The Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Dinner has been held in Crookston for more than 40 years and will be held Thursday, November 26. The meal will be served to go beginning at 11:30 a.m. until about 1 p.m.
Lester Wilkens said six families started offering the meal more than 40 years ago, and about 6-8 families continue that tradition today. “In excess of 40 years,” said Wilkens. “There were six families that started it, and there is a group of 6-8 families continuing it. The originals have all stepped down, and rightfully so, some younger ones have picked it up. It’s great. It’s the advantage of a small town. Everybody pitches in. It’s a good community thing, and that’s all we can do. Especially this year, when a lot of people can’t go see their families. And it’s too much to go make a turkey for one or two people.”
Wilkens said people should drive up like they’re dropping their kids off at Cathedral school to get their food. “We’re going to take and do the drive-thru just like they did for the Cathedral Fall Festival,” said Wilkens. “We’re going to enter on the west lot and drive through where the kids are dropped off for school in front of the Cathedral. Somebody will be there to take the numbers that you need. We’ll call them in and bring them right out to you.”
They are taking pre-orders for the meal, or people can just show up said, Wilkens. “If they call ahead, they can call my house number at 281-5727,” said Wilkens. “And the day of, you could call my cell number at 289-1956 and/or just show up. We’ve got a rough number already and are expanding the amount of food we need as I speak. All the turkeys are being cooked this afternoon up at the Cathedral, so we’ll have those ready to go. If you don’t get a chance to call in, please come up anyway because we’ll have enough. We’re bringing in extra.”
Wilkens emphasized that people should show up even if they hadn’t called ahead. “It’s going to be mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, turkey, green beans, and pumpkin pie,” said Wilkens. “Like I said, come one, come all. Right now, we’ve got a good count of over 200, and we’re increasing it. We’re getting another turkey this afternoon. We’re going to add that to the group, and then we’re going to add some more potatoes to the mix, too, so we’ll have enough. Don’t be shy about coming; just come. If you happen to not have called, come anyway. We’ll probably start serving; we’re going to try at 11:30. We tried to put a start on it at that time, so people can still get home and enjoy their meal.”
As it’s always been, the meal is free to everyone said, Wilkens. “There has never been a necessary charge for the meal,” said Wilkens. “We’ve been blessed with people in the area donating. If you don’t have it, don’t worry about it. It’s a free meal. It never was intended to be charged for, but if people wish to donate, we do accept donations.”