
Despite warmer temperatures over the weekend, winter is approaching with storms and increased propane use, and other fuel sources. Severe weather could impact your fuel provider’s ability to deliver, and not checking your tank can lead to additional charges for deliveries.

Dylane Klatt, District Manager at Ferrellgas, said they monitor some customer’s tanks to fill them, but those not on a monitoring plan need to be proactive in checking their own fuel levels. “Typically, with us, we like to get to a tank between 20-30 percent,” said Klatt. “Some of our customers that are on our Keep Full option it is our responsibility to keep them full when they need gas. But other customers want to go with the option to be will-call, and they want to call when they need gas. They need to be vigilant, keep an eye on their tanks, and call when their tanks are between 20-30 percent.”

Running too low on propane can leave a customer without propane when it is needed. Klatt said it could take up to a week to get to a tank, and there could be additional charges. “Typically, we need 5-7 business days to get to a tank,” said Klatt. “Some people, if they wait too long, or call when they are out of gas, we charge weekend fees or off-route fees, and charges like that.”

Those extra charges can add up said, Klatt. “It can, yeah,” said Klatt. “When we build our routes, we build them so that we can hit the customers that need gas while we’re in a certain area and if somebody calls for gas and they’re not in that area, that’s the reason for those fees. Because then, we have to take a truck and drive it out of that area to go get somebody that probably didn’t plan ahead.”

By keeping an eye on tanks, customers can avoid extra charges and put less strain on the delivery schedules during the busiest time of the year. “It’s best if they can keep an eye on their tank,” said Klatt. “Call ahead. That helps everybody.”



KROX’S 56th Annual Shopping Spree drawing was held on Monday, November 23rd, right after the noontime news. This year’s winner was Adrianne Winger whose name was drawn from Brost Chevrolet in Crookston. She received $970 worth of gift certificates from the twenty-four participating businesses.

Consolation winners won $10 gift certificates from the place they registered.
B & E Meats—Denissa Brekken
Brandner Printing and Office Supplies—Bernetta Donarksi
Bridge Street Candle Company—Mary Nordlum
Brost Chevrolet—Adrianne Winger
Christian Brothers Ford—Kristie Ricard
Christian Motors in Fertile—Dennis Shultz
Crooks Club and Bottle Shop—Tami Lamb
Crookston Eagles 873—Danny Waller
Crookston Hardware Hank—Joe Kresl
Crookston Inn and Convention Center—Cory Shuler
Eagle Thrifty White Pharmacy—Marvin Luck
Erickson Embroidery and Design—Linda Swenson
HN Quality Plumbing—Mike Elwood
Hugo’s Family Marketplace—Bonnie Tollerud
Hunter’s Outlet—Richard Charpentier
Mireault’s Home Furnishings—LaDonna Anderson
Napa Crookston Welding and Machine—John Barrus
Ness Café of Erskine—Jim Chandler
Opdahl’s Donuts in Fertile—Lee Larson
Opticare—Tom Olslund
Proulx Refrigeration, Heating and Appliance—Chris Osen
Taco John’s—Wade A. Olson
Willow and Ivy—Maureen Kostrzewski
Wonderful Life Foods—Mike Theis

Adrianne Winger with KROX’s Steve Krueger

Paul Jahn – Obit


Paul Jahn, age 72, of Fosston, MN and formerly of Beltrami, MN, passed away on Sunday, November 29th, at Essentia Health Hospital in Fosston. Arrangements are pending with Carlin Family Funeral Service of Fosston and messages of condolence may be shared at


The Crookston National Guard Armory will be hosting the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 testing again this week and will continue to do so through January 30, 2021.  

The Armory will be staffed by a combination of local public health staff and members of the Minnesota National Guard. The National Guard members are being deployed to provide support with logistics, registration, check-in and check out, supply management, and transportation. 

The testing dates in Crookston are listed below (to make an appointment go to

All testing dates will be open Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 1
Wednesday, December 2
Thursday, December 3
Friday, December 4
Saturday, December 5
Wednesday, December 9
Thursday, December 10
Friday, December 11
Wednesday, December 16
Thursday, December 17
Friday, December 18
Saturday, December 19
Monday, December 21
Tuesday, December 22
Monday, December 28
Tuesday, December 29
Wednesday, December 30

Monday, January 4
Tuesday, January 5
Wednesday, January 6
Thursday, January 7
Wednesday, January 13
Thursday, January 14
Friday, January 15
Saturday, January 16
Tuesday, January 19
Wednesday, January 20
Wednesday, January 27
Thursday, January 28
Friday, January 29
Saturday, January 30

In addition to the new testing site, the COVID-19 Test at Home program is now available to all Minnesotans across the state. 


