Randy David Goosen – Obit


Randy David Goosen, 62, of Fisher, MN, passed away early Thursday morning, February 2, 2023, in the Benedictine Living Community Crookston. In failing health, he had gone into the Villa a few days before.

Randy was born in Crookston on February 22, 1960, the son of David and Marilyne (Cormican) Goosen. He grew up in Crookston where he was baptized and confirmed in Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and attended Crookston schools including Central High School. Randy was raised along with his 6 siblings by his father and stepmother, Kathy Hruby. Randy was employed by the Polk County Highway Department for a few years before going to work at American Crystal Sugar Company in Crookston. His love of farming eventually led him to employment with local farmers, Duane and Howard Hanson and Bruce Newhouse. Nothing gave Randy more satisfaction than a hard day’s work on the farm and watching the crops he put in grow and get ready for harvest. Sadly, Randy’s health issues left him no option but to reluctantly take early retirement.

Until recently he was seen every morning at RBJ’s having coffee with his buddies. He also had to make several stops almost every day to several Crookston businesses to say hi. He loved going out to his sister, Corrie’s, to mow her lawn, and driving around the countryside in his pickup checking on the crops. In his younger days, he was an avid snowmobiler and deer hunter. Randy will be remembered for his big heart and love of visiting, while holiday meals with family were a special time. One of his biggest passions was traveling to Mazeppa, MN for Mazeppa Daze every year and the chance to reconnect with his Dad’s family and the friends he had made there. He did this for years until recently when he could no longer make the trip. Randy loved his family dearly and always looked forward to seeing his nieces, nephews and cousins. He will be very sadly missed and fondly remembered by all who were a part of his life.

Randy is survived by his father, David Goosen, and his wife, Linda, of Crookston, MN; his siblings and blended siblings: Kim (Lynette) Goosen of Crookston, Corrie (Shawn) Goodyke of Euclid, MN, Tammy (Randy) Brule of Mentor, MN, Brent Goosen of Vancouver, WA, Tanya (Brian) Stolarzyk of Duluth, MN, Jimmy Talley (Phil) of Fargo, ND, Sheila Steffen and Charles Steffen of Walker, MN, Michelle (Eric) Hofmeister of Stevens Point, WI, Tracy (Alex) Welk of Chicago, IL, and Bryant Gramer of TX; step-mother, Kathy Hruby of Bemidji, MN; and mother, Marilyne Cormican, of Bemidji; together with several nieces, nephews, cousins, extended family, and coffee buddies.

Randy was preceded in death by his grandparents: Verne “LA” and Lillian Cormican and Ben and Lois Goosen; uncles: Fritz Hoefs and Dale Cormican; aunts: Della Montreuil, Kaye Goosen and Mavis Hoefs.

The memorial service for Randy David Goosen will be held at 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 10, 2023, in the Stenshoel-Houske Funeral Home, Crookston, with The Rev. Steve Bohler, officiating. Visitation with his family will be for one hour prior to the service. To view a live stream of the funeral, go to Randy’s obituary page at www.stenshoelhouske.com and click on the prompt to view.

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The Crookston Pirate Boys Basketball team will end the regular season hosting the Ada-Borup-West Cougars at the Crookston High School gymnasium.  KROX will have the game on the radio and the KROX video stream.   The RiverView Health pre-game show starts at 7:00 p.m.

Crookston is 8-17 on the year after a win at Bagley on Tuesday.  

First Half


Second Half


Crookston Pirate Boys Basketball hosts Ada-Borup-West 3-3-23


Tanner Giese
Hunter Nicholas
Reggie Winjum
Isaac Thomforde
Jack Everett
Ryan Abeld
For Ada-Borup-West






On Tuesday morning, the Polk County Board of Commissioners met inside the Polk County Government Center for a regular meeting.


Assistant Environmental Supervising Administrator Jacob Snyder approached the board with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) request for a Minnkota Power Cooperative Parcel. Minnkota requested a permit for the expansion, maintenance, and operation of an electrical substation in Winger Township. The expansions will involve adding new 230kV electrical equipment and towers to help provide reliable electricity to the area and will provide an electrical tie into the neighboring Otter Tail Power Company electrical substation. “Last December, we processed an application from Otter Tail Power Company to expand the substation as it required a variance to get a building pushed off a property lot line a little less than the standards in our ordinance,” said Snyder. “The electrical tie-ins to that building are located on Minnkota Power Cooperative, so today, we processed a Conditional Use Permit for Minnkota to upgrade their electrical infrastructure. It is aimed to provide and continue to provide reliable electricity to the Northwest service area of Minnesota.” The board approved the request.

