228
5/27 254 9,273 247,755
5/28 652 9,245 257,652
5/29 667 9,714 268,033
5/30 0 8,436 276,469
5/31 0 6,881 283,350
6/1 0 4,180 287,530
6/2 1,061 6,608 295,199
6/3 653 15,247 311,099
6/4 378 10,547 322,024
6/5 930 10,106 333,060
6/6 1,086 9,314 343,460
6/7 735 8,793 352,988
6/8 44 7,724 360,756
6/9 300 8,576 369,632
6/10 674 11,364 381,670
6/11 764 12,630 395,064
6/12 1,031 11,760 407,855
6/13 827 8,967 417,649
6/14 253 4,760 422,662
6/15 22 6,186 428,870
6/16 357 19,202 448,429
6/17 485 12,010 460,924
6/18 914 13,269 475,107
6/19 1,110 15,664 491,881
6/20 817 11,332 504,030
6/21 401 8,214 512,645
6/22 23 7,236 519,904
6/23 340 9,329 529,573
6/24 969 12,083 542,625
6/25 1,058 13,536 557,219
6/26 457 12,509 570,185
6/27 810 14,121 585,116
6/28 187 7,308 592,611
6/29 0 12,705 605,316

Due to delays in deduplication of results data are subject to change.

More about testing data

  • Testing numbers show how many total tests have been done for people who live in Minnesota. Some people get tested more than once.
    • As of 6/5, tests are reported per test instead of per person to account for changes in testing capacity and for individuals who are tested more than once over the course of the pandemic.
  • Due to civil unrest in St. Paul and surrounding areas, the MDH Public Health Lab was closed from 5/30 – 6/1. COVID-19 specimens were not accepted and no tests were run during this time. When possible, samples were re-routed to partner laboratories.
  • Results from 4/29 and 6/3 included a backlog of tests loaded into our system. Previously we were not updating tests reported for past dates; going forward we will be updating that historical data.

Minnesota Case Overview

  • Total positive cases: 36,303
    • Number of health care workers: 3,638

Graph of confirmed cases of COVID-19 by specimen collection date, data in table below.

Positive cases by date specimen collected data table

Specimen collection date Positive cases Cumulative positive cases
3/5 1 1
3/6 0 1
3/7 1 2
3/8 0 2
3/9 3 5
3/10 6 11
3/11 10 21
3/12 22 43
3/13 19 62
3/14 28 90
3/15 38 128
3/16 51 179
3/17 67 246
3/18 23 269
3/19 18 287
3/20 16 303
3/21 24 327
3/22 22 349
3/23 44 393
3/24 51 444
3/25 58 502
3/26 63 565
3/27 75 640
3/28 47 687
3/29 38 725
3/30 98 823
3/31 93 916
4/1 57 973
4/2 83 1,056
4/3 63 1,119
4/4 39 1,158
4/5 59 1,217
4/6 113 1,330
4/7 103 1,433
4/8 101 1,534
4/9 103 1,637
4/10 95 1,732
4/11 74 1,806
4/12 58 1,864
4/13 148 2,012
4/14 156 2,168
4/15 157 2,325
4/16 171 2,496
4/17 182 2,678
4/18 121 2,799
4/19 126 2,925
4/20 276 3,201
4/21 262 3,463
4/22 309 3,772
4/23 525 4,297
4/24 518 4,815
4/25 339 5,154
4/26 386 5,540
4/27 680 6,220
4/28 604 6,824
4/29 683 7,507
4/30 648 8,155
5/1 622 8,777
5/2 335 9,112
5/3 340 9,452
5/4 824 10,276
5/5 645 10,921
5/6 635 11,556
5/7 818 12,374
5/8 712 13,086
5/9 281 13,367
5/10 231 13,598
5/11 826 14,424
5/12 663 15,087
5/13 731 15,818
5/14 794 16,612
5/15 799 17,411
5/16 343 17,754
5/17 311 18,065
5/18 973 19,038
5/19 857 19,895
5/20 767 20,662
5/21 981 21,643
5/22 790 22,433
5/23 397 22,830
5/24 359 23,189
5/25 411 23,600
5/26 795 24,395
5/27 682 25,077
5/28 576 25,653
5/29 457 26,110
5/30 168 26,278
5/31 142 26,420
6/1 582 27,002
6/2 486 27,488
6/3 521 28,009
6/4 404 28,413
6/5 411 28,824
6/6 163 28,987
6/7 138 29,125
6/8 477 29,602
6/9 460 30,062
6/10 407 30,469
6/11 341 30,810
6/12 307 31,117
6/13 153 31,270
6/14 149 31,419
6/15 397 31,816
6/16 411 32,227
6/17 426 32,653
6/18 382 33,035
6/19 337 33,372
6/20 219 33,591
6/21 199 33,790
6/22 475 34,265
6/23 572 34,837
6/24 440 35,277
6/25 391 35,668
6/26 403 36,071
6/27 164 36,235
6/28 63 36,298
6/29 5 36,303

Due to the need to confirm reports and reporting delays, current week data may be incomplete.