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National Guardsman are assisting state officials, Polk County Public Health, and the City of Crookston at the Sports Center



The Minnesota Department of Health released the COVID-19 numbers for November 29 and the state reported 8,680 confirmed cases out of 89,705 tests for a positive rate of 9.7 percent. The state also reported 57 deaths.
Polk County reported 66 new cases and 1 death (90 to 94 year old), Roseau County-51, Marshall County-20 and 1 death (80 to 84-year-old), Pennington County-19 and 1 death (80 to 84-year-old), Red Lake County-8, Norman County-8, Mahnomen County-5, Lake of the Woods County-5.

Updated November 29, 2020
Updated daily at 11 a.m., with data current as of 4 p.m. the previous day.

Data is for cases that were tested and returned positive. All data is preliminary and may change as cases are investigated. Many data points are collected during case interviews. Data presented below is for all cases, regardless of interview status. Data for cases pending interview may be listed as “unknown/missing.”

Positive PCR test results are considered confirmed cases. Positive antigen test results are considered probable cases.

All probable cases get the same public health follow up and recommendations as cases confirmed by PCR tests.

Daily Update:

Because all data is preliminary, the change in number of cumulative positive cases and deaths from one day to the next may not equal the newly reported cases or deaths.

Total positive cases (cumulative) 312,969
Total confirmed cases (PCR positive) (cumulative) 306,603
Total probable cases (Antigen positive) (cumulative) 6,366
Newly reported cases 8,953
Newly reported confirmed cases 8,680
Newly reported probable cases 273
County Newly reported confirmed cases Newly reported probable cases
Aitkin 12 0
Anoka 566 58
Becker 57 1
Beltrami 45 7
Benton 58 0
Big Stone 11 0
Blue Earth 88 0
Brown 49 1
Carlton 79 2
Carver 175 9
Cass 50 0
Chippewa 34 0
Chisago 69 3
Clay 143 2
Clearwater 18 1
Cook 6 0
Cottonwood 30 3
Crow Wing 62 1
Dakota 727 10
Dodge 21 0
Douglas 95 1
Faribault 18 0
Fillmore 22 0
Freeborn 21 1
Goodhue 66 0
Grant 7 0
Hennepin 1981 50
Houston 12 0
Hubbard 31 0
Isanti 53 4
Itasca 49 0
Jackson 4 0
Kanabec 23 1
Kandiyohi 114 0
Kittson 11 0
Koochiching 7 0
Lac qui Parle 14 2
Lake 15 1
Lake of the Woods 5 0
Le Sueur 23 1
Lincoln 8 0
Lyon 53 0
Mahnomen 5 0
Marshall 20 0
Martin 20 1
McLeod 77 1
Meeker 48 0
Mille Lacs 34 2
Morrison 34 1
Mower 43 1
Murray 14 0
Nicollet 37 0
Nobles 33 0
Norman 8 0
Olmsted 118 2
Otter Tail 132 5
Pennington 19 0
Pine 46 5
Pipestone 15 0
Polk 66 8
Pope 11 0
Ramsey 698 23
Red Lake 8 2
Redwood 30 0
Renville 32 1
Rice 95 4
Rock 21 0
Roseau 51 0
Scott 256 2
Sherburne 174 6
Sibley 20 1
St. Louis 315 1
Stearns 205 4
Steele 36 0
Stevens 4 0
Swift 9 0
Todd 30 0
Traverse 2 0
Wabasha 26 0
Wadena 27 0
Waseca 13 1
Washington 446 19
Watonwan 20 0
Wilkin 17 1
Winona 31 0
Wright 265 19
Yellow Medicine 14 2
Unknown/missing 123 2
  • Cases removed: 7
    Cases are removed for many reasons including residence in another state, duplication of cases, and false positive reports.
Newly reported deaths 57
County of residence Age group Number of newly reported deaths
Aitkin 75-79 years 1
Anoka 55-59 years 1
Anoka 70-74 years 2
Benton 60-64 years 1
Benton 80-84 years 1
Benton 90-94 years 1
Blue Earth 75-79 years 1
Blue Earth 85-89 years 1
Carlton 90-94 years 1
Chisago 65-69 years 1
Clay 65-69 years 1
Cottonwood 80-84 years 1
Crow Wing 65-69 years 1
Crow Wing 85-89 years 1
Crow Wing 95-99 years 1
Douglas 60-64 years 1
Douglas 85-89 years 1
Freeborn 85-89 years 1
Hennepin 70-74 years 1
Hennepin 95-99 years 1
Hubbard 95-99 years 1
Kandiyohi 95-99 years 1
Koochiching 70-74 years 1
Marshall 80-84 years 1
McLeod 75-79 years 1
Meeker 90-94 years 1
Nobles 100+ years 1
Pennington 80-84 years 1
Polk 90-94 years 1
Ramsey 80-84 years 2
Ramsey 95-99 years 1
Renville 65-69 years 1
Renville 75-79 years 1
Renville 90-94 years 1
Scott 85-89 years 1
St. Louis 70-74 years 2
St. Louis 80-84 years 1
St. Louis 85-89 years 1
Stearns 65-69 years 1
Stearns 70-74 years 2
Stearns 85-89 years 3
Stearns 90-94 years 2
Todd 80-84 years 1
Washington 75-79 years 1
Washington 85-89 years 1
Wright 65-69 years 1
Wright 70-74 years 1
Wright 80-84 years 1
Wright 90-94 years 1
Yellow Medicine 85-89 years 1
Residence type Number of newly reported deaths
Private residence 28
Long-term care facility/Assisted living 29