Preliminary Plat – “Get Away Addition”

Snyder proposed a preliminary plat of three lots in the agricultural, shoreland, and floodplain districts in sections 6 and 7 of Crookston Township called “Get Away Addition.” The applicant wished to cut down a lot of five parcels to three by tying two different property sections together to meet the Commission’s Zoning conditions. “It’s looking at taking five existing parcels in a large area, so this plat encompasses 557 acres of property (Lot 1 is 232.23 acres in size and located in all three overlay districts, Lot 2 is 176.04 acres and located in the agricultural district, and Lot 3 is 148.86 acres and located within the agricultural district), there’s a lot of Ag-land associated with that, but some of it abutted against the Red Lake River. The applicant wanted to tie the property in two different sections together to meet the roadway standards of our Zoning Ordinance. So, to cut off a lot of our agricultural lands and keep some of the property that they have enjoyed for hunting and fishing as more of a getaway. This property is located in between Crookston and Red Lake Falls.” The applicant planned to add a hunting shed for Lot 1 but then sell Lots 2 and 3 to an adjacent farmer. There was a floodplain area on the first lot where the applicant agreed no developed areas would be within the 100-year floodplain, and Snyder recommended that the board approve the plat, which they did unanimously.

Viking Gas Transmission Conditional Use Permit

Snyder then requested another Conditional Use Permit for a pipeline storage area and contractor yard in the 100-year floodplain fringe in Tabor Township for one year so they could complete multiple projects. The permit will be to use an Angus compressor station in the parcel as a pipe storage area and contractor yard for one year to complete multiple projects in the 2023 building season. One of the proposed projects is the reconstruction of a four-mile stretch of an existing 6-inch natural gas line and lowering the line to a greater depth to protect the pipeline from chisel plowing or other farming practices and so it wouldn’t coincide with any flood events during the spring. Once they complete their projects, they would revert the area back into the ring dike it was before their projects. The board approved the permit.

John Reitmeier & Casey Hammer Conditional Use Permit

Snyder requested another Conditional Use Permit to operate a convenience store on a land parcel in the Agricultural Zoning Districts in section 13 of Lowell Township. Applicants John Reitmeier and Casey Hammer wish to operate a store on the 1.55-acre parcel, which Lowell Township has signed the zoning application for the request as they do joint permitting with the county. County Zoning Ordinances allow Convenience Stores in an Agricultural District if roads to it are provided off a paved roadway, but the road it currently uses are gravel roads, so they would have to must pave the section of the road and seek any permits from the township and MnDOT to satisfy the Planning & Zoning conditions. The applicants stated they understood the zoning requirements and aim to install two Electric Vehicle charging stations at their store. Future fuel pumps, signage, and 12 planned parking spaces would accompany the business in the future. The board approved the permit.

Preliminary Plat – “Lady Slipper Lane”

Snyder then proposed another preliminary plat of a private roadway called “Lady Slipper Lane” to provide legal access to an existing homestead in Sections 33 and 34 of Rosebud Township. The road is an existing private roadway built by the landowner but had no right-of-way specifications associated with it. The plat will provide legal access to the homestead and ensure future road maintenance. At the end of the roadway, a cul-de-sac area is indicated on the plat and must be reconstructed as it was an existing turnaround area but has been left to re-vegetate. Rosebud will only take maintenance of the roadway when it serves four homesteads and the landowner petitions to have them take over. The board approved the plat.


