The annual March Musical Madness event was held on Monday, March 25, at Highland Elementary.

This event is an interactive concert featuring Ms. Ellis and the CHS Pop Strings and 6th graders!  Many families with children ages birth to 5 years old attended and enjoyed listening to many familiar songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels on the Bus, and a crowd favorite, a Bluey song!   Children were encouraged to dance and sing along to the rhythm of the orchestra. Following the concert, children were encouraged to make a homemade kazoo and make their own music!

Music offers many positive things for expanding children’s development.

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Democrat Marilyn Lands flips seat in Alabama House after running on abortion rights

Alabama State House in Montgomery^ Alabama.

Marilyn Lands, a Democratic candidate for a state House seat in Alabama, won a special election on Tuesday, defeating Republican Teddy Powell and  flipping the Republican-held seat. The seat representing Alabama’s 10th district (Madison City) in the state legislature had long been held by Republicans. Lands also ran for the seat in 2022, narrowly losing to her Republican opponent.

As a result of a court ruling in Alabama that threw access to fertility treatments into question, Lands focused her campaign on reproductive rights, including support for access to in vitro fertilization and abortion. Lands, a mental health counselor, said a statement: “Today, Alabama women and families sent a clear message that will be heard in Montgomery and across the nation. Our legislature must repeal Alabama’s no-exceptions abortion ban, fully restore access to IVF, and protect the right to contraception.”

After an Alabama Supreme Court ruling that equated frozen embryos to children, leading to major IVF providers in the state to pause fertility treatments, Lands spoke openly about her own abortion when her pregnancy was nonviable. She ran advertisements on reproductive health care, like contraception and in vitro fertilization.

Heather Williams, president of Democrats’ legislative campaign, called the special election “the first real test, and a harbinger of things to come .. Republicans across the country have been put on notice that there are consequences to attacks on IVF — from the bluest blue state to the reddest red, voters are choosing to fight for their fundamental freedoms by electing Democrats across the country.”

Editorial credit: Donald Walker / Shutterstock.com

Settlement reached in lawsuit between allies of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Disney

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis delivers his economic policy speech. Rochester^ N.H.USA - July 31^ 2023

Following the takeover of the Walt Disney World theme park resort’s government by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Disney and allies of DeSantis reached a settlement agreement on Wednesday after a court fight over how Walt Disney World is developed in the future.

The board of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District –which provides municipal services such as firefighting, planning and mosquito control, for example — was controlled by Disney supporters for most of its five decades.  The board members approved the settlement agreement, ending almost two years of litigation that was sparked by DeSantis’ takeover of the district from Disney supporters following the company’s opposition to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which bans classroom lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in early grades. As punishment for Disney’s opposition to the law, DeSantis took over the governing district through legislation passed by the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature and appointed a new board of supervisors. Disney sued DeSantis and his appointees, claiming the company’s free speech rights were violated for speaking out against the legislation. A federal judge dismissed that lawsuit in January.

Jeff Vahle, president of Walt Disney World Resort, said in a statement Wednesday: “this agreement opens a new chapter of constructive engagement with the new leadership of the district and serves the interests of all parties by enabling significant continued investment and the creation of thousands of direct and indirect jobs and economic opportunity in the state.”

Under the terms of Wednesday’s settlement agreement, Disney lets stand a determination by the board of DeSantis appointees that the comprehensive plan approved by the Disney supporters before the takeover is null and void. According to the settlement terms, Disney also agrees that a development agreement and restrictive covenants passed before the takeover are also not valid. As such, a comprehensive plan from 2020 will be used with the new board able to make changes to it, and the agreement suggests Disney and the new board will negotiate a new development agreement in the near future.


Editorial credit: Andrew Cline / Shutterstock.com

SPORTS FEEVER – March 28 2024

SPORTS FEEVER by Chris Fee of KROX Radio – chrisjfee@yahoo.com


KROX officially wrapped up the Winter Sports season on Saturday with the Class A Boys Basketball Championship game. The Fertile-Beltrami Falcons came up short in the championship game against Cherry, but you could clearly tell the Falcons didn’t have the juice after the triple overtime semi-final victory over West Central Area.

The semi-final game was the best state tournament game I have broadcast since the Red Lake vs Wabasso game in 1997 at the St. Paul Civic Center (where the Excel Energy Center is now located). They played four 8-minute quarters back then, and Wabasso led the game 81-62 at the end of the three quarters. Red Lake scored 43 points in eight minutes (not even a half of a half, which would be nine minutes these days). The game was tied at 105 at the end of regulation, and Wabasso held on to win the game 117-113.

It was an amazing pace from start to finish, but the fourth quarter was something we will never see again. Imagine a team putting up 43 points in the final eight minutes of a game.

Imagine a triple overtime thriller for the rights to play in the state championship game. The Fertile-Beltrami vs West Central Area game was close from start to finish. It looked like Fertile-Beltrami was in trouble when they led late in regulation when Caiden Swenby fouled out with less than three minutes to play in regulation. The Falcons led by three points, and a last-second prayer heave by a West Central player banked off the backboard and went in to tie the game and force overtime. There wasn’t a lot of action in the first or second overtime, but it was clear that Fertile-Beltrami was the team in better condition as they dominated the third overtime. The Falcons started the third overtime with a three-pointer and a three-point play and never looked back to win the game in triple overtime.

It was great to see the players who played in the game win the game. Every player had a huge part in the game, and to see Coach Neil Steffes get back to another state championship game was awesome, too. To see the huge Fertile-Beltrami crowd celebrating the amazing accomplishment of the boys was so much fun. It was a special time, and I was happy to have a front-row seat to all of it. It is a game I will never forget and one that is in my top two of all time.

I have had a lot of emails, texts, messages, social media posts, and calls, and I have already received some cards from people who listened to the game, letting me know how much they appreciated the coverage, especially the triple overtime game. I am happy we were able to bring the game to so many people over the radio, and like I tell people, it is our pleasure to cover Crookston, Fertile-Beltrami, and all the area teams we cover, especially at state. It is by far my favorite part of the job. To see kids representing their home town and leaving everything on the court/ice/grass/etc while trying to reach the ultimate goal of a state championship. To see the community pride, the school pride, and all the alumni and area communities come out to cheer the team on is always my favorite part.