Total approximate completed tests (cumulative) 4,219,424
Total approximate number of completed PCR tests (cumulative) 4,116,741
Total approximate number of completed antigen tests (cumulative) 102,683

Testing data table

Date reported to MDH tests reported from the MDH Public Health Lab tests reported from external laboratories Total approximate number of completed PCR tests (cumulative)
11/14 652 59,700 3,364,842
11/15 751 49,561 3,415,154
11/16 0 31,939 3,447,093
11/17 244 33,098 3,480,435
11/18 719 54,450 3,535,604
11/19 866 53,449 3,589,919
11/20 497 60,806 3,651,222
11/21 694 48,894 3,700,810
11/22 709 55,404 3,756,923
11/23 0 52,722 3,809,645
11/24 619 62,247 3,872,511
11/25 674 48,595 3,921,780
11/26 784 68,550 3,991,114
11/27 1 35,921 4,027,036
11/28 538 89,167 4,116,741

Due to delays in deduplication of results data are subject to change.

Total approximate number of people tested (cumulative) 2,512,690

Minnesota Case Overview

Graph of confirmed cases of COVID-19 by specimen collection date, data in table below.

Total positive cases (cumulative) 312,969
Total confirmed cases (PCR positive) (cumulative) 306,603
Total probable cases (Antigen positive) (cumulative) 6,366

Positive cases by date specimen collected data table

Total number of health care workers (cumulative) 22,613

Patients no longer needing isolation

Patients no longer needing isolation (cumulative) 265,223


Deaths of confirmed cases in Minnesota, data in table below

Total deaths (cumulative) 3,578
Deaths from confirmed cases (cumulative) 3,507
Deaths from probable cases (cumulative) 71
Deaths among cases that resided in long-term care or assisted living facilities (cumulative) 2,407

Deaths data table

Total non-laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 deaths (death certificate) (cumulative) 59


Minnesota COVID-19 hospitalizations, data in table below

Total cases hospitalized (cumulative) 16,643
Total cases hospitalized in ICU (cumulative) 3,750

Hospitalization data table

Case Demographics


Age group data table:
Including age group of deaths


Gender data table

Race & Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity data table:
Including race and ethnicity of deaths

Likely Exposure

Likely exposure data table

Not all cases among health care workers have a likely exposure as health care staff.


Cases by County of Residence

County of residence is confirmed during the case interview. At the time of this posting not all interviews have been completed.

County of residence data table:
Including county of residence of deaths

Residence Type

Residence type data table

Weekly Report

This report includes more detailed information on testing, demographics, syndromic surveillance, and more. Updated every Thursday.

Facilities with Cases & Exposures

Cases in Pre-K through Grade 12 School Buildings, by County

Congregate Care Facilities with Exposures, by County

Other Statistics



On November 28, at approximately 4 p.m., a Grand Forks Police Officer attempted to stop a Ford Focus for a traffic violation near the intersection of 1st Ave. and North 15th Street.  The vehicle refused to stop and sped away fleeing from the Officer conducting the traffic stop.  The vehicle continued down several residential streets at speeds of 40-50 MPH.

The vehicle hit a couple of curbs and became disabled on the 1900 block of 8th Ave. North. The driver of the vehicle exited the vehicle and fled North through backyards.  The suspect was apprehended in the 900 block of North 20th Street. 

The driver of the vehicle was identified as 29-year-old Grand Forks resident Clint Posey. There were other occupants present in the vehicle, but Posey was the only subject who fled.  The passengers of the vehicle were identified and released.  The vehicle was towed from the scene.

Posey was arrested for fleeing in a motor vehicle, reckless endangerment, resisting arrest, and other charges.

Darrell D. Leiser – Obit


Darrell Leiser, 83, of rural Fertile, MN, beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather, died at Sanford Hospital in Fargo on November 23, 2020, as a result of complications of the Covid-19 Virus.