More about positive cases

  • Positive cases are individual people who live in Minnesota that tested positive for COVID-19.
  • As of 5/13/2020, total case data is represented by the date of specimen collection.

Patients no longer needing isolation

  • Patients no longer needing isolation: 31,601

Patients no longer needing isolation represents individuals with confirmed COVID-19 who no longer need to self-isolate. As of 5/18/2020 patients no longer needing isolation does not include those who have died; the cumulative number was adjusted to reflect that change.


  • Deaths: 1,441
    • Deaths among cases that resided in long-term care or assisted living facilities: 1,131
  • Probable COVID-19 Deaths*: 35
    * COVID-19 listed on death certificate but a positive test not documented for the person.

Deaths of confirmed cases in Minnesota, data in table below

Deaths data table

Date reported Reported deaths (daily) Total deaths
3/21 1 1
3/22 0 1
3/23 0 1
3/24 0 1
3/25 0 1
3/26 1 2
3/27 2 4
3/28 1 5
3/29 4 9
3/30 1 10
3/31 2 12
4/1 5 17
4/2 1 18
4/3 4 22
4/4 2 24
4/5 5 29
4/6 1 30
4/7 4 34
4/8 5 39
4/9 11 50
4/10 7 57
4/11 7 64
4/12 6 70
4/13 0 70
4/14 9 79
4/15 8 87
4/16 7 94
4/17 17 111
4/18 10 121
4/19 13 134
4/20 9 143
4/21 17 160
4/22 19 179
4/23 21 200
4/24 21 221
4/25 23 244
4/26 28 272
4/27 14 286
4/28 15 301
4/29 18 319
4/30 24 343
5/1 28 371
5/2 24 395
5/3 24 419
5/4 9 428
5/5 27 455
5/6 29 484
5/7 23 507
5/8 26 533
5/9 24 557
5/10 20 577
5/11 13 590
5/12 23 613
5/13 24 637
5/14 25 662
5/15 20 682
5/16 17 699
5/17 22 721
5/18 9 730
5/19 17 747
5/20 29 776
5/21 32 808
5/22 33 841
5/23 10 851
5/24 17 868
5/25 12 880
5/26 18 898
5/27 33 931
5/28 35 966
5/29 29 995
5/30 30 1,025
5/31 14 1,039
6/1 10 1,049
6/2 22 1,071
6/3 14 1,085
6/4 29 1,114
6/5 33 1,147
6/6 22 1,169
6/7 16 1,185
6/8 11 1,196
6/9 20 1,216
6/10 19 1,235
6/11 12 1,247
6/12 25 1,272
6/13 9 1,281
6/14 15 1,296
6/15 6 1,302
6/16 9 1,311
6/17 12 1,323
6/18 19 1,342
6/19 17 1,359
6/20 12 1,371
6/21 8 1,379
6/22 4 1,383
6/23 9 1,392
6/24 5 1,397
6/25 9 1,406
6/26 5 1,411
6/27 6 1,417
6/28 8 1,425
6/29 10 1,435
6/30 6 1,441
  • Deaths are for those who have died from COVID-19.
  • Probable COVID-19 Deaths have COVID-19 listed on death certificate but a positive test not documented for the person. Because there was no positive test, these individuals are not included in total positive cases or total deaths from COVID-19.
  • A death previously reported on 6/11 was removed on 6/20 due to data cleaning.
  • A death previously reported on 5/6 was removed on 6/24 due to data cleaning.