We had over 10,000 people listening online during the three Fertile-Beltrami games at state. We had over 70,000 page views on our website in those three days. We have no idea how many people listened on the radio, but we know it was A LOT.

Congratulations to Fertile-Beltrami Boys Basketball. The ride was one I will never forget.

If you enjoy our coverage of high school, college, and professional sports, or news, music, or anything we carry on KROX Radio, our website, or our video stream, make sure you support the businesses that you hear on the radio, see on the website, or watch on the video streams. The only way we can do what we do is because of the businesses that advertise with us. So make sure to patronize those businesses because, without them, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. It literally takes a village!

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Unfortunately, Crookston Pirate Girls Hockey is looking for a new coaching staff. I received a phone call last week while down at State Basketball from Activities Director Nate Lubarski, letting me know the tough news. I haven’t had a chance to talk with Emily yet, but I wanted to thank the entire coaching staff for always being great to us at KROX.

Emily Meyer, Stacy (Flikka) Olson, Amanda Lien, and Andy Fee gave a lot of time to the girl’s hockey program and had them one goal away from advancing to a state tournament, and the loss was to the eventual state champion again. What more can you ask for? Coach Meyer was the Section 8A Coach of the Year, as voted by her peers.

Emily was always willing to give us any info or help that we needed to make sure our broadcasts were available. She would promote them to the fans, and I can say with 100 percent certainty that she CARED about every one of the girls on the team. She wanted what was best for them and would do whatever it took to make sure they were in the best position to get a win. Sometimes, that means changing lines, positions, etc. The coach’s job is to put the best team out there, not benefit one player, and Emily did that to the fullest of her ability.
She was a great interview and was always willing, even after a tough loss in the Section 8A championship this year. She is an amazing young lady and knows hockey better than most. She was always AWESOME to KROX, and I cannot thank her enough for that!

She will be very hard to replace. With that said, I am excited for Emily as she will finish her degree, and if she wants to, I see her as a college coach. She has the knowledge, the smarts, and the connections, and I think she would be a great coach at the next level. I firmly believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, and the grass will be greener for Emily on the other side. She will be successful in whatever she decides to do. She has great work ethic, is determined, smart, and is a good person. She is awesome!!!!

Stacy (Flikka) Olson was pregnant and still helped out on the bench as much as possible. So many people in today’s society would say nope, I am not helping. Stacy said I will do everything I can to help the girls. That is beyond admirable, and it shows you the dedication she has to put back into the program she played for. The girls were so lucky to have her as a coach. She is a great young lady and did whatever it took to give the girls the best chance to win.

Amanda Lien is another former Pirate Girls Hockey player who gave back to the program as an assistant coach. To have three young ladies on the staff to give back to the program is so cool. Amanda came on and was sometimes the sounding board for the girls, which is part of being the assistant. She did a great job helping out, and seeing her be part of the program was pretty cool.

Andy Fee is my brother, of course. I have known him since he was born and still can beat him up to this day. We love him, even if something went drastically wrong with his decisions growing up, like becoming a UND Hockey fan instead of a Gopher Fan like the rest of us. In all seriousness, he said he respects the coaches decisions and enjoyed coaching with them this past season as a volunteer coach.

So who is going to coach next year?  You need to find three coaches for Girls Hockey, which is one of the most challenging sports to find a coach for many reasons.

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I find it interesting that fans and parents (some from Crookston) are signing a petition because high school sports aren’t fair, especially with the private schools. The KICKER with Crookston fans and parents……Crookston Boys and Girls Hockey is in a coop with a private school (Sacred Heart)!!!!! So Crookston shouldn’t be complaining that private schools should be treated differently when we coop with a great school like Sacred Heart. You can’t make up for the ineptitude of some parents and fans.

Talking with a guy from the youth Hockey Hub, he said Minnesota High School Hockey is basically Tier 1 hockey now. Kids are moving to other programs because moms and dads are willing to do whatever they can to make sure their kid is a “winner,” instead of showing them what it means to be loyal, how to become a better person by working hard and trying to do the best in the situation you are given.

I look at the Hennen kid from Kittson County Central. He played for the Bearcats all the way through. He played some fall hockey but always returned to play for his high school. Oh….by the way, he is playing at D1 Augustana. No matter what any of these money-hungry paycheck hockey coaches tell you, if you are GREAT, it doesn’t matter where you play. You will be recruited.

It isn’t just hockey, it is basketball and other sports, too. The Metro area is the wild west of transferring. It isn’t just private schools, it is all schools, including public schools. The Star Tribune (Twin Cities newspaper) had a list of star high school athletes who transferred to a new school this year before the fall sports season started. Some private schools are LOSING kids to public schools or other private schools too.

I don’t believe this is 100 percent an MSHSL problem. Probably a 50/50 problem. Open enrollment is an issue. It is a parenting and society problem. These parents pay asinine amounts of money to try to buy their kid a scholarship, literally. There is no longer loyalty for kids, parents, and even some coaches who bounce around from school to school, looking for the best chance to win instead of building something.

What can you do? I don’t think you can do anything other than close open enrollment. But if a family moves to a district and has a house there, the MSHSL can’t do anything about it. It is what makes following teams like Fertile-Beltrami even more fun. They are kids who have been playing together since they were little, and fun to see them do so well. They have a coach who has been there for 31 years and is proud of the kids, program, and community.

Of the Minnesota State Boys Basketball championship teams, all four had transfers on their team.

From the Star Tribune –
Senior Kayden Wells, who had 19 points and 10 rebounds for Minnetonka in the Class 4A final, played for Benilde-St. Margaret’s last season. So did sophomore Christian Wiggins, who scored 18 points for Wayzata in the 4A final.

Senior Daniel Freitag, who scored 33 points for Breck in its victory in the Class 2A championship game, played for Bloomington Jefferson last season. He had announced he would transfer to a school in California before deciding to play for Breck.

The senior star who led Totino-Grace to the Class 3A title, Isaiah Johnson-Arigu, played for Osseo as a sophomore.

At Cherry, junior Noah Sundquist, who had 15 points and nine rebounds in the Class 1A championship game, was prominent for Chisholm as a ninth-grader.

Benilde-St. Margaret’s (a private school) had two players transfer from their team to play for public schools.

