The Crookston Housing & Economic Development Authority (CHEDA) met on Tuesday for a Special Meeting at noon at Valley Technology Park.
After the Call to Order, the meeting began by opening a Public Hearing for the sale of 1603 Hoven Lane. But after hearing no response, they closed the Hearing. The Board then opened a Public Hearing for the sale of Parcel 82.03750.00, a parcel of land between B&E Meats and Total Lawn Care and Landscaping. Once again, the board heard no response and closed the Hearing.
The board then began a Resolution to approve the sale of 1603 Hoven Lane to Brittany Baker for $287,200. The board approved the sale unanimously. The Board then began the process of approving a Land Sale of Parcel 82.03750.00, but the motion did not pass since neither of the companies could come to a mutual agreement on the sale. “The situation is that there’s a Parcel of land between two landowners on each side, and they couldn’t come to an agreement on how to divide the land,” CHEDA president Dylane Klatt explained. “So instead of us being in the middle of that disagreement, we decided not to sell the land at this time.” The Board chose to hold onto the property until an agreement can be reached between the two companies, although they noted that they would still have to care for and maintain the property while waiting for an agreement.
The Board then began discussions on what they would do in choosing an Interim Executive Director. CHEDA Attorney Charles “Corky” Reynolds reported that they had published an advertisement for the full-time Executive Director position last week and that they had two inquiries at the moment with intent and interest, but there had been none with the Interim. He reported that they would discuss what they would do for the Interim position in a meeting at a later date on how they would handle the Interim Executive Director position. “In the Interim position, we will be discussing at a later date here at CHEDA how we are going to handle the Interim Executive Director position,” CHEDA Attorney Charles “Corky” Reynolds explained. “I think that we will come to some kind of temporary or bridge solution that will need to be done, and that discussion will be held very shortly.”
The Board then began discussions on how to deal with financial matters for CHEDA. “There has been a past practice of making payments and authorizing checks not by the CHEDA Commissioners until after they were already sent, which are not appropriate, and the CHEDA Commissioners felt uncomfortable,” Reynolds explained. “So, we want to line up the dates of the CHEDA Commissioner meetings so that before any checks are sent and distributed to vendors. The CHEDA Commissioners have had the opportunity to review them, have their questions answered, and then authorize those payments prior to them being sent, not subsequent.”
President Dylane Klatt presented the Board with a couple of options on how they could meet in order to settle the finances in a timely manner. The first would be one that had been discussed in City Council with the scheduling of a second meeting each month. The second option was to complete them after City Council meetings in the second half of the month to review, authorize and approve any proposed payments and statements. The Board chose to conduct regular meetings after City Council meetings, specifically, right after the second meeting of each month, to discuss finances due to many of the Commissioners being Council members and many other members would already be there. It was noted, though, that they would have to modify their Regular meetings to help make this possible to get the Commissioners their paychecks on a set scale and make the payments ready to be sent out before the 15th of each month and after the City Council meetings. They planned to have this included in a Special Meeting Agenda to have it officially approved in July. The Board then approved the checks for the Board for the month of May unanimously.
The next CHEDA meeting will take place on Tuesday, June 14, at noon for a Special Meeting in Valley Technology Park.