Total cases requiring hospitalization: 4,054

  • Hospitalized as of today: 270
    • Hospitalized in ICU as of today: 136

Minnesota COVID-19 hospitalizations, data in table below

Hospitalization data table

Date reported Hospitalized in ICU (daily) Hospitalized, not in ICU (daily) Total hospitalizations Total ICU hospitalizations
3/19 1 6 7 1
3/20 2 3 7 2
3/21 4 2 12 4
3/22 5 5 12 5
3/23 5 7 21 5
3/24 7 8 25 7
3/25 12 14 35 12
3/26 13 18 41 13
3/27 17 17 51 17
3/28 13 17 57 17
3/29 16 23 75 24
3/30 24 32 92 25
3/31 26 30 112 32
4/1 27 27 122 40
4/2 38 37 138 49
4/3 40 46 156 32
4/4 42 53 180 69
4/5 48 58 202 77
4/6 57 58 223 90
4/7 64 56 242 100
4/8 64 71 271 105
4/9 63 82 293 119
4/10 64 79 317 131
4/11 69 76 340 138
4/12 74 83 361 146
4/13 74 83 361 146
4/14 75 102 405 155
4/15 93 104 445 175
4/16 103 110 475 188
4/17 106 117 518 202
4/18 111 128 561 215
4/19 116 112 574 226
4/20 126 111 602 241
4/21 117 120 629 253
4/22 107 133 660 262
4/23 104 164 712 274
4/24 111 167 756 281
4/25 109 179 797 291
4/26 115 170 829 301
4/27 122 170 861 316
4/28 120 194 912 324
4/29 119 201 950 337
4/30 130 235 1,044 358
5/1 118 251 1,096 380
5/2 135 254 1,159 404
5/3 155 218 1,199 426
5/4 166 230 1,271 444
5/5 182 252 1,350 475
5/6 180 263 1,405 488
5/7 182 253 1,459 512
5/8 198 275 1,549 540
5/9 180 296 1,612 556
5/10 199 235 1,657 581
5/11 194 258 1,716 600
5/12 199 297 1,799 625
5/13 199 295 1,851 647
5/14 203 295 1,915 663
5/15 200 298 1,985 679
5/16 225 268 2,039 700
5/17 221 266 2,090 716
5/18 229 259 2,128 731
5/19 229 316 2,221 750
5/20 212 338 2,308 773
5/21 229 337 2,380 787
5/22 233 301 2,432 806
5/23 215 353 2,534 832
5/24 207 346 2,588 841
5/25 248 357 2,676 869
5/26 258 312 2,709 886
5/27 260 338 2,796 902
5/28 242 364 2,880 924
5/29 259 333 2,936 938
5/30 263 326 3,011 960
5/31 257 298 3,047 971
6/1 253 296 3,086 981
6/2 248 289 3,134 1,003
6/3 254 283 3,203 1,022
6/4 244 268 3,253 1,033
6/5 220 258 3,289 1,044
6/6 206 267 3,336 1,044
6/7 199 251 3,367 1,043
6/8 198 254 3,401 1,052
6/9 199 256 3,441 1,068
6/10 193 234 3,482 1,083
6/11 196 215 3,522 1,091
6/12 191 212 3,557 1,093
6/13 191 199 3,581 1,104
6/14 186 183 3,610 1,110
6/15 186 167 3,630 1,121
6/16 185 172 3,658 1,128
6/17 181 170 3,689 1,136
6/18 171 174 3,718 1,144
6/19 168 171 3,748 1,150
6/20 161 163 3,767 1,155
6/21 160 162 3,797 1,163
6/22 156 176 3,830 1,180
6/23 158 181 3,860 1,191
6/24 160 180 3,897 1,203
6/25 162 174 3,943 1,218
6/26 157 178 3,966 1,221
6/27 155 145 3,986 1,233
6/28 143 145 4,010 1,241
6/29 140 138 4,031 1,249
6/30 136 134 4,054 1,258

Case Demographics


Age group data table:
Including age group of deaths

Age Group Number of Cases Number of Deaths
0-5 years 784 0
6-19 years 3,106 0
20-29 years 7,675 2
30-39 years 7,145 10
40-49 years 5,597 17
50-59 years 4,921 71
60-69 years 2,963 171
70-79 years 1,667 278
80-89 years 1,559 492
90-99 years 835 372
100+ years 49 28
Unknown/missing 2 0


Gender data table

Gender Number of Cases
Male 17,456
Female 18,194
Other 11
Unknown/missing 642

Race & Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity data table:
Including race and ethnicity of deaths

Race Cases Deaths
White 14,301 1,056
Black 7,565 120
Asian 2,692 47
American Indian 311 23
Native Hawaiian 82 3
Multiple races 755 8
Other 4,644 21
Unknown/missing 5,953 163
Ethnicity Cases Deaths
Hispanic 8,147 47
Non-Hispanic 21,649 1,170
Unknown/missing 6,507 224