So what can you do? I have no idea.

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Only nine times in the last 25 years has an NCAA men’s hockey team changed coaches after missing the tournament, then made the field in the new coach’s first season. Mike Hastings (Crookston High School graduate) is on that list twice, at Minnesota State in 2012-13 and now at Wisconsin.

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Spring Sports is underway, and the Crookston Pirate Spring Sports seems to have decent numbers, with all teams having more than last spring, which is a good sign.

The Crookston Pirate Girls Track team has 43 out for track this spring and three managers.
Seniors (5) – Kristine Bernd, Katelyn Christensen, Marissa Haugen, Bailey Turnwall, Halle Winjum
Juniors (3) -Maddie Harbott, Naomi Johnson, Jezabel Vega
Sophomores (4) – Ashlyn Bailey, Chloe Boll, Kamryn Proulx, ZiiZi Sam
Freshman (7) – Aurbrey Bartrum, Teagan Fanfulik, Alaina Goelzer, Jaleianie Hebert, Ashlynn Lalonde, Katie Seaver, Brooklyn Waldal
8th graders (9) – Rilynn Aubol, Kylah Boman, Grace Boll, Sylvia Christensen, Hailey Fritz, Nora Groven, Maddie Hanson, Lundyne Hebert, Maci Johnson 
7th graders (12) – Morgan Boll, Kasey Fritz, Eva Gosse, Lydia Grovum, Catelyn Maruska, Ava Oliver, Lyla Oman, Natalie Perala, Jennika Reese, Eva Tate, Haley Voss, Kinsley Wangen
6th graders (3) – Briget Groven, Lauren Tull, Mollie Wagner
Managers (3) – Mykayla Garcia, Kadelynn Gonzalez, Kya Grove

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The Crookston Pirate Boys Track team has 20 kids out this year.
Senior (1) – Javen Lund
(1) – Jayden Mulvey
(8) – Miles Corneillie, Wyatt Marsyla, Makoti Weber, Peter Wiersma, Kahnen Hansen, Lennon Prudhomme, Ryker Arnold, Alejandro Rodriguez
(2) – Aaron Gosse, Demario Schroht
8th graders
(4) – Gavin Reitmeier, Austin Stopa, Paul Bruce, Chris Goodrich
7th grader
(1) – Eli Marsyla
6th graders
(3) – James Hood, Cohen Luckow, Jude Seddon

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The Crookston Pirate Softball team has 30 out 6-12 and two managers.
Seniors (2) – Reese Swanson, Cassie Solheim
Juniors (5) – Emily Bowman, Danielle Kresl, Shaya Azure, Kambelle Freije, Carley Knutson
Sophomores – None
Freshmen (10) – Madi Abrams, Brylee Darco, Madi Bruggeman, Brea Lessard, Allysen Wagner, Isabel Pahlen, Mollie Samuelson, Leah Johanneck, Jocelyn Johnson, Lilyan Corneillie
8th graders (7) – Leia Parkin, Rilynn Aubol, Shyuh Brunette, Kylie Delage, Peyton Demerais, Alyssa Johnson, Silla Gonzalez
7th graders (3) – Brynna Kopecky, Emma Pierson, Cora Prudhomme
6th graders (3) – Mckinna Amiot, Calianna Donarski, Tylie Demarais
Manager (2) – Adlyn Hanson, Addison Schiller

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The Crookston Pirate Boys Tennis team has 23 out this spring.
Seniors (3) – Caden Boike, Isaac Thomforde, Halle Winjum
Juniors (4) – Tim Brule, Michael Deng, Jack Everett, Codey Heinle
Sophomores (5) – Gunnar Groven, Jacob Halvorson, Isaac Luckow, Samuel Widseth, Reggie Winjum
Freshmen (7) – Sawyer Anderson, Ean Deleon, Landon Meier, Colton Osborn, Hudson Rick, Alex Zammert, Grant Funk
Eight grade (2) – Tucker Lubinski, Cameron Martin
Seventh grade (2) – Breck Borowicz, Marshall Hanson

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The Pirate Boys Golf team’s roster has been growing each day and they currently (as of Tuesday evening) have 18 out.
Seniors (4) – Kadin Edwards, Ashton Shockman, Brannon Tangquist, David Threatt
Juniors (1) – Daniel Jones
Sophomores (4) – David Dauksavage, Garrett Fischer, Tate Hamre, Evan Shockman
Freshmen (1) – Kevin Nielsen
Eighth graders (2) – Quinton Fredericks, John Lisov
Seventh graders (3) – Cylus Reyes, Paul Thornhill, Zackary Waslaski
Sixth graders (3) – Harrison Cameron, Hayden Ricard, Garrett Wilkens

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The Crookston Pirate Baseball team has 18 out in grades 9-12.
Seniors (2) – Blake Melsa, Lucas Miller
Juniors (3) – Matthew Contreras, Conner Hanson, Parker Kelly
Sophomores (9) – Nolan Casavant, Cody Demarais, Isaiah Donarski, Greyson Ecker, Tony Elbinger, Carter Fee, Lucas Perala, Masen Reitmeier, Jay Reese
Freshman (4) – Aiden Delage, Ethan Lanctot, Austin Lund, Xsavior Ramos

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The Minnesota Basketball Coaches Association has announced the Senior All-Star game participants. The games will be played on Saturday, April 6 at Anoka Ramsey Community College.Players from the area are listed below –

Caiden Swenby (Fertile-Beltrami)
Justin Courneya
Dylan Zimmerman

The MBCA also announced the coaches of the year.
8AA Coach of the Year – John Gullingsrud (Pelican Rapids)
8 Coach of the Year – Christian Erickson (Warren-A-O)

The MBCA Academic Team Champions were –
8AA – Warroad
8A – Stephen-Argyle

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The Pine to Prairie Boys Basketball All-Conference teams have been announced.