He was born to Max and Cora (Hamre) Leiser on August 29, 1937, at Crookston, MN. Darrell was the oldest of six children and grew up on the farm in Spring Creek Township. He attended school in Fertile and at the Northwest School of Agriculture in Crookston. He was a lifelong member of Concordia Lutheran Church and was baptized and confirmed there. After meeting at a dance at the Halstad LRC, Darrell was united in marriage to Veldonna Marie Moe of Ada on November 1, 1958, at the Concordia Parsonage in Fertile.
Darrell continued the farming tradition and farmed in partnership with his brother Eddie, forming Leiser Bros. Inc and raising dairy cattle and cereal and row crops. Darrell assisted his father Max with the family gravel business and came to know many people throughout the area loading gravel. Darrell and Veldonna built their home on the family farm and raised four boys. Later, sons Kevin and Kurt joined Darrell in the farming operation. In recent years he and Veldonna enjoyed traveling road trips with their siblings, seeing much of the US. Darrell greatly enjoyed time spent with his grandchildren. He was very dedicated to the farm and worked through this most recent fall harvest. Although Darrell was not one to serve on boards or committees his influence and mentoring were appreciated by many that Darrell did business and spent time with. He enjoyed the fall hunting season as another opportunity to spend time with family and friends.

He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Veldonna Leiser; his sons and their families, Kevin (Valerie) Leiser, Amber (Zach), Kristina, Kora, Matthew and Alyssa, of Fertile; Kurtis Leiser, Carl and Cameron, of Fertile; Ken Leiser, Max, Travis, Lacey and Tracey, all of Fertile, and Alicia of Crookston, MN; Rick (Lea) Leiser, Reeve and Layne of Grandin, ND; siblings, Cheryl (Vince) Olstad of Fargo, ND, Eddie (Cindy) of Fertile, Lavonne (Terry) Smith of Vancouver, WA, Sally (Marlin) Diamond of Carefree, AZ; sister-in-law, Katherine Hanson of Ada, MN; Veldonna’s siblings, Harold Moe of Monticello, MN, Sherman (Lyn) Moe of Tucson, AZ, and Jeanie (Stanley) Rasmussen of Moorhead, MN, and many nieces and nephews.
Darrell was preceded in death by his parents, Max and Cora Leiser, infant siblings Max Jr., and Sheldon, brother Arlon Leiser, daughter-in-law Arlene “Ennie” Leiser, sister and brother-in-law Wilma and Clayton “Tuffy” Ambuehl, sister and brother-in-law Mary “Dottie” and Howard Christianson, brother-in-law Marwood Moe, sister-in-law Sharon Moe, and brother-in-law Ronnie Hanson.

Funeral: A private family only service will take place on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at Concordia Lutheran Church, Fertile, MN, following all of the Minnesota and CDC COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. Masks are required.

Visitation: A public walk-through visitation will take place on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 from 3:00-5:00 PM, at Concordia Lutheran Church, in Fertile, MN.
Public Procession and Interment: Friends and neighbors are encouraged to line up in vehicles at approximately 11:30 AM Thursday at the Polk County Fairgrounds as the funeral procession passes through to the Concordia East Cemetery, Fertile, MN.

Please view the guestbook and share condolences online at
Arrangements with Erikson-Vik-Ganje Funeral Home of Fertile, Minnesota

Beverley Ann Sorenson – Obit


Beverley Ann Sorenson, age 74, of Crookston, MN, passed away on Thursday, November 26, 2020, at her home.

Beverley was born on March 4, 1947, the daughter of the late Daniel and Nora (Skare) Sorenson. She was raised in Fisher, MN, and graduated from Fisher High School. Afterwards, she went to the University of North Dakota and earned a degree in nursing. She worked at Riverview Hospital in Crookston, MN, until she had to retire due to her health. In her free time, she loved to spend time with her sister and family.
Beverley is survived by her sister, Judith (Dennis) Olson of Fisher, MN, and was preceded in death by her parents, twin brother, Jim Sorenson, and beloved pet dogs.
A graveside service for Beverley will be held at Oakdale Cemetery in Crookston, MN, in the spring of 2021.

Online Guestbook:
Arrangements entrusted to Stenshoel-Houske Funeral Home of Crookston, MN.

Idalia Gatica – Obit


Idalia Gatica, age 76, of Crookston, MN, passed away on Sunday, November 22, 2020, at Altru Hospital in Grand Forks, ND.