Likely Exposure

Likely exposure data table

Likely Exposure Number of Cases
Travel 1,558
Congregate Care Setting (staff, resident, or visitor) 6,950
Corrections (staff, inmate, or visitor) 506
Homeless/Shelter (staff or resident) 168
Health Care (staff or patient) 2,424
Community: outbreak outside of congregate living or health care 4,935
Community: known contact with confirmed case 6,483
Community: no known contact with confirmed case 7,648
Unknown/missing 5,631
  • Travel: Case traveled outside of Minnesota in the 2 weeks before illness.
  • Congregate Care Setting: Case lived, worked, or visited a long-term care facility (LTCF), assisted living facility, group home, or residential behavioral health (RBH) facility.
  • Corrections: Case lived, worked, or visited a jail/prison setting.
  • Homeless/Shelter: Case was experiencing homelessness, or lived or worked at a shelter.
  • Health Care: Case worked in an acute care facility (hospital, clinic, detox) or was a patient in an acute care facility.
  • Community (outbreak): Case is part of an outbreak not associated with a congregate care, corrections, shelter, or health care setting.
  • Community (known contact with confirmed case): Case had known contact with confirmed case.
  • Community (no known contact with confirmed case): Case had no known contact with confirmed case.
  • Unknown/missing: Interview pending.

Not all cases among health care workers have a likely exposure as health care staff.


Cases by County of Residence

County of residence is confirmed during the case interview. At the time of this posting not all interviews have been completed.

County of residence data table:
Including county of residence of deaths

County Cases Deaths
Aitkin 14 0
Anoka 2,097 107
Becker 54 0
Beltrami 27 0
Benton 208 3
Big Stone 14 0
Blue Earth 403 2
Brown 30 2
Carlton 81 0
Carver 340 1
Cass 13 2
Chippewa 75 1
Chisago 93 1
Clay 563 37
Clearwater 7 0
Cook 1 0
Cottonwood 133 0
Crow Wing 102 12
Dakota 2,180 87
Dodge 81 0
Douglas 61 0
Faribault 53 0
Fillmore 25 0
Freeborn 281 0
Goodhue 119 8
Grant 6 0
Hennepin 11,796 776
Houston 24 0
Hubbard 5 0
Isanti 61 0
Itasca 65 12
Jackson 54 0
Kanabec 14 1
Kandiyohi 565 1
Kittson 2 0
Koochiching 13 1
Lac qui Parle 4 0
Lake 7 0
Lake of the Woods 0 0
Le Sueur 82 1
Lincoln 8 0
Lyon 295 2
McLeod 81 0
Mahnomen 7 1
Marshall 12 0
Martin 156 5
Meeker 58 1
Mille Lacs 32 2
Morrison 58 1
Mower 921 2
Murray 51 0
Nicollet 144 12
Nobles 1,652 6
Norman 20 0
Olmsted 1,047 15
Otter Tail 92 1
Pennington 50 0
Pine 100 0
Pipestone 25 1
Polk 79 2
Pope 10 0
Ramsey 4,685 217
Red Lake 3 0
Redwood 16 0
Renville 24 2
Rice 809 7
Rock 30 0
Roseau 6 0
St. Louis 161 14
Scott 658 4
Sherburne 295 4
Sibley 48 2
Stearns 2,265 19
Steele 215 0
Stevens 4 0
Swift 20 1
Todd 398 2
Traverse 5 0
Wabasha 31 0
Wadena 15 0
Waseca 57 0
Washington 1,008 40
Watonwan 203 0
Wilkin 20 3
Winona 119 15
Wright 445 5
Yellow Medicine 29 0
Unknown/missing 83 0

County of residence is confirmed during the case interview. At the time of this posting not all interviews have been completed. The county residence data may not equal the total number of reported positive cases.

  • We will not release specific locations for any patients being tested in order to protect patient privacy.

Residence Type

Residence type data table

Residence Type Number of Cases
Private residence 26,250
Hotel/Motel 55
Long-term care facility/Assisted living (LTCF) 3,501
Residential behavioral health (RBH) 523
Homeless (sheltered) 101
Homeless (unsheltered) 33
Jail/Prison 397
College/University/Camp Dormitory 14
Work dormitory 4
Other 68
Unknown/missing 5,357

Weekly Report

Care Facilities

Congregate Care Facilities with Exposures, by County

Exposure is defined as a person diagnosed with COVID-19 who either visited, worked, or lived at a congregate care facility while they were contagious.