First team –
Caiden Swenby (Fertile-Beltrami)
Justin Courneya (Win-E-Mac)
Cameron Spaeth (Ada-Borup-West)
Carter Clark (Mahnomen-Waubun)
Aidan Flaten (NCE-UH)

Second team –
Ryan Kangas (Win-E-Mac)
Derek Sorenson (Fertile-Beltrami)
Austin McCraven (Ada-Borup-West)
Isaac Jacobson (Park Christian)
Cadyn Dahl (Ada-Borup-West)

Third team –
Wyatt Crompton (NCE-UH)
Bridger Carlson (Park Christian)
Mason Larson (Ada-Borup-West)
Hudson Boushee (Fosston)
Mason Nowacki (Fertile-Beltrami)

Honorable Mention –
Ryan Morris (Climax-Fisher)
Ethan Evitts (Climax-Fisher)
Luca Beske (LPA)
Cody Poegel (LPA)
Tyler Loeb (Park Christian)
Preston Hanson (Fertile-Beltrami)
Ryne Duppong (Fosston)
Will Christen (Fosston)

MVP – Caiden Swenby (Fertile-BeltramI)
Defensive Player of the Year – Ryan Kangas (Win-E-Mac)
Coach of the Year – Neil Steffes (Fertile-Beltrami)

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Addison Sage, a sophomore from Thompson, North Dakota, and the daughter of Stephen-Argyle and UMC Women’s Basketball star, Amy (Kuznia) Sage was named to the North Dakota Girls Basketball All-State first team.
Addison averaged the following stats –
19.6 ppg
2.7 rebounds
3.2 assists
2.0 steals
54.2% 2pt-FG
57.3% 3pt-FG
78.1% FT

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University of Minnesota Crookston basketball student-athletes Ben Hoverson (Jr., Grand Forks, N.D.), Natalie Mikrot (Willow River), and Janie Tormanen (Menahga), join Greta Saylor (Soccer, New Brighton, Minn.), Jada VanOverbeke (Soccer, Hartford, S.D.), Brooklyn Fischbach (Soccer, South St. Paul), and Mara Weisensel (Volleyball, New Ulm) as Golden Eagles to earn Academic All-District selections this season.

The 2023-24 Academic All-District® Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams, selected by College Sports Communicators, recognize the nation’s top student-athletes for their combined performances on the court and in the classroom. The CSC Academic All-America® program separately recognizes honorees in four divisions — NCAA Division I, NCAA Division II, NCAA Division III and NAIA.

Academic All-District® honorees advance to the CSC Academic All-America® ballot. First-, second and third-team Academic All-America® honorees will be announced April 16 (women) and April 17 (men). The CSC Academic All-District® teams include the student-athletes listed at the links above.

The Division II and III CSC Academic All-America® programs are partially financially supported by the NCAA Division II and III national governance structures to assist CSC with handling the awards fulfillment aspects for the 2022-23 Divisions II and III Academic All-America® programs. The NAIA CSC Academic All-America® program is partially financially supported through the NAIA governance structure.

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The 16th Annual Crookston High School Triple A Academics, Arts, and Athletics Senior Recognition Banquet will be held Monday, April 29, at 6:00 p.m. at the Crookston High School. Seniors that have academic letters and have participated in athletics, band, choir, drama, Knowledge Bowl, Leo Club, National Honor Society, orchestra, speech, student council, top academics, visual arts, yearbook, and Envirothon. Tickets for parents, family members, and friends may be purchased at the Crookston High School, KROX, or Wonderful Life Foods and must be purchased by Monday, April 22. The cost of tickets is $17. High school seniors are free, and they can pick up their tickets at the CHS office. Make checks payable to Triple-A. If you have any special dietary needs, please contact Andy or Carol at Irishman’s Shanty at 281-9912. If you have any questions, contact Nate Lubarski at the Crookston High School at 281-2144 or Margee Keller at 218-349-4566. Crookston Rotary, Crookston Lions, Pirate Fine Arts Boosters, and Pirate Boosters sponsor the Triple A Banquet.

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The latest Minnesota High School sports rankings are available by clicking the link below.

Minnesota High School Rankings – KROX (kroxam.com)

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Make plans now to attend the 29th annual “Lace ’em Up” basketball camp to be held in Red Lake Falls High School at the Robert Matzke Gym from June 3-6, 2024

The camp is open to any boys or girls in grades K-11. The camp is set up to run from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 for grades 5-11 (grade they were in this past school year) each morning and from 12:30 until 3:00 p.m. for grades K-4 (grade they were in this past school year). The cost of the camp is $70, with a maximum cost per family of $100. If you register before May 22,  you will also receive a camp T-shirt. After May 22, ALL SINGLE REGISTRATION FEES WILL BE $80, AND THE MAXIMUM COST PER FAMILY WILL BE $120 due to CAMP PREPARATION AND AWARD ORDERS.

Cut on the dotted line and return the following to: Steve Philion, 518 Champagne Ave., Red Lake Falls, MN 56750. (cell:  218-686-3608) (home: 218-253-2499). E-mail: sphilion@rlfedu.org

Make checks payable to: Lace ’em Up Basketball Camp

If anyone needs help with the cost of the camp, let Mr. Philion know as we have people who have offered to cover costs for kids that need financial help.

_    _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _

Grade in 2023-2024________________ (GRADE JUST COMPLETED)

T-shirt sizes:     Please circle one:

Youth sizes:       EXTRA SMALL           SMALL            MEDIUM             LARGE

Adult sizes:        SMALL     MEDIUM     LARGE      X-LARGE        XX-LARGE


MALE____________              FEMALE____________

I, the parent of the above student agree to allow my child to participate in the 2024 “Lace ’em Up” basketball camp in Red Lake Falls. I also understand that the camp director, the City of RLF, and the RLF school district are not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or COVID that my child might incur.

SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN:_______________________________________

Emergency cell number of parent or guardian:________________________________

— — —


A proud and confident genius makes a bet with an idiot. 

The genius says, “Hey idiot, every question I ask you that you don’t know the answer, you have to give me $5. And if you ask me a question and I can’t answer yours I will give you $5,000.” 

The idiot says, “Okay.” 

The genius then asks, “How many continents are there in the world?” The idiot doesn’t know and hands over the $5. 

The idiot says, “Now me ask: what animal stands with two legs but sleeps with three?” 

The genius tries and searches very hard for the answer but gives up and hands over the $5,000. 

The genius says, “Dang it, I lost. By the way, what was the answer to your question?” 

The idiot hands over $5.