Environmental Supervising Administrator Jon Steiner approached the board with an update on their Landfill Expansions after getting Landfill Approvals from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Traditionally long-term landfill growth is planned for as Ultimate Capacity, but the MPCA only permits the construction of the landfill itself in 10-year increments. As part of the 2017 permit and a Wetland Delineation and flora and fauna study, two designations came from the study; the Rare Natural Community (Plant) and a Threatened & Endangered Species determination (T&E), which carry regulatory approvals. “Part of our Landfill Expansion requirements, we have several different wetland issues that require permits. When we did the background on that, they did a flora and fauna study and found a plant out there that wasn’t supposed to be there, but it’s a State-protected plant. They then put a distinction over the entire plant community out there that requires a fourth process for dealing with those wetlands. As it relates to the two plant concerns out there, one of them is a local unit of government, and the other is the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. So, we have been in discussion with them about how we can satisfy the requirements to get the permit. Usually, it’s a mix of a momentary fee you pay, then either credits or, in this case, an easement on the property out there. Normally, we’d go to a closed session meeting to discuss what we’re willing and can do, but for various reasons, that didn’t work, so the board authorized me to negotiate that for them on their behalf.”

Solid Waste Program Updates

Steiner updated the board on multiple updates of multiple Solid Waste Programs around Polk County. First, the board heard an update on the Polk RRF Robotics Project. They had put in a grant for a State Bonding Project last year, but the state had not done a bonding bill last year. The state did complete a bonding bill this year, but the bill did not include their grant. They heard other bonding bills were coming up in future sessions, but whether they were included was unclear. The following update was on the Polk Regional EPA SWIFR Grant. They had filed for two EPA grants, with each costing them $4,000 for Marshall and Chaos County to address changes to the MPCA Landfills requirements. The next update the board heard was the 9 County Regional C&D Infrastructure EPA SWIFR Grant 2023. The final update they heard was about the 9 County Regional C&D MPCA Capital Assistance Project (CAP) Grant for 2024. They had filed their grant on February 15 but noted that many other counties and counties from other states had filed for it as well, making it difficult for them to get it as only two to four grants would be given, but Steiner was optimistic they could get the grant. They were hoping to fill in a new request next year when the next Bonding Bill requests would be open and use it to complete the projects they wished to complete in 2022.

Resource Recovery Facility Positions

Steiner updated the board that there were openings for several positions at the Resource Recovery Facility in Fosston after three retirements in the Facility Manager and Boiler Operator positions had been filed in the last few weeks. Due to the positions requiring many skills and licenses, and other qualified members leaving Polk County for other employment opportunities with there being a lack of internal experience for these positions, the facility is looking to open advertising and hiring for the positions before they are vacated or reclassify or reorganize some of the jobs. Steiner requested that the board approve the facility to begin processes to fill open positions and any other openings resulting from subsequent movements, which it did unanimously.


County Engineer Richard Sanders approached the board with a resolution to officially retire GIS Coordinator Rick Thomson at the end of the month after over 37 years of service.

2023 Equipment Rental Bids

Sanders then approached the board with an update on the equipment rental bids they had opened on Friday, February 24, to let them open bids for any work they need to complete over the year for ditch, highway, and road work. Sanders recommended that the board award all equipment bids, which the board did unanimously.

Route and Seal Contract CP

The board then approved a $127,100 contract bid to MP Asphalt & Maintenance LLC of Clear Lake for filling and sealing cracks in four county roadways.

Base One Gravel Road Stabilization Contract

The board then approved a $127,160 contract bid to Davidson Construction Inc. of Newfolden to help them complete about 15 miles of their Gravel Road Stabilization.

Sweeper Quotes

Sanders then approached the board that they had received quotes for companies to sweep the street after the winter. He received two quotes for the project but recommended the county contract with Pro Sweep of Fargo for $160 per hour for Street Sweeping Services, as they would have four sweepers available and only cost $5 more than the opposing bidder. The board approved the motion.


Polk County Sheriff James Tadman approached the board with the Monthly Sheriff Report for January. This month, the Sheriff’s Office had made 82 services, with $3,653.15 for Paid services and $2,069.36 for No Charge services. They had also driven their vehicles for 6,123 miles for the month, which was a slight increase over their total mileage from January 2022. They had received 2,414 calls to their dispatch center, with 704 for emergencies and 1,710 for non-emergencies. Finally, they received 711 calls for service during the month with 11 Animal Complaints, 198 for Civil Process, 53 for Motorist Assist, 85 for School Patrol, 5 Thefts with 1 Gas Drive Off, 141 for Traffic Stops, and 13 for Property Damage.