County Facility
Anoka Arbor Oaks Senior Living
Anoka Autumn Glen Senior Living
Anoka Blaine White Pine I
Anoka Blaine White Pine II
Anoka Camilla Rose Care Center LLC
Anoka Cherrywood Advanced Living – Andover
Anoka Crest View Lutheran Home
Anoka Crest View on 42nd
Anoka Crest View Senior Communities Blaine
Anoka Edgemont Place Alzheimer’s Special Care Center
Anoka Edgewood Blaine LLC
Anoka Epiphany Assisted Living
Anoka Homestead at Anoka
Anoka Landmark of Fridley
Anoka New Perspective Columbia Heights
Anoka River Oaks of Anoka
Anoka Royce Place Assisted Living
Anoka Select Senior Living of Coon Rapids
Anoka The Estates at Fridley
Anoka The Estates at Twin Rivers
Anoka The Farmstead
Anoka The Harbors Senior Living
Anoka The Homestead at Coon Rapids
Anoka Walker Methodist Plaza
Blue Earth Autumn Grace Memory Care
Blue Earth Cottagewood Senior Community Mankato
Blue Earth Crystal Seasons Living Center
Blue Earth Hillcrest Rehabilitation Center
Blue Earth Pillars of Mankato
Benton Good Shepherd Lutheran Home
Brown St. John Lutheran Home
Carver Auburn Courts
Carver Auburn Meadows Assisted Living
Carver Nagel Assisted Living
Carver River Oaks at Watertown
Carver SummerWood of Chanhassen
Chippewa Clara City Care Center
Chippewa Luther Haven
Clay Eventide Lutheran Home
Clay Lilac Homes Assisted Living
Clay Lilac Homes Assisted Living & Memory Care Dilworth
Clay Moorhead Rehab and HCC
Cottonwood Good Samaritan Society Windom
Cottonwood The Lodge at Mountain Lake
Crow Wing Good Samaritian Society Bethany
Crow Wing Minnesota Teen Challenge
Dakota Augustana Health Care Center of Apple Valley
Dakota Arbors at Ridges
Dakota Benedictine Living Community Northfield
Dakota Brookdale West St. Paul
Dakota Centennial House of Apple Valley
Dakota Eagan Pointe Senior Living
Dakota Emerald Crest Burnsville
Dakota Inverwood Senior Living
Dakota Lilydale Senior Living
Dakota Orchard Path
Dakota Sanctuary at West St. Paul
Dakota Southview Acres Healthcare Center
Dakota The Commons on Marice
Dakota The Moments of Lakeville
Dakota The Rosemount Senior Living at Steeple Center
Dakota The Rivers
Dakota Vista Prairie at River Heights
Dakota Walker Methodist Highview Hills
Dakota Woodlyn Heights Healthcare Center
Dodge Fairview Care Center Dodge Center
Douglas Grand Arbor
Faribault Friendship Court
Freeborn Fountain Centers
Freeborn Good Samaritan Society Albert Lea
Freeborn St. John’s Lutheran Assisted Living
Freeborn St. John’s Lutheran Home
Freeborn St. John’s Lutheran The Woodlands
Goodhue The Gardens at Cannon Falls
Goodhue Valentines Assisted Living
Hennepin Arbor Lakes Senior Living
Hennepin Augustana Assisted Living
Hennepin Augustana Chapel View Care Center
Hennepin Augustana Emerald Crest
Hennepin Aurora on France
Hennepin Benedictine Senior Living at Steeple Pointe
Hennepin Benedictine Health Center of Minneapolis
Hennepin Brookdale Plymouth
Hennepin Brookview a Villa Center
Hennepin Bywood East Health Care
Hennepin Catholic Eldercare on Main
Hennepin Castle Ridge Care Center
Hennepin Cedars at St. Louis Park A Villa Center
Hennepin Centennial Gardens
Hennepin Champlin Shores
Hennepin Cherrywood Pointe of Plymouth
Hennepin Copperfield Hill – The Lodge
Hennepin Copperfield Hill – The Manor
Hennepin Cornerstone Assisted Living
Hennepin Covenant Living of Golden Valley
Hennepin CSL Rose Arbor LLC
Hennepin Deephaven Woods
Hennepin Ebenezer Care Center
Hennepin Ecumen Prairie Lodge
Hennepin Eden Prairie Senior Living
Hennepin Edenbrook of Edina
Hennepin Friendship Village of Bloomington
Hennepin Global Pointe Senior Living
Hennepin Good Samaritan Ambassador
Hennepin Good Samaritan Specialty Care
Hennepin Harrison Bay Senior Living
Hennepin Havenwood of Richfield
Hennepin Heathers Manor
Hennepin Heritage of Edina Inc
Hennepin Homeward Bound Inc. Brooklyn Park
Hennepin Hopkins Health Services
Hennepin Jones Harrison Residence
Hennepin Long Lake Assisted Living
Hennepin Mainstreet Village