— —

One Monday morning a mailman is walking the neighborhood on his usual route. As he approaches one of the homes he noticed that both cars were in the driveway. His wonder was cut short by Bob, the homeowner, coming out with a load of empty beer and liquor bottles. “Wow Bob, looks like you guys had one hell of a party last night.” the mailman comments.
Bob in obvious pain replies, “Actually we had it Saturday night. This is the first I have felt like moving since 4:00 am Sunday morning. We had about fifteen couples from around the neighborhood over for Christmas Cheer and it got a bit wild. Hell, we got so drunk around midnight that we started playing WHO AM I.”
The mailman thinks a moment and says, “How do you play that?”
Well all the guys go in the bedroom and we come out one at a time with a sheet covering us and only our “privates” showing through a hole in the sheet. Then the women try to guess who it is.”
The mailman laughs and says, “Damn, I’m sorry I missed that.”
Probably a good thing you did,” Bob responds. “Your name came up four or five times.”

— —

“That wife of mine is a liar,” said the angry husband to a sympathetic pal seated next to him in the bar.

“How do you know?” the friend asked.

“She didn’t come home last night and when I asked her where she’d been, she said she had spent the night with her friend Julie.”


“So she’s a liar. I spent the night with her friend Julie.”

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How are former Crookston Pirates athletes doing in college or elsewhere?
****LET ME KNOW OF OTHERS TO ADD TO THE LIST. Email me at chrisjfee@yahoo.com

Halle Bruggeman is a freshman on the University of Wisconsin-Stout Women’s Tennis team.

Grace Fischer is a freshman on the Concordia College (Moorhead) Women’s Golf team.

Ethan Boll is a Freshman on the University of North Dakota Football team.

Breanna Kressin is a Sophomore on the Hockey Cheer Team for THE University of Minnesota Golden Gopher Hockey team.

Emma Osborn is a Sophomore playing basketball at Northland Technical and Community College in Thief River Falls.

Jacey Larson is a Sophomore playing hockey at Dakota College at Bottineau.

Aleah Bienek is a Sophomore playing hockey at Trine University in Indiana.

Elise Tangquist is the Head Girls Golf Coach at Horace High School in Fargo, ND..

Kaleb Thingelstad is a junior playing golf at Kansas Wesleyan.

Joslynn Leach is a sophomore playing golf at Concordia College in Moorhead. The Cobbers wrapped up the Fall season.

Brady Butt is a Junior playing football at the University of Jamestown.

Ty Hamre is playing football at Bemidji State University.

Aleece Durbin is a Junior on the University of North Dakota Womens Track and Field team.

Elizabeth Erdman is a coach for the Moorhead Red Dragon swim team.

Crookston School District Coaches
Todd Miner 
is a Pirate Football assistant coach.
Ben Parkin 
is the head Pirate Baseball Coach.
Emily Meyer 
is the Pirate head girls hockey coach and softball assistant coach.
Jeremy Lubinski 
is a Pirate 8th Grade Football coach.
Amy Boll 
is the head Pirate Girls Track head coach
Sarah Reese 
is the Pirate Head Girls Soccer coach
Marley Melbye is the Head Girls Swimming coach and assistant girls golf coach
Jeff Perreault 
is the Pirate Girls Golf head coach
Wes Hanson is the Pirate Wrestling Head Coach and assistant boys golf coach
Kevin Weber is a Pirate Boys Basketball volunteer assistant coach
Connor Morgan is the Pirate Boys Hockey assistant coach
Sam Melbye is the Pirate Boys J.V. Hockey coach
Chris Dufault is a youth wrestling Coach
Colton Weiland is an assistant wrestling coach

Non-Crookston High School coaching/Admin/etc

Tim Desrosier is an Assistant Coach for Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Pony Boys Basketball

Pat Wolfe is the head wrestling coach for Fosston/Bagley.

Austin Sommerfeld is an Assistant Athletic Director for Strategic Communication at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth.

Collin Reynolds is the head baseball coach for the University of Colorado Buffalo Club Baseball team.

Trent Stahlecker is a School Security Specialist & he works for the Brevard Public Schools, Florida.

Cody Weiland is an assistant wrestling coach at Proctor/Hermantown.

Josh Edlund is the head football coach and phy ed teacher at Flandreau, South Dakota.

Allison Lindsey Axness is Assistant Varsity Volleyball Coach at Champlin Park

Jeff Olson is the Head Wrestling Coach and Head Baseball coach at Delano.

Jake Olson is an Assistant Football Coach and Head Boys Tennis coach at Delano.

Katy (Westrom) Horgen is the Head Boys Tennis coach at Monticello High School.

Matt Harris is an Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at Saguaro High School in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Marty Bratrud is the Superintendent and High School Principal at Westhope High School.

Gordie Haug is an assistant football coach at the University of Wyoming.

Mike Hastings is the Wisconsin Badgers Men’s head Hockey coach.

Mike Biermaier is the Athletic Director at Grand Forks Schools.

Stephanie (Lindsay) Perreault works with the North Dakota State stats crew for Bison football, volleyball, and basketball in the winter. Stephanie’s husband, Ryan, is the assistant director for Bison media relations.

Jason Bushie is the hockey athletic trainer at Colorado College.

Chris Myrold is the Director and Fitness at Mission Ranch and Fitness in Camel, California.

Kyle Buchmeier 
is a Tennis Pro at the Reed-Sweatt Family Tennis Center in Minneapolis

Ben Andringa is serving our country in the Army and is now a Ranger.

Jarrett Butenhoff is serving our country with the U.S. Navy.

Joshua Butenhoff is serving our country on a Submarine with the Pacific Fleet with the US Navy.

Peter Cournia is a 2002 Crookston High School Graduate and a grad of West Point and currently serving in the U.S. Army.

Erik Ellingson is serving our country with the U.S. Air Force at Minot.

Philip Kujawa class of 2004, from Crookston High School. He is an Army recruiter in Rochester.

Rob Sobolik is the General Manager of the Fargodome

That’s it for this week. Thanks for the comments, and if you have anything to add or share, please e-mail chrisjfee@yahoo.com or call. Thanks for reading and listening to KROX RADIO and kroxam.com.