Idalia Cuellar was born on January 20, 1944, in Crystal City, TX, the daughter of the late Santiago and Josefa (Medena) Cuellar. She was raised in Crystal City and graduated from Crystal City High School. She was married to Robert Gatica on April 1, 1959, in Crystal City. They made their home in Crystal City, then Ohio, and finally settled in Crookston, MN, in the early 1990s. For a few years Idalia worked as a Teachers Aide in the Early Childhood Center at the University of Minnesota Crookston before becoming a full-time stay at home wife and mother.

Idalia was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She loved to cook, especially on the holidays where she should have the whole family over for a meal and conversation. She had a wonderful personality and was always putting others needs before her own. She had a contagious laugh and enjoyed cooking, reading the Bible, and especially spending time with her family.

Idalia is survived by her beloved husband of 61 years, Robert Gatica, Sr., of Crookston, MN; children, Robert (Sylvia) Gatica, Jr., of Crookston, MN, Corina Valdes of Crookston, MN, Juan Gatica of Crystal City, TX, Chris (Sarah) Gatica of Grand Forks, ND, Michael (Micaela) Gatica of Crookston, MN, Adrian Valdes of Crookston, MN, and Scott Valdes of Crookston, MN; 15 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; sister, Gloria Cuellar of Crystal City, TX; and brother, Juan Cuellar of Harford, WI. She was preceded in death by her parents, Santiago and Josefa Cuellar; brother, Armando Cuellar; sister, Minerva Gutierrez; and in-laws, Mercedes and Antonia Gatica.

Funeral service for Idalia will be at 11:00 am on Friday December 4, 2020, at Stenshoel-Houske Funeral Home in Crookston, MN, with a visitation one hour before. Visitation will be held from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Thursday, December 3, 2020, at Stenshoel-Houske Funeral Home in Crookston, MN, with a prayer service at 7:00 pm. Interment will be at Oakdale Cemetery in Crookston, MN. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic attendance will be limited to 75 people and masks and social distancing will be required. The service will be live stream on Idalia’s obituary page on

Online Guestbook:
Arrangements entrusted to Stenshoel-Houske Funeral Home of Crookston, MN.



The Minnesota Department of Health released the COVID-19 numbers for November 26 and 27. The state reported 8,574 cases over the two days out of 35,956 tests for a positive rate of 23.8 percent with 45 deaths.
The two-day totals for Polk County were 102 with 4 probable cases. Roseau County-36, Marshall County-26, Pennington County-13, Norman County-11, Kittson County-11, Mahnomen County-6, Red Lake County-2, Lake of the Woods County-1. All the information is below –

Updated November 28, 2020
Updated daily at 11 a.m., with data current as of 4 p.m. the previous day.

In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, we did not update the data on this page on Thursday, Nov. 26. Today’s post will include data analyzed and reported out for Thursday, Nov. 26 and Friday, Nov. 27. For that reason newly reported case and death numbers may appear greater than normal.

Data is for cases that were tested and returned positive. All data is preliminary and may change as cases are investigated. Many data points are collected during case interviews. Data presented below is for all cases, regardless of interview status. Data for cases pending interview may be listed as “unknown/missing.”

Positive PCR test results are considered confirmed cases. Positive antigen test results are considered probable cases.

All probable cases get the same public health follow up and recommendations as cases confirmed by PCR tests.

Daily Update:

Because all data is preliminary, the change in number of cumulative positive cases and deaths from one day to the next may not equal the newly reported cases or deaths.

Newly reported cases and deaths includes counts from Nov. 26 and 27.

