The University of Minnesota Crookston will be hosting a Tour n Grill event on June 20 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The event will include tours of the campus, a grill-out, and games.

The Tour n Grill event is the counterpart to the winter event called Tour n Chill that UMC puts on. A winter event is a virtual event where students can join a Zoom call and get a campus tour over a video call while having a Q&A about campus afterward. The summer event, Tour n Grill, will allow the school to give in-person tours while it is at the height of its beauty in the summer. The in-person event will also enable prospective students and families to enjoy food and play outdoor games.

“We started at 5:30 or 6:00 last year. It was the first rollout of the event, so we ended up having the second portion of the tour in the dark. It wasn’t a terrible thing. We did want them to see it all with the sun up,” said Ethan Christopherson, UMC  admissions counselor.  “We’ll just do it a little bit earlier this year, and I think again we will lean more towards fun outdoor activities and less okay now let’s go to a classroom and talk about GPAs and scholarships and all that stuff. We’ll have that information but we will probably give that out in handout form.”

If you or someone you know is looking at attending college, this is a perfect time to check out the campus. “In the summer, it’s really awesome, and I mean, we can show you any department. We’ve got wonderful horticulture, nature areas, and many different things that are not your traditional tour. It can be built around what you want to see and what you want to or don’t ask,” said Christopherson. “The summer tours and the summer events are more about how beautiful the campus is. Things that you can do that you are interested in and not us just trying to force feed you a ton of information. It is laid back, it’s fun, the food is free, and it is good, and you’ll still have all your weekend time.” 

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The Crookston Pirate Girls Golf team finished fourth place, and Pirate Boys Golfer Garrett Fischer finished 16th place at the Section 8AA Golf Tournament held at the Bemidji Town and Country Club in Bemidji.

GIRLS Results –

ADDIE FEE – The junior had a solid first day with an 85, and followed with a second-round score of 91 for a two-day score of 176, good for 14th place, missing a trip to state by five strokes. Addie had three pars, 12 bogies, two double bogies, and one triple bogey.

MORGAN NELSON – The senior had a great day and shot a personal best 84 on the first day and shot a 96 in her second round for a two-day total of 180, good for 15th place overall.  Morgan had a birdie on the par four fifth hole, four pars, five bogies, five double bogies, two triple bogies, and one quadruple bogey.

HALLE NICHOLAS – The sophomore turned in a first-round score of 89 and shot a 92 in the second round for a two-day total of 191, good for 16th place overall. Halle had five pars, eight bogies, four double bogies, and one quadruple bogey.

AVA MARTIN – The sophomore shot a 91 in her first round and followed with another 91 for a two-round total of 182, good for 17th place overall. Ava recorded five pars, seven bogies, and six double bogies.

GEORGIA SANDERS – The junior shot a first-round 94 and followed it up with a second-round 93 for a two-day total of 187, good for 21st place. Georgia carded five pars, eight bogies, three double bogies, one triple bogey, and one quadruple bogey.

KAYLIE CLAUSON – The Junior shot a 97 on day one and shot a 95 on day two for a two-round total of 195, good for 29th place. Kaylie carded four pars, seven bogies, five double bogies, and two triple bogies.

The first-place team and the next top five individuals not on the winning team advance to state. 

CLICK HERE to listen to Coach Jeff Perreault’s comments.

GIRLS Teams SCORE   Pirates  Score
1. Detroit Lakes 632 Addie Fee 176
2. Fergus Falls 698 Morgan Nelson 180
3. Hawley 702 Halle Nicholas 181
4. Crookston 716 Ava Martin 182
5. Roseau 760 Georgia Sanders 187
5. Park Rapids 760 Kaylie Clauson 192
Top Individuals State-bound Individ.
1. Sophie Cook-Haw 148 1. Sophie Cook-Haw 148
2. Anna Eckman-DL 149 2. Anna Eckman-PR 149
3. S. Christianson-DL 156 3. Annika Jyrkas-FF 159
3. Laura Syltie-DL 156 4. Ivy Tickel – Haw 162
5. Annika Jyrkas-FF 159 5. Annie Mayer – FF 171


BOYS Results-

GARRETT FISCHER – The sophomore shot a first-round 84 and a second-round 79 for a total of 163, good for 16th place overall, missing a trip to state by five strokes. Garrett carded two birdies. The first birdie was on the par four third hole, and the second was on the par five ninth hole to wrap up the first nine at three over par. He also recorded seven pars, and nine bogies.