Neve Campbell to return for ‘Scream 7’ with director Kevin Williamson

Neve Campbell at Weekend of Hell^ a two day (April 7-8 2018) horror-themed fan convention.DORTMUND^ GERMANY - APRIL 8

Neve Campell announced that she will return for ‘Scream 7’, posting a photo of her script on Instagram along with the news that ‘Scream’ creator Kevin Williamson will direct the script from Guy Busick. Christopher Landon was originally hired to direct the seventh Scream in the film’s franchise, but during development, Scream and Scream VI star Melissa Barrera was fired by Spyglass Entertainment for comments about the Israel-Hamas war.  In addition, Jenna Ortega left the seventh film reportedly due to scheduling conflicts, prior to Barrera’s firing; after which Landon announced his departure as director in December.

Campbell posted on her social media: “Hi All. I’m so excited to announce this news!!! Sidney Prescott is coming back!!!! It’s always been such a blast and an honor to get to play Sidney in the Scream movies. My appreciation for these films and for what they have meant to me, has never waned. I’m very happy and proud to say I’ve been asked, in the most respectful way, to bring Sidney back to the screen and I couldn’t be more thrilled!!! Well actually I could. While I’ve been so incredibly lucky to make these films with both the master of horror Wes Craven and the wonderfully talented Matt and Tyler team, I’ve dreamt for many years of how amazing it would be to make one of these movies with Kevin Williamson at the helm. And now it’s happening, Kevin Williamson is going to direct Scream 7! This was his baby and it’s his brilliant mind that dreamt up this world. Kevin is not just an inspiration as an artist but has been a dear friend for many years. To the amazing Scream fans, I hope you are as excited as I am. See you on set @kevwilliamson”

Campbell played Sidney Prescott in the first five films of the ‘Scream” franchise, but declined to be involved in ‘Scream VI’, telling People at the time that the offer for her to appear in the film was below fair market for a franchise star in a sixth installment: “I honestly don’t believe that if I were a man and had done five installments of a huge blockbuster franchise over 25 years, that the number that I was offered would be the number that would be offered to a man.”

Editorial credit: Markus Wissmann / Shutterstock.com

Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs speaks out after raid of his homes by federal agents

Sean 'Diddy' Combs^ Diddy at the "The Four" Season 1 Finale Viewing Party at Delilah on February 8^ 2018 in West Hollywood^ CA

The attorney for Sean “Diddy” Combs’ has released a statement after Homeland Security raided the rapper’s homes in Miami and Los Angeles on March 25.

In a statement to E! News, Diddy’s attorney, Aaron Dyer, is accusing the government of using excessive force while searching his home reportedly as part of a sex trafficking investigation in his statement. Dyer denounced Homeland Security’s use of force while searching Diddy’s homes, saying: “Yesterday, there was a gross overuse of military-level force as search warrants were executed at Mr. Combs’ residences. There is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated.”

The statement said that Combs, 54, spoke to the authorities and he was not arrested, and maintained Diddy’s innocence: “This unprecedented ambush—paired with an advanced, coordinated media presence—leads to a premature rush to judgment of Mr. Combs and is nothing more than a witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. There has been no finding of criminal or civil liability with any of these allegations. Mr. Combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name.”

The raid comes four months after Diddy settled a lawsuit after his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura, who accused him of sexual assault. In total, five women have come forward accusing the rapper of sexual assault since late 2023; Diddy released a statement denying the allegations against him.

A rep for Homeland Security Investigations confirmed that their New York branch “executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation” on March 25, with sources familiar with the investigation telling NBC News that the raid may be tied to a federal investigation regarding accusations of sex-trafficking and sexual assault, as well as the solicitation and distribution of illegal narcotics and firearms against Combs.

Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com


The Northwest Regional Correction Center reported the arrest of the following-

Kiasia Lashae Glover, 24, of East Grand Forks, for third-degree assault and causing substantial bodily harm.

Bruce Wayne Schipper, 64, of Crookston, for public nuisance.


The Northwest Regional Correction Center reported the arrest of the following-

Kiasia Lashae Glover, 24, of East Grand Forks, for third-degree assault and causing substantial bodily harm.

Bruce Wayne Schipper, 64, of Crookston, for public nuisance.


Crookston Home-Delivered Meals will be delivered by Our Saviors Lutheran Church through Friday, March 29.

The Golden Link Senior Center will have Foot Care today from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., followed by Smear at 1:00 p.m., and SAIL class at 2:30 p.m.

The Crookston Public Library will have Storytime for ages 0 through 6 today from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m.

The Crookston Eagles Club will have Bar Bingo (Progressive) Jackpot tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. The kitchen will also serve baskets.

Crookston City Hall will be closed by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, March 29, in observance of Good Friday. The city garbage collection for Friday, March 29, will be collected as normal.

The Crookston Eagles Club will have Bar Bingo on Friday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m. This will include a $1,000 must-go jackpot. In between games, there will be horse races and pull-tab games. The kitchen will also be serving baskets. Stars in Bars Karaoke will follow.

The Crookston Eagles Club will have Bar Bingo on Saturday, March 30, beginning at 2:00 p.m. This will include a $400 must-go jackpot.

“Recovery for Everyday People.” Rev. Gretchen Enoch will host a six-session class using the 12 Steps of Recovery with the Bible to bring healing and wholeness to all people. Monday nights starting April 1, 2024, at Trinity Lutheran Church. The cost for materials is $20. Scholarships are available upon request. Call 812.639.7816 to register. A ministry of the Northern Lights Ministry Collaborative. 

The Crookston Early Childhood Initiative Breakfast Fundraiser will be on Sunday, April 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Masonic Lodge #141, 112 West Robert Street in Crookston. The menu includes waffles, French toast, gluten-free pancakes, juice, and sausage.

Kindergarten Round-Up will be on Thursday, April 10, at Washington School in Crookston. This is for families who have a child who will be five years old by September 1, 2024. If you have a child who is eligible for Kindergarten and has not been contacted, please call Washington School at 281-2762.

The First Lutheran Church in Warren will have a Bake Sale and Lunch on Saturday, April 13, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch will include barbeques, chips and pie.

Spring Clean-Up Week in Crookston will be April 15 through 19. Single-family dwelling items will be picked up only on your regular garbage pickup day, and they must be placed on the street boulevard by 7:00 a.m. and not more than 24 hours prior to your collection day. Yard Waste Collection will be the week of April 22.