Hennepin Martin Luther Care Center
Hennepin Meadow Ridge Senior Living
Hennepin Meadow Woods
Hennepin Meridian Manor
Hennepin Minnehaha Senior Living
Hennepin Minnesota Masonic Home Care
Hennepin Mission Nursing Home
Hennepin MN Adult and Teen Challenge
Hennepin MN Veterans Home Minneapolis
Hennepin Mount Olivet Careview Home
Hennepin New Perspective Carlson Parkway
Hennepin North Ridge Health and Rehab
Hennepin Orchards of Minnetonka
Hennepin Park Health A Villa Center
Hennepin Parks’ Place
Hennepin Parkshore Senior Campus LLC
Hennepin Pillars of Prospect Park
Hennepin Prairie Bluffs Senior Living
Hennepin Presbyterian Homes – Lake Minnetonka Shores
Hennepin Presbyterian Homes and Services Maranatha
Hennepin Presbyterian Homes of Bloomington
Hennepin Providence Place
Hennepin Richfield A Villa Center
Hennepin Robbinsdale A Villa Center
Hennepin Roitenberg Assisted Living
Hennepin Rose Arbor
Hennepin Saint Terese of New Hope
Hennepin Saint Therese of Oxbow Lake
Hennepin Sholom Home West
Hennepin Sholom Menorah Plaza
Hennepin SilverCreek on Main
Hennepin SummerWood of Plymouth
Hennepin Summit Place
Hennepin Sunrise of Edina
Hennepin Sunrise of Golden Valley
Hennepin The Birches at Trillium Woods
Hennepin The Estates at Bloomington
Hennepin The Encore at Camplin
Hennepin The Estates at Chateau
Hennepin The Estates at Excelsior LLC
Hennepin The Estates at St. Louis Park
Hennepin The Glenn Hopkins
Hennepin The Glenn Minnetonka
Hennepin The Legacy of St. Anthony
Hennepin The Lodge of Eden Prairie
Hennepin The Pillars of Shorewood Landing
Hennepin The Pines Senior and Assisted Living
Hennepin The Sanctuary at Brooklyn Center
Hennepin The Villa at Bryn Mawr
Hennepin The Villa at Osseo
Hennepin The Villa at St. Louis Park
Hennepin The Waterford
Hennepin The Waters of Eden Prairie
Hennepin The Waters of Edina
Hennepin The Waters of Excelsior
Hennepin The Waters of Plymouth
Hennepin The Waters on 50th
Hennepin Tower Light
Hennepin Tradition
Hennepin Trails of Orono
Hennepin Trouvailee Memory Care Suites
Hennepin Vernon Terrace
Hennepin Victory Health and Rehab Center
Hennepin Village Shores
Hennepin Walker Methodist Care Suites
Hennepin Walker Methodist Health Center
Hennepin Wayzata Bay Senior Housing Inc. – Folkestone
Hennepin Wealshire of Medina
Hennepin Wellstead of Rogers
Hennepin Willows of Arbor Lakes
Hennepin York Gardens Senior Living
Houston Valley View Healthcare and Rehab
Isanti Rosewood Senior Living
Itasca The Emeralds at Grand Rapids
Jackson Good Samaritan Society Jackson
Kandiyohi Bethesda Grand
Kandiyohi GlenOaks Senior Living Campus
Koochiching Good Samaritan Society -International Falls
Lyon Minneota Manor Health Care Center
Mahnomen Mahnomen Health Center
Martin Temperance Lake Ridge
McLeod River Oaks at Shady Ridge
McLeod Woodstone Senior Living
Meeker Augustana Care Lakeside Campus
Meeker Meeker Manor Rehab Center LLC
Mille Lacs Sterling Pointe Senior Living
Morrison Diamond Willow Assisted Living
Morrison St. Otto’s Care Center
Mower Adams Health Care Center
Mower Primrose Retirement Community
Mower Sacred Heart Care Center
Mower St. Mark’s Lutheran Home
Murray Maple Lawn Senior Care
Nicollet Oak Terrace Assisted Living
Nicollet Pheasants Ridge
Nobles Parkview Manor Nursing Home
Nobles South Shore Care Center
Nobles Worthinton Golden Horizons
Norman Benedictine Living Community of Ada
Olmsted Arbor Terrace
Olmsted Charter House
Olmsted Cottagewood Senior Community Rochester
Olmsted Edenbrook of Rochester
Olmsted Madonna Towers of Rochester
Olmsted Meadow Lakes
Olmsted Rochester East Health Services
Olmsted Rochester Rehabilitation and Living Center
Olmsted Rochester West Health Services
Olmsted Shorewood Commons
Olmsted Stewartville Care Center
Otter Tail Woodland Lodge
Pennington Oakland Park Communities
Pennington Valley Assisted Living
Pipestone Good Samaritan Society of Pipestone
Polk Pioneer Memorial Care Center
Polk Prairie Pines Community