Total positive cases (cumulative) 304,023
Total confirmed cases (PCR positive) (cumulative) 297,928
Total probable cases (Antigen positive) (cumulative) 6,095
Newly reported cases 9,040
Newly reported confirmed cases 8,574
Newly reported probable cases 466
County Newly reported confirmed cases Newly reported probable cases
Aitkin 36 0
Anoka 514 87
Becker 59 0
Beltrami 90 1
Benton 69 2
Big Stone 12 0
Blue Earth 86 1
Brown 52 0
Carlton 63 8
Carver 122 7
Cass 50 1
Chippewa 37 0
Chisago 61 1
Clay 105 1
Clearwater 23 0
Cook 3 0
Cottonwood 38 1
Crow Wing 86 5
Dakota 709 22
Dodge 16 0
Douglas 84 1
Faribault 18 0
Fillmore 26 1
Freeborn 32 1
Goodhue 54 1
Grant 16 0
Hennepin 1638 73
Houston 28 4
Hubbard 44 0
Isanti 54 6
Itasca 62 0
Jackson 26 0
Kanabec 38 1
Kandiyohi 180 1
Kittson 11 0
Koochiching 17 1
Lac qui Parle 9 0
Lake 14 1
Lake of the Woods 1 0
Le Sueur 37 0
Lincoln 18 0
Lyon 67 0
Mahnomen 6 0
Marshall 26 0
Martin 55 0
McLeod 64 1
Meeker 69 6
Mille Lacs 45 1
Morrison 39 1
Mower 87 1
Murray 17 0
Nicollet 37 0
Nobles 34 1
Norman 11 0
Olmsted 134 0
Otter Tail 116 3
Pennington 13 1
Pine 32 3
Pipestone 15 0
Polk 102 4
Pope 21 0
Ramsey 772 44
Red Lake 2 1
Redwood 40 0
Renville 57 0
Rice 93 2
Rock 42 0
Roseau 36 2
Scott 211 4
Sherburne 163 28
Sibley 15 1
St. Louis 262 28
Stearns 258 21
Steele 81 0
Stevens 25 0
Swift 31 0
Todd 45 0
Traverse 7 0
Wabasha 43 0
Wadena 27 0
Waseca 20 0
Washington 385 24
Watonwan 24 0
Wilkin 11 0
Winona 69 2
Wright 202 55
Yellow Medicine 15 3
Unknown/missing 10 1
  • Cases removed: 18
    Cases are removed for many reasons including residence in another state, duplication of cases, and false positive reports.
Newly reported deaths 45
County of residence Age group Number of newly reported deaths
Anoka 85-89 years 1
Benton 70-74 years 1
Blue Earth 80-84 years 1
Carlton 85-89 years 1
Chisago 85-89 years 1
Clearwater 85-89 years 1
Cottonwood 90-94 years 1
Dakota 85-89 years 1
Faribault 80-84 years 1
Hennepin 65-69 years 1
Hennepin 75-79 years 1
Hennepin 80-84 years 1
Hennepin 85-89 years 2
Hennepin 90-94 years 1
Hubbard 80-84 years 1
Isanti 80-84 years 1
Kandiyohi 85-89 years 1
Kandiyohi 95-99 years 1
Kittson 85-89 years 1
Morrison 75-79 years 1
Morrison 95-99 years 1
Otter Tail 65-69 years 1
Otter Tail 90-94 years 1
Ramsey 65-69 years 2
Ramsey 70-74 years 2
Ramsey 85-89 years 2
Ramsey 90-94 years 3
Redwood 60-64 years 1
Renville 85-89 years 1
Renville 95-99 years 1
Rice 70-74 years 1
Stearns 90-94 years 2
Steele 80-84 years 1
Todd 80-84 years 1
Washington 75-79 years 1
Washington 90-94 years 1
Winona 80-84 years 1
Wright 70-74 years 1
Residence type Number of newly reported deaths
Private residence 22
Long-term care facility/Assisted living 23


Total approximate completed tests (cumulative) 4,121,906
Total approximate number of completed PCR tests (cumulative) 4,027,255
Total approximate number of completed antigen tests (cumulative) 94,651

