President Biden travels to promote his $1.2T infrastructure deal

President Joe Biden traveled to Wisconsin on Tuesday to promote a bipartisan infrastructure proposal that would spend $1.2 trillion on various upgrades and repairs across the United States, including work on roads and bridges.  Biden told an audience in La Crosse that “America has always been propelled into the future by landmark national investments. This is a generational investment to modernize our infrastructure, creating millions of good-paying jobs, and position America to compete with the rest of the world in the 21st century.”

The investment includes $48.5 billion for public transportation, $109 billion for road and bridge projects, as well as funding to replace lead water pipes in the state and expand access to broadband Internet. The bipartisan proposal was reached last week among a group of centrist Democratic and Republican senators. The bipartisan agreement is effectively a compromise to Biden’s original infrastructure proposal, the American Jobs Plan, which was estimated to cost far more and had no Republican support.

Editorial credit: YASAMIN JAFARI TEHRANI /

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