Ramsey Bel Rae Senior Living
Ramsey Benedictine Health Center Innsbruck
Ramsey Brightondale Memory Care
Ramsey Capitol View Transitional Care Center
Ramsey Cardigan Ridge Senior Living
Ramsey Carondelet Village
Ramsey Cerenity Marian St. Paul
Ramsey Cerenity Senior Care Humboldt
Ramsey Cerenity Senior Care White Bear Lake
Ramsey Chandler Place Senior Living
Ramsey Cherrywood Pointe at Lexington
Ramsey Cherrywood Pointe of Roseville (on Cleveland) LLC
Ramsey Dellwood Gardens
Ramsey Ecumen Seasons at Maplewood
Ramsey Emeralds at St. Paul LLC
Ramsey Episcopal Church Home of Minnesota
Ramsey Episcopal Homes of Minnesota – The Gardens
Ramsey Galtier A Villa Center
Ramsey Gracewood Senior Living of Highland
Ramsey Hayes Residence
Ramsey Langton Shores
Ramsey Little Sisters of the Poor
Ramsey Lyngblomsten Care Center
Ramsey New Perspective Roseville
Ramsey Maple Hill Senior Living
Ramsey Maplewood Care Center
Ramsey New Brighton A Villa Center
Ramsey New Brighton Care Center
Ramsey New Perspective Highland Park
Ramsey Polar Ridge Senior Living
Ramsey Prelude Homes and Services White Bear Lake
Ramsey Presbyterian Homes of Arden Hills
Ramsey Ramsey County Care Center
Ramsey Rose of Sharon A Villa Center
Ramsey Shirley Chapman Sholom Home East
Ramsey Shores Of Lake Phalen
Ramsey Shoreview Senior Living
Ramsey St. Anthony Health and Rehabilitation
Ramsey Suite Living of Little Canada
Ramsey Sunrise of Roseville
Ramsey The Alton Memory Care
Ramsey The Encore at Maplewood
Ramsey The Estates at Lynnhurst
Ramsey The Estates at Roseville LLC
Ramsey The Pillars of White Bear Lake
Ramsey The Waters of Highland Park
Ramsey The Waters of White Bear Lake
Ramsey Waverly Gardens
Ramsey Willows of Ramsey Hill
Redwood Valley View Manor
Renville RenVilla Health Center
Rice Faribault Senior Living
Rice Northfield Care Center Inc
Rice Mill City Senior Living
Rice Pleasant Manor
Rice Three Links Care Center
Rock Good Samaritan Society Luverne
St. Louis At Home Living Wesley Residence
St. Louis Benedictine Living Community of Duluth
St. Louis Ecumen Lakeshore
St. Louis St. Ann’s Residence
St. Louis Superior View Apartments
Scott All Saints Senior Living
Scott Emerald Crest Shakopee
Scott Kingsway Retirement Living
Scott McKenna Crossing
Scott Shakopee Friendship Manor
Scott St. Gertrude’s Health and Rehabilitation Center
Sherburne Benedict Homes
Sherburne CentraCare St. Benedict’s Community
Sherburne Elk River Senior Care LLC
Sherburne Guardian Angels Care Center Elk River
Sherburne Nature’s Point Assisted Living
Sherburne St. Scholastica Convent
Sherburne The Sanctuary at St. Cloud
Sibley Good Samaritan Society Arlington
Sibley Oak Terrace Health Care Center
Stearns Belgrade Nursing Home
Stearns CentraCare Health Sauk Centre
Stearns CentraCare Melrose
Stearns Mother of Mercy Senior Living
Stearns Skylight Gardens Assisted Living
Stearns St Benedicts Senior Community Therapy Suites
Stearns Sterling Park HCC
Steele Medford Senior Care
Steele Prairie Manor Care Center
Steele Timberdale Trace
Steele Valleyview Assisted Living
Todd CentraCare – Long Prairie Care Center
Todd CentraCare – Long Prairie Meadow Place
Todd Lakewood Manor
Wabasha St. Elizabeth’s Health Care Center
Washington Croixdale Assisted Living
Washington Good Samaritan Society Stillwater
Washington New Perspective – Woodbury
Washington Norris Square
Washington Oak Park Senior Living
Washington Oak Ridge Place
Washington Peaceful Lodge
Washington Prelude Homes and Services – Woodbury South
Washington Saint Therese of Woodbury
Washington St. Andrew’s Village
Washington Stonecrest
Washington The Encore at Hugo
Washington The Encore at Mahtomedi
Washington The Gables of Boutwells Landing
Washington Woodbury Health Care Center
Washington Woodbury Villa
Watonwan Good Samaritan Society St. James
Wilkin St. Francis Home
Winona Lake Winona Manor
Winona Sauer Health Care
Wright Park View Care Center
Wright Riverview Landing
Wright The Estates at Delano LLC