The Celebrate the Young Child Collaborative invites you to come PLAY together at their CYC Family Festival on Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Crookston High School.  Many hands-on stations will be available, along with information booths and a light meal.

The Wild Rice Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting of the Members will be held on Thursday, April 18, at the Shooting Star Event Center in Mahnomen. Registration opens at 4:30 p.m. with a plated dinner served at 5:00 p.m. Entertainment by Blu Kanu from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. The business portion of the meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. Members can sign up to win prizes.

The Downtown Crookston Development Partnership will present its final Broadway at the Grand on Thursday, April 18, at 7:00 p.m. at the Grand Theatre. They will be showing Into the Woods, and concessions will be available as well. 

A Veteran’s Benefit Fair will be held on Friday, April 19, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Crookston National Guard Armory. Many vendors will be on hand.

A Cancer Benefit for Cindy Bingham will be held on Friday, April 19, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Crookston Eagles. There will be food, a silent auction and Stars in Bars Karaoke to follow. Donations can also be made to the Bingham Benefit Fund at Bremer Bank in Crookston. All proceeds will benefit Cindy’s medical bills and associated expenses.

Yard Waste & Branch Collection in Crookston will be collected the week of April 22nd. All residents will need to have their yard waste and branches out by Monday as City crews will begin picking up on Monday and collect until they’ve been through the route. (This may only take a couple of days, not the entire week.) Place the materials on your curbside. Branches must be cut in four-foot lengths and bundled in order for the crews to take them away. Bagged yard waste must not exceed 30 pounds. per bag. Any branches or tree trunks not cut to this length and bundled will be left for the owner to haul away. Twigs may be in boxes or bags. Individuals removing their diseased elm trees should call City Hall to schedule pickup. Please note that yard waste is defined as leaves, grass, and other compostable material and will NOT be required to be in the clear City of Crookston bags during this week only.

Polk County Family Resource Center  Spring activities are on the fourth Monday of the month from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Crookston Public Library. Make your own journal on April 22. All supplies and snacks are provided.

The Benedictine Living Community in Crookston Is having an Adult Prom Fundraiser on Friday, May 3, at the Crookston Eagles. Tickets are $50 per person and include your meal with a choice of New York strip steak or walleye and a drink ticket. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and dinner at 7:00 and dance to follow with Big Papa’s DJ. A prom king and queen will be crowned. Tickets can be purchased at the Benedictine Living Community office from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, call 218-281-3424.

Washington School School Readiness and ECFE families, along with Washington staff and families, will celebrate together at a fun End of the Year Picnic on Monday, May 13, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Washington School.  This event offers great food and family fun.  In the event of rain, activities will be held inside.

The Mark Olsonawski Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held Thursday, June 6, in Hallock at Two Rivers Golf Course, and the UMC Teambacker Golf Classic on  Friday, June 14, at Minakwa Golf Course in Crookston. UMC Teambackers host both tournaments and raise funds for Golden Eagle Athletics. To learn more or register a team, use these links: https://z.umn.edu/olsonawski24 and https://z.umn.edu/umcgolf24.

The Trinity Lutheran Church in Crookston will host a Rhubarb Festival on Thursday, June 13, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


The Crookston March pool hours Monday through Friday are – lap swim  6:00 to 9:00 a.m., aqua aerobics 9:00 to 10:00, homeschool open swim 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Fridays only, and open swim 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Saturday, open swim from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., birthday party slots from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., call 218-1242 for reservations.  Closed on Sundays. Costs are: Open swim $5 a person, aqua aerobics $5 a person, lap swim $5 a person, and aqua and lap swim membership is $36 a month.

The application period is now open for many healthcare scholarships through the RiverView Foundation. Applications for the following scholarships are due to the Foundation office by noon on April 15, 2024. Bishop Afonya Healthcare Scholarship, Lenertz Family Healthcare Scholarship, June E. Shaver Healthcare Scholarship, Richard Maves Healthcare Scholarship, Lynette “Pud’’ Joseph Healthcare Scholarship, RiverView/Glenmore Foundation Scholarship, and Rongen Family Healthcare Scholarship. Guidelines and applications are available online at https://www.riverviewhealth.org/foundation/scholarships/, by calling the Foundation office at 281-9249, emailing Foundation Director Randy Schoenborn at rschoenborn@riverviewhealth.org, or by stopping at the Foundation office located at 721 S. Minnesota Street, Crookston.

Buy your tickets now for the 16th Annual Crookston High School Triple A Academics, Arts, and Athletics Senior Recognition Banquet, which will be on Monday, April 29, at 6:00 p.m. in the CHS Commons. Tickets must be purchased by Monday, April 22, and can be purchased at the Crookston High School, KROX, or Wonderful Life Foods. The cost of tickets is $17. Make checks payable to Triple-A. If you have any special dietary needs, please contact Irishman’s Shanty at 281-9912. Sponsored by Crookston Rotary, Crookston Lions, Pirate Fine Arts Boosters, and Pirate Boosters.

DNR Hunter Safety Traning for ages 11 and older will take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays beginning May 7. The classes will be held at the Crookston Gun Club. To register, contact Youth Activities Coordinator Steve Videen at 218-289-2115 or by email at stevevideen@yahoo.com

The Driftbusters Snowmobile Club has a $500 scholarship available to children of all club members who have successfully completed snowmobile safety training and submitted the application form. Applications are available at the Crookston High School or by emailing joelleb21@yahoo.com. Applications must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2024 to be eligible.  

The 2024 Crookston Firefighters Association Memorial Scholarship Award is now taking applications. This scholarship is for a graduating high school senior residing in Crookston or one of the townships served by the Crookston Firefighters Association. Applicants must plan to attend a 2-year community college or a 4-year college or university. Applications must be received by April 15, 2024. Applications can be downloaded at www.crookstonfirefightersassociation.org. Please submit questions to firereserve@crookston.mn.us.

The Crookston Eagles Auxiliary #873 awards a $500 scholarship annually. Applications are available at the Crookston High School or by contacting Sheila Menard at 218-289-3212 or by email at crookstoneaglesauxiliary.873@gmail.com. Applicants must have a relative who is a member of the Crookston Auxiliary but does not need to attend school in Crookston. Applications must be postmarked no later than April 1, 2024.