The only item on the board’s Consent Agenda was to approve the board minutes from their meeting on February 21, which it did unanimously.

The Polk County Commissioners will next meet on Tuesday, March 7, in the Polk County Government Center at 8:00 a.m.


Alex Murdaugh found guilty in murders of wife and son


After deliberating for three hours on Thursday, a jury of seven men and five women convicted 54-year-old Alex Murdaugh of two counts of murder in the fatal shootings of his wife Margaret, 52, and their youngest son, Paul, 22, in June 2021. The disgraced South Carolina lawyer was accused of murdering his wife and son to gain pity and distract from financial crimes threatening to topple his reputation; he faces 30 years to life in prison without parole. The jury also convicted Murdaugh of two counts of possession of a weapon during a violent crime, which carry five more years in prison.

The verdict followed a lengthy trial that began in late January and included nearly six weeks of testimony from 75 witnesses, including Murdaugh. Lawyers for Murdaugh moved for a mistrial after the verdicts were read, which was denied by Circuit Judge Clifton Newman, who said that the verdict was a matter for the jury and that there was enough evidence to have found Murdaugh guilty: “The evidence of guilt is overwhelming, and I deny the motion.”  Thanking the jurors, Judge Newman said their verdict was support by the evidence: “All of the evidence pointed to only one conclusion. That’s the conclusion that you all reached.”

Sentencing will take place begining 9:30 a.m. Friday in South Carolina’s Colleton County. Prosecutors have indicated they will spare Murdaugh the death penalty, and instead seek life in prison without the possibility of parole. Murdaugh faces 30 years to life in prison for the murder charge.

Editorial credit: Al Munroe / Shutterstock.com



The Polk County Sheriff’s Office responded to a car that jumped the curb in downtown Crookston this morning by Highway 2 at 6:00 a.m. The car leaped about five feet in the air and got stuck on top of a snow bank before being stopped by a stump that was sticking out of the snow.

The driver was uninjured in the incident, and the car needed to be towed off of the snowbank.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office recommends drivers to low down and drive carefully as there are still icy roads and a dusting of snow on the roads around the region.

A video by Neil Carlson of iNewZ.TV can be seen below-

BREAKING NEWS: Watch For Icy Roads On Your Morning Commute


Blinken and Lavrov meet at G-20 summit for the first time since Russia-Ukraine war began


On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met for the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine, chatting briefly on the sidelines of a G-20 meeting in India. A Senior State Department official said that the encounter between the two top diplomats involved less than 10 minutes of discussion. Blinken and Lavrov’s last in-person meeting was last January in Geneva.

Blinken urged Moscow to reverse Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision last month to suspend New START, the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty; saying that the treaty is in the interests of both the countries and that the world expects the nations to behave responsibly when it comes to nuclear security. The treaty was originally set to expire in February 2021, but President Biden reached an agreement with Putin to extend New START for five years shortly after taking office. Last year, the United States and Russia committed to create a new agreement “to achieve deeper, irreversible, and verifiable reductions in their nuclear arsenals.”

On Thursday during a press conference, Blinken said he urged Russia to return to implementing New START during his meeting with Lavrov:  “Mutual compliance is in the interest of both our countries, it’s also what people around the world expect from us as inferior products…I told the foreign minister that no matter what else is happening in the world in our relationship, the United States are always ready to engage and act on Strategic Arms, just as the United States in the Soviet Union did even at the height of the Cold War.”

Blinken also stressed the need for the Kremlin to release U.S. citizen and former Marine Paul Whelan, who was arrested in Russia in 2018 and sentenced to 16 years in jail on espionage charges. Blinken noted: “The United States has put forward a serious proposal. Moscow should accept it. We’re determined to bring Paul and every other American citizen who is unjustly detained around the world home. We won’t rest until we do.” Blinken and Lavrov’s last phone call occurred last July when they discussed a proposal for the release of Whelan and WNBA star Brittney Griner.