This list is cumulative and facilities may not have ongoing transmission. Facilities with fewer than 10 residents will not be listed.

Data in the data tables is correct as of 11 a.m. daily. Dynamic images and maps for case demographics, likely exposure, residence, and residence type will update shortly after 11 a.m. daily and will not work if your browser is in compatibility mode.

‘Golden State Killer’ Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. Admits To 13 Murders, Dozens Of Sexual Assaults


A former police officer confessed on Monday to being the serial killer known as the “Golden State Killer.”   74-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. pleaded guilty to 13 murders and admitting to dozens of rapes and break-ins that terrorized California during the 1970s and ‘80s.

DeAngelo entered the pleas as part of a deal with prosecutors, sparing him from the death penalty in return for his admission to all of the offenses he is accused of – both those he is charged with, as well as uncharged – in 11 California counties. The plea agreement was approved by Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman at Monday’s hearing. DeAngelo faces life in prison without the possibility of parole rather than a potential death sentence.

Prosecutors said the deal ensured that both survivors and victims’ relatives were able to live to see the case resolved, sparing them further legal proceedings that could have potentially dragged on for 10 years or longer. The hearing was held in a Sacramento university ballroom, rather than a courthouse, to allow for socially distancing. 

DeAngelo sat in a wheelchair throughout the seven-hour proceeding, speaking only to give yes and no answers to procedural questions from the judge, and later to answer “guilty” when Bowman asked his plea to each of 13 counts of first-degree murder and kidnapping. He also replied “I admit” to dozens of allegations of rape, robbery, and other crimes. His admissions encompassed a total of 161 uncharged crimes.

The “Golden State Killer” crime spree spanned between 1975 to 1986, and began while DeAngelo was still a police officer. DeAngelo’s arrest in 2018 came after more than 40 years of investigations. Authorities were finally able to solve the case due to DNA evidence and data from commercial genealogy websites.

Formal sentencing is set to begin on August 17.

Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. pleads guilty to murders tagged to California’s Golden State Killer


Arrest/Fire Report – Tuesday, June 30, 2020


The Northwest Regional Corrections Center announced the arrests of the following individuals:

Anthony Clay Thompson, 47, for gross misdemeanor domestic assault with a subsequent violation.

Miguel Arturo Jasso, 21 of Crookston, for misdemeanor contempt of court for willful disobedience of a court mandate.

Latoya Marie Soto, 26 of East Grand Forks, for felony 2nd-degree assault with a dangerous weapon.

Google Removing Misleading Ads Relating To Voter Registration


On Monday, Google said that it had removed search ads that charged users searching for voting information large fees for voter registration or harvested their personal data. A Google spokeswoman said that the company’s misrepresentation policy barred such ads when searching for terms such as “register to vote,” “vote by mail,” and “where is my polling place.”

Tech Transparency Project said in a report on Monday that nearly a third of the more than 600 ads generated by its Google searches took users to sites that try to charge large fees for voter registration services, extract personal data for marketing purposes, install deceptive browser extensions, or serve other misleading ads. U.S. voters do not need to pay to register to vote.

Social media companies and online platforms, including Facebook and Twitter are under pressure to curb misinformation on their sites in the months leading up to the U.S. presidential election in November.

Google removes ads with misleading voter registration info


Editorial credit: Evan Lorne /

See Jennifer Hudson As Aretha Franklin In The Latest Trailer For ‘Respect’


MGM has released a new trailer from the Aretha Franklin biopic ‘Respect’ starring Jennifer Hudson as the Queen of Soul. Hudson can be seen playing Franklin onstage as she belts out the title hit in the clip. 

In addition to Hudson, “Respect” also stars Marlon Wayans, Audra McDonald, Forest Whitaker, Tituss Burgess, Marc Maron and more.

“Respect” is scheduled to open in theaters this December. Take a look at the latest trailer at the link: here.

Jennifer Hudson is Aretha Franklin in new trailer for ‘Respect’ biopic


Editorial credit: Tinseltown /