Testing data table

Date reported to MDH Completed PCR tests reported from the MDH Public Health Lab Completed PCR tests reported from external laboratories Total approximate number of completed PCR tests (cumulative)
3/28 470 1,052 18,079
3/29 245 964 19,288
3/30 156 890 20,334
3/31 176 1,341 21,851
4/1 300 702 22,853
4/2 102 1,878 24,833
4/3 56 1,292 26,181
4/4 108 1,555 27,844
4/5 30 1,435 29,309
4/6 46 1,133 30,488
4/7 90 1,461 32,039
4/8 80 1,373 33,492
4/9 93 1,738 35,323
4/10 107 1,651 37,081
4/11 93 1,533 38,707
4/12 56 1,135 39,898
4/13 39 746 40,683
4/14 128 1,061 41,872
4/15 137 1,559 43,568
4/16 110 1,345 45,023
4/17 126 1,339 46,488
4/18 123 1,358 47,969
4/19 66 1,164 49,199
4/20 124 716 50,039
4/21 214 1,533 51,786
4/22 230 1,899 53,915
4/23 216 2,273 56,404
4/24 296 2,794 59,494
4/25 172 2,447 62,113
4/26 71 2,492 64,676
4/27 149 1,869 66,694
4/28 268 3,080 70,042
4/29 253 6,813 77,108
4/30 429 3,914 81,451
5/1 277 4,194 85,922
5/2 302 3,532 89,756
5/3 70 3,091 92,917
5/4 231 3,835 96,983
5/5 266 2,899 100,148
5/6 323 4,142 104,613
5/7 336 4,672 109,621
5/8 254 4,621 114,496
5/9 232 4,678 119,406
5/10 68 5,227 124,701
5/11 278 5,022 130,001
5/12 355 3,657 134,013
5/13 301 6,989 141,303
5/14 1,074 5,657 148,034
5/15 548 8,680 157,262
5/16 717 7,280 165,259
5/17 232 5,742 171,233
5/18 132 6,253 177,618
5/19 601 5,766 183,985
5/20 531 6,426 190,942
5/21 394 7,853 199,189
5/22 742 8,971 208,902
5/23 1,069 7,826 217,797
5/24 86 6,893 224,776
5/25 86 6,563 231,425
5/26 162 6,772 238,359
5/27 254 9,302 247,915
5/28 652 9,295 257,862
5/29 667 9,705 268,234
5/30 0 8,431 276,665
5/31 0 6,885 283,550
6/1 0 4,178 287,728
6/2 1,061 6,617 295,406
6/3 653 15,253 311,312
6/4 379 10,731 322,422
6/5 930 10,222 333,574
6/6 1,087 9,456 344,117
6/7 735 8,868 353,720
6/8 44 8,131 361,895
6/9 300 8,586 370,781
6/10 674 11,388 382,843
6/11 765 12,886 396,494
6/12 1,031 11,909 409,434
6/13 828 9,173 419,435
6/14 254 4,843 424,532
6/15 22 6,421 430,975
6/16 357 19,170 450,502
6/17 486 12,173 463,161
6/18 916 13,416 477,493
6/19 1,113 15,746 494,352
6/20 823 11,515 506,690
6/21 401 8,383 515,474
6/22 23 7,347 522,844
6/23 340 9,419 532,603
6/24 700 12,174 545,477
6/25 1,058 13,691 560,226
6/26 459 12,543 573,228
6/27 820 14,282 588,330
6/28 187 7,607 596,124
6/29 0 12,419 608,543
6/30 264 11,690 620,497
7/1 465 13,148 634,110
7/2 871 13,860 648,841
7/3 409 13,739 662,989
7/4 207 14,453 677,649
7/5 32 5,954 683,635
7/6 0 5,893 689,528
7/7 227 7,367 697,122
7/8 508 13,408 711,038
7/9 1,150 18,338 730,526
7/10 458 15,728 746,712
7/11 505 14,295 761,512
7/12 112 11,941 773,565
7/13 30 8,874 782,469
7/14 223 12,164 794,856
7/15 480 14,376 809,712
7/16 693 14,146 824,551
7/17 695 15,919 841,165
7/18 389 16,621 858,175
7/19 97 14,203 872,475
7/20 0 9,642 882,117
7/21 329 12,219 894,665
7/22 686 15,905 911,256
7/23 1,060 16,028 928,344
7/24 784 17,331 946,459
7/25 435 16,093 962,987
7/26 282 13,444 976,713
7/27 18 9,622 986,353
7/28 345 13,234 999,932
7/29 659 14,297 1,014,888
7/30 1,063 15,728 1,031,679
7/31 509 14,801 1,046,989
8/1 273 15,175 1,062,437
8/2 444 15,606 1,078,487
8/3 13 8,357 1,086,857
8/4 276 11,677 1,098,810
8/5 764 14,272 1,113,846
8/6 693 15,378 1,129,917
8/7 41 17,957 1,147,915
8/8 755 19,596 1,168,266
8/9 330 12,478 1,181,074
8/10 22 6,490 1,187,586
8/11 75 10,948 1,198,609
8/12 508 14,495 1,213,612
8/13 483 16,414 1,230,509
8/14 324 17,073 1,247,906
8/15 115 16,903 1,264,924
8/16 77 12,868 1,277,869
8/17 316 7,090 1,285,275
8/18 427 34,100 1,319,802
8/19 344 13,812 1,333,958
8/20 549 18,507 1,353,014
8/21 382 16,687 1,370,083
8/22 186 16,844 1,387,113
8/23 287 12,442 1,399,842
8/24 36 8,875 1,408,753
8/25 403 10,583 1,419,739
8/26 360 21,116 1,441,215
8/27 460 16,154 1,457,829
8/28 442 16,965 1,475,236
8/29 207 17,565 1,493,008
8/30 466 11,321 1,504,795
8/31 0 9,204 1,513,999
9/1 221 27,477 1,541,697
9/2 294 13,635 1,555,626
9/3 672 18,493 1,574,791
9/4 315 18,667 1,593,773
9/5 370 16,477 1,610,620
9/6 101 15,417 1,626,138
9/7 11 7,524 1,633,673
9/8 15 5,446 1,639,134
9/9 467 7,666 1,647,267
9/10 617 17,238 1,665,122
9/11 339 20,255 1,685,716
9/12 742 20,639 1,707,097
9/13 378 16,749 1,724,224
9/14 18 9,709 1,733,951
9/15 204 9,618 1,743,773
9/16 572 18,948 1,763,293
9/17 655 28,619 1,792,567
9/18 696 22,485 1,815,748
9/19 485 22,013 1,838,246
9/20 626 16,342 1,855,214
9/21 0 9,439 1,864,653
9/22 475 9,914 1,875,042
9/23 548 20,653 1,896,243
9/24 1,011 27,304 1,924,558
9/25 1,108 29,961 1,955,627
9/26 550 24,590 1,980,767
9/27 560 21,676 2,003,003
9/28 18 15,237 2,018,258
9/29 215 12,615 2,031,088
9/30 524 24,500 2,056,112
10/1 989 31,162 2,088,263
10/2 1,191 28,362 2,117,816
10/3 461 28,350 2,146,627
10/4 341 22,679 2,169,647
10/5 0 14,036 2,183,683
10/6 127 13,339 2,197,149
10/7 552 27,977 2,225,678
10/8 567 31,348 2,257,593
10/9 433 31,336 2,289,362
10/10 543 29,149 2,319,054
10/11 210 17,696 2,336,960
10/12 0 19,491 2,356,451
10/13 201 12,045 2,368,697
10/14 535 19,303 2,388,535
10/15 317 43,370 2,432,222
10/16 177 27,029 2,459,428
10/17 414 29,479 2,489,321
10/18 309 21,823 2,511,453
10/19 9 13,906 2,525,368
10/20 241 15,249 2,540,858
10/21 339 24,758 2,565,955
10/22 108 26,346 2,592,409
10/23 474 35,024 2,627,907
10/24 549 32,216 2,660,672
10/25 327 22,935 2,683,934
10/26 51 14,751 2,698,736
10/27 14 17,232 2,715,982
10/28 553 26,584 2,743,119
10/29 347 32,564 2,776,030
10/30 501 33,532 2,810,063
10/31 463 26,057 2,836,583
11/1 716 35,432 2,872,731
11/2 95 12,684 2,885,510
11/3 344 30,512 2,916,366
11/4 363 31,532 2,948,261
11/5 309 44,591 2,993,161
11/6 444 42,591 3,036,196
11/7 475 41,506 3,078,177
11/8 454 24,752 3,103,383
11/9 0 34,166 3,137,549
11/10 193 23,652 3,161,394
11/11 623 42,264 3,204,281
11/12 450 48,467 3,253,198
11/13 998 50,404 3,304,600
11/14 652 59,700 3,364,952
11/15 751 49,560 3,415,263
11/16 0 31,942 3,447,205
11/17 244 33,103 3,480,552
11/18 719 54,455 3,535,726
11/19 866 53,456 3,590,048
11/20 497 60,816 3,651,361
11/21 694 48,896 3,700,951
11/22 709 55,409 3,757,069
11/23 0 52,727 3,809,796
11/24 619 62,249 3,872,664
11/25 674 48,604 3,921,942
11/26 784 68,573 3,991,299
11/27 1 35,955 4,027,255

