A review and comment must be provided on a school district construction project proposal before the district conducts a referendum, solicits bids, or issues bonds for the project. A project proposal has been submitted for review and comment according to requirements set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.71, subdivisions 9 and 10, and Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.72. The district provides the following information:
1. The geographic area and population to be served:
a. preschool through grade 12 student enrollment for the past five years, and
b. student enrollment projections for the next five years.
2. A list of existing school facilities:
a. by year constructed,
b. their uses, and
C. an assessment of the extent to which alternate facilities are available within school district boundaries and in adjacent school districts.
3. A list of specific deficiencies of the facility:
a. demonstrating the need for a new or renovated facility to be provided,
b. the process used to determine the deficiencies,
c. a list of those deficiencies that will and will not be addressed by the proposed projects,
d. a list of specific benefits that the new or renovated facility will provide to students, teachers, and community users served by the facility.
4. A description of the project, including:
a. specifications of site and outdoor space acreage,
b. square footage allocations for classrooms, laboratories and support spaces,
c. estimated expenditures for major portions of the project,
d. estimated changes in facility operating costs, and
e. dates the project will begin and be completed.
5. A specification of the source of project financing, including:
a. applicable statutory citations,
b. the scheduled date for a bond issue or school board action,
c. a schedule of payments, including debt service equalization aid, and
d. the effect of a bond issue on local property taxes by property class and valuation.
6. Documentation obligating the school district and contractors to comply with the following items:
a. Minnesota Statutes, section 471.345 governing municipal contracts,
b. sustainable design,
C. school facility commissioning under Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.72, certifying the plans and designs for heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and air filtration for an extensively renovated or new facility meet or exceed current code standards, including ASHRAE air filtration Standard 52.1,
d. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) acoustical performance criteria, design requirements and guidelines for schools on maximum background noise levels and reverberation times,
e. state fire code,
f. chapter 326B governing building codes, and
g. consultation with affected government units about the impact of the project on utilities, roads, sewers, sidewalks, retention ponds, school bus and automobile traffic, access to mass transit and safe access for pedestrians and cyclists.
Description of Proposed School Construction Project
Crookston Public School District, ISD #0593-01, is proposing a single question bond referendum on February 14, 2023, that would authorize $4.965 million in bonding authority to finance a new athletic complex and associated site improvements. The proposed facility would include: an artificial turf field surrounded by an 8-lane track, stadium seating for 750, a press box, and a concessions/restroom building. The proposed projects would be scheduled for completion in calendar year 2023. Cost estimates by project component are as follows:
Project Cost Estimates
Artificial Turf Field
8 Lane Track
Site Improvements
Concessions / Bathrooms
Capitalized Interest
Bond Issuance
The district has gone to the voters twice, once in April of 2017 and again in August of 2022, with a plan to build a new athletic complex. Both referendums failed to pass, though the August 2022 referendum failed by only 9 votes. The school district does not have its own athletic complex and has been leasing the University of Minnesota, Crookston’s facilities. Since the failed, April 2017 referendum, the University of Minnesota, Crookston discontinued their athletic programming and no longer utilizes their athletic facilities for competitive purposes. The district has approached University of Minnesota officials about purchasing their existing athletic facilities but the University is unwilling to sell their facility to the school district.
The district is aware there is a long-term cost increase associated with operating and maintaining an artificial turf field. However, given the space restrictions of the existing high school site and the fact that the University is also unwilling to sell the unimproved property east of it to the school district to accommodate a natural grass stadium, an artificial turf field on the existing high school site appears to be in the best interest of the school district.
If the bond referendum is successful and bonds are sold, the debt service on the bonds will be eligible for debt service equalization under Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.53, subdivision 3, if the bond schedule is approved. The amount of debt service equalization aid, if any, the district receives is determined annually and dependent upon property wealth, student population, and other statutory requirements.
Review and Comment Statement
Based on the department’s analysis of the school district’s required documentation and other pertinent information from sources of the Minnesota Department of Education, the Commissioner of Education provides a positive review and comment.
Additional Information is Available
Persons desiring additional information regarding this proposal should contact the school district superintendent’s office.
Willie L. Jett II
January 10, 2023