Additionally, Blinken underscored continued U.S. support for Ukraine, and stressed that Ukraine and the U.S. want Russia’s war to end on that basis. Referring to his conversation with Lavrov, Blinken told reporters: “End this war of aggression. Engage in meaningful diplomacy that could produce a just and durable peace. [Ukrainian] President Zelenskyy has put forward a 10-point plan for a just and durable peace. The United States stands ready to support Ukraine on the diplomacy to end the war on this basis. [Russian] President Putin has demonstrated zero interest in engaging, saying there’s nothing to even talk about, unless and until Ukraine accepts and I quote ‘the new territorial realities’ while doubling down on his brutalization of Ukraine.”

Editorial credit: roibu / Shutterstock.com

Take a look at Rachel Weisz as twins in the teaser for Prime Video’s ‘Dead Ringers’


Rachel Weisz portrays twin OBGYN’s Beverly and Elliot Mantle in the upcoming new Prime Video series ‘Dead Ringers,’ a modern reimagining of David Cronenberg’s 1988 psychosexual thriller of the same name starring Jeremy Irons.

In the new series, Weisz’s characters are twins who share everything: drugs, lovers, and an unapologetic desire to do whatever it takes — including pushing the boundaries of medical ethics — in an effort to challenge antiquated practices and bring women’s health care to the forefront. ‘Dead Ringers’ also stars Britne Oldford as Genevieve, Poppy Liu as Greta, Michael Chernus as Tom, Jennifer Ehle as Rebecca, and Emily Meade as Susan.

‘Dead Ringers’ will premiere on Friday, April 21 on the streaming service, with all six episodes dropping at once.  Take a look at the teaser trailer for ‘Dead Ringers’here.

Editorial credit: Fred Duval / Shutterstock.com

Netflix shares the trailer for new series ‘Fubar’ starring Arnold Schwarzenegger


Netflix announced the new eight-episode series ‘Fubar, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The series also stars Monica Barbaro, Jay Baruchel, Milan Carter, Travis Van Winkle, Gabriel Luna, Andy Buckley, Aparna Brielle, Barbara Eve Harris and Fabiana Udenio.

Created by Prison Break’s Nick Santora, Schwarzenegger plays ‘an almost-retired CIA agent who finds out that he and his daughter are both CIA operatives and must join forces.’  Said Santora: “The thing I always marveled at was how Schwarzenegger could befunny while still kicking ass. That’s why I wanted Fubar to be a hysterical, CIA-spy comedy mixed with heart-stopping action! And it is all that — and more.”

Schwarzenegger said in a press release: “Everywhere I go, people ask me when I’m going to do another big action comedy like True Lies. Well, here it is. ‘Fubar’ will kick your [expletive] and make you laugh — and not just for two hours. You get a whole season.”

‘Fubar’ will debut May 25 on Netflix. Take a look at the teaser trailer – here.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Action-Comedy FUBAR Gets Release Date at Netflix — Watch Teaser Trailer

Editorial credit: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com



The Northwest Regional Corrections Center reported the following arrests.

Evert Dewayne Armstrong Jr., 44, of Mentor, for Domestic Assault

Uma Bommaraju McPhail, 53, of Grand Forks, for 3rd-Degree DUI

Derek Todd Myrvik, 31, of Grand Forks, for 2nd-Degree Drug Sales of Methamphetamine in a School/Park/Public Housing Zone.

The post ARREST/FIRE REPORT-MARCH 3, 2023 appeared first on KROX.



The Northwest Regional Corrections Center reported the following arrests.

Evert Dewayne Armstrong Jr., 44, of Mentor, for Domestic Assault

Uma Bommaraju McPhail, 53, of Grand Forks, for 3rd-Degree DUI

Derek Todd Myrvik, 31, of Grand Forks, for 2nd-Degree Drug Sales of Methamphetamine in a School/Park/Public Housing Zone.

The Crookston Fire Department (CFD) responded to the following calls on 3/2/2023 –

At 4:00 p.m., the CFD responded to the 300 block of Crescent Ave for a report of a one-vehicle accident. Upon arrival, the CFD assisted with roadway cleanup. There were no injuries to report. The CFD then cleared the scene.

At 3:30 a.m. on 3/3/2023, the CFD responded to the 400 block of Stuart Ave for a report of a smoke alarm activation. Upon arrival, the CFD investigated, and it was found to be a faulty detector. There was no danger present, the CFD replaced the alarm and cleared the scene.

The post ARREST/FIRE REPORT-MARCH 3, 2023 appeared first on KROX.