Due to delays in deduplication of results data are subject to change.

Total approximate number of people tested (cumulative) 2,468,458

Minnesota Case Overview

Graph of confirmed cases of COVID-19 by specimen collection date, data in table below.

Total positive cases (cumulative) 304,023
Total confirmed cases (PCR positive) (cumulative) 297,928
Total probable cases (Antigen positive) (cumulative) 6,095

Positive cases by date specimen collected data table

Total number of health care workers (cumulative) 22,292

Patients no longer needing isolation

Patients no longer needing isolation (cumulative) 257,485


Deaths of confirmed cases in Minnesota, data in table below

Total deaths (cumulative) 3,521
Deaths from confirmed cases (cumulative) 3,453
Deaths from probable cases (cumulative) 68
Deaths among cases that resided in long-term care or assisted living facilities (cumulative) 2,378

Deaths data table

Total non-laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 deaths (death certificate) (cumulative) 59


Minnesota COVID-19 hospitalizations, data in table below

Total cases hospitalized (cumulative) 16,423
Total cases hospitalized in ICU (cumulative) 3,715

Hospitalization data table

Case Demographics


Age group data table:
Including age group of deaths


Gender data table

Race & Ethnicity

Race and ethnicity data table:
Including race and ethnicity of deaths

Likely Exposure

Likely exposure data table

Not all cases among health care workers have a likely exposure as health care staff.


Cases by County of Residence

County of residence is confirmed during the case interview. At the time of this posting not all interviews have been completed.

County of residence data table:
Including county of residence of deaths

Residence Type

Residence type data table

Weekly Report

This report includes more detailed information on testing, demographics, syndromic surveillance, and more. Updated every Thursday.

Facilities with Cases & Exposures

Cases in Pre-K through Grade 12 School Buildings, by County

Congregate Care Facilities with Exposures, by County

Other Statistics