As the Crookston Care and Share expands its women’s dormitories are in need of twin bed frames, dressers, lamps, and end tables. Donate: call 218-281-2644.

The Crookston Squadron Civil Air Patrol meets every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Call 218-281-3954 for more information.

Parents of children are invited to register their children for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. The program provides one book every month to your child for FREE from when you enroll until they turn five. Crookston Public School manages the program, and you can register at www.ImaginationLibrary.com.

The Crookston Care and Share is now accepting donations of Women’s, Men’s, and children’s clothing, toiletries, and other everyday items. Donations may be dropped off at the Care and Share Center at 220 East Third Street or call 281-2644. The Donation Room is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Fridays from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Polk County Family Resource Center  Spring activities are on the fourth Monday of the month from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Crookston Public Library. Plant flowers and veggies and take home your own mini pot. All supplies and snacks are provided.

Polk County Public Health and ECFE will host a Newborn Baby Talk event for parents with babies newborn to 12 weeks every Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at the Crookston Public Library. There will be 2-12 week sessions. January 9-March 26, and April 2-June 18. A public health nurse, parent educator, and lactation specialist will be available to answer questions about your newborn and provide support and information on your journey of parenting. A facilitated discussion will cover feeding, attachment, sleep, development, family changes, and returning to work. You can have your baby weighed too.

Every Tuesday (except for Federal Holidays), The Crookston Public Library will host New Born Baby Talk from 9:30 am. to 11:00 a.m. This is for parents with babies 0-12 weeks old. A public health nurse, parent educator, and lactation specialist will be available to answer questions about your newborn and provide support and information on your new journey of parenting.

The Crookston Public Library’s Books & Brews Book Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of every other month at 6:00 p.m. at Drafts Sports Bar and Grill. They will discuss books and enjoy beverages. Appetizers are provided by the Friends of the Crookston Public Library; participants are responsible for the cost of their food and drinks. All are welcome.

The Crookston Public Library’s Reading by the Red Book Club meets on the fourth Tuesday of every other month at 6:00 p.m. They will discuss books and enjoy beverages.

The Crookston Public Library will have StoryTime every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

The Golden Link is serving noon lunch Monday through Friday. All are welcome to dine in between the hours of 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The Crookston Friends of the Library meet on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

The Crookston Library Board meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:15 p.m.

The Cove Youth Center in Crookston is open Monday through Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Students and parents should call ahead to check the availability of the youth center at 218-470-0149.

The Crookston Care and Share Center’s Donation and New Hope Food Shelf will be open every Monday and Wednesday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and every Friday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. For more information or to donate, call 218-277-0000.

Gary Coauette – OBIT

Gary Lee Coauette, 67, lifelong resident of Crookston, MN, passed away Wednesday morning, March 27, 2024, in the Benedictine Living Community Crookston with his loving family by his side.

Gary was born on December 7, 1956, in Crookston, the son of Harvey and Doris (LaPlante) Coauette. He was baptized and confirmed at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception and began his education in the Cathedral Elementary School. After his graduation from Mount St. Benedict High School with the Class of 1975 he went on to attend St. Cloud State University. Upon his return to Crookston, and for the next several years, Gary worked for agriculturally based local businesses including Agsco, Massey Ferguson, Crookston Implement, and Red River Distributing. On January 13, 1979, he was united in marriage to his longtime sweetheart, Laurie Carlstrom. They would soon be blessed by the births of daughter, Jordan, and son, Grant. Gary began employment with Crookston NAPA and Welding, managing the Parts Department until his retirement in 2019.

From their early childhood Gary and Laurie introduced their kids to the joys of camping. Norway Beach, near Cass Lake, MN, was a favorite destination through the years, as was a cabin on Loon Lake near Nevis, MN. Nothing was stronger than the lifelong friendships that were formed while gathered around shared campfires in the evening, sharing stories and singing favorite oldies songs. Gary had a great voice and had enjoyed singing at his sister’s wedding many years ago. He loved sports and was fiercely loyal to the Twins, Vikings, and Gopher Hockey. Late winter-early spring meant taking a not-to-be-missed trek to the Twin Cities for the Minnesota High School State Hockey Tournament where enough memories were made each year to last to the next.

Gary and Laurie were devoted to each other and extremely proud of Jordan and Grant, and their families. Nothing brought a bigger sparkle to Gary’s eyes than when he knew that the grandchildren were coming for a visit. His hugs, laughter, and teasing will play a huge part in the ways they will always remember their grandpa.

Gary leaves Laurie, his beloved soul-mate for the last 45 years; their daughter, Jordan Coauette and her husband, Justin Edstrom, and their children, Collins and Beckett of Fargo, ND; son, Grant Coauette and his wife, Amber, and their children Anders and Iris of Bemidji, MN; 5 siblings and spouses: Mary Jo Wallace, Dennis and Sherry Coauette of Crookston, Dave and Louise Coauette of Apple Valley, MN, Nancy and Lowell Brandner of East Grand Forks, MN, and Laurie and Steve Erickson of Crookston; and from Laurie’s side of the family her siblings: Leslie Strem and fiancé, Daniel Showley of Rochester, IN, Duane and Jodie Carlstrom of Moorhead, MN, Darin and Christy Carlstrom of East Grand Forks, MN, and Brad and Jenny Carlstrom of Crookston; as well as, many nieces and nephews, extended family, and friends.

Gary was preceded in death by his parents, Harvey and Doris Coauette, brother-in-law, James Wallace; parents-in-law, Bob and Ardis Carlstrom, and brother-in-law, Jan Strem. May God richly bless the memory of Gary Lee Coauette.

The Memorial Service for Gary Coauette will be held at 11:00 a.m., Monday, April 1, 2024, in St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Crookston, with The Rev. Chad Brucklacher, officiating. Visitation with the family will be at the Stenshoel-Houske Funeral Home on Sunday, March 31st, from 5-7:00 p.m., with a 7:00 p.m. prayer service, and will continue at the Church for one hour prior to the service Monday. Both services will be livestreamed by going to Gary’s obituary page at www.stenshoelhouske.com and clicking on the prompt to view. Messages of condolence may also be offered to Laurie, Jordan, Grant and their families on the funeral home website as well.