CLICK HERE for Coach Steve Kofoed’s comments.

BOYS Teams Score   Pirates  Score
1. Detroit Lakes 609 Garrett Fischer 163
2. Fergus Falls 625
3. Roseau 650
4. Hawley 653
5. Thief River Falls 660
6. East Grand Forks 682
7. Perham 690
Top Individuals State-bound Indivs.
1. Jack Justesen-Haw 148 1.Jack Justesen-Haw 148
2. Nick Tobkin-DL 151 2. Carter Hillukka-UNC 151
3. Carter Hillukka-UNC 154 3. Ryan Nelson-FF 155
4. Sully Braaten-DL 155 4. Riley McGovern-FF 157
4. Tyler Stensgard-DL
4. Brock Burhans-DL
5. Quintin Kuehl-FF




The Crookston Pirate Girls Golf team is in third place after the first day of the Section 8AA Golf Tournament and will advance to the final day, and the Pirate Boys Golfer Garrett Fischer will also advance to the second day of the section tournament at Bemidji Town and Country Club in Bemidji.

GIRLS Results –
The Crookston Pirate Girls Golf team turned in their best round of the year with a 349 and are in third place after the first round of the Section 8AA Girls Golf tournament. The top six teams advance to the second day.

MORGAN NELSON – The senior had a great day and shot a personal best 84 good for 11th place overall. Morgan carded a birdie by shooting a two on the par three seventh hole. She also had six pars, nine bogies, and two double bogies. Morgan is one stroke out of making the cut to go to state.

ADDIE FEE – The junior had a solid day and shot an 85, good for 12th place overall. Addie had a birdie with a four on the par five fourth hole. She also had five pars, 10 bogies, and two double bogies. Addie, who shot a 39 on the front nine, is two strokes out of making the cut to go to state.

HALLE NICHOLAS – The sophomore turned in the third sub-90 score for the Pirates with an 89, which is 16th place. Halle had four pars, nine bogies, and four double bogies. 

AVA MARTIN – The sophomore shot a 91, good for 19th place. She seven pars on the day, but she also had five bogies, four double bogies, and two triple bogies.

GEORGIA SANDERS – The junior shot a 94, good for 25th place. She had six pars, five bogies, four double bogies, and three triple bogies.

KAYLIE CLAUSON – The Junior shot a 97, good for 31st place. Kaylie had four pars, six bogies, five double bogies, and three triple bogies.

The first-place team and the next top five individuals not on the winning team advance to state. The second and final round will be played on Tuesday.

CLICK HERE to listen to Coach Jeff Perreault’s comments.

GIRLS Teams SCORE   Pirates  Score
1. Detroit Lakes 320 Morgan Nelson 84
2. Fergus Falls 340 Addie Fee 85
3. Crookston 349 Halle Nicholas 89
4. Hawley 358 Ava Martin 91
5. Park Rapids 378 Georgia Sanders 94
6. Roseau 379 Kaylie Clauson 97
6. Perham 379
8. Barnesville 384 Top Individuals
9. East Grand Forks 400 1. Sophie Cook-Haw 73
10. Dilworth-G-F 412 2. Anna Eckman-PR 75
11. United N. Central 416 3. S. Christianson-DL 77
12. Thief River Falls 429 4. Annika Jyrkas-FF 78
13. Pelican Rapids 435 5. Laura Syltie-DL 80
14. Frazee
14. Warroad
6. Sydney Miller-DL
7.Tatum Gathridge-DL


BOYS Results-

GARRETT FISCHER – The sophomore shot an 84, good for 22nd place. Garrett recorded a pair of birdies with a three on the par four third hole and a four on the par five 15th hole. He also had six pars, seven bogies, two double bogies, and one triple bogie. Garrett will be the only Pirate to advance to the second day of the tournament on Tuesday.

BRANNON TANGQUIST – The senior shot a 93, good for 58th place. Brannon carded a birdie when he shot a two on the par three seventh hole. He also had three pars, seven bogies, six double bogies, and one triple bogey.

EVAN SHOCKMAN – The sophomore shot a 94, good for 59th place. Evan had three pars, 10 bogies, three double bogies, and two triple bogies.

TATE HAMRE – The sophomore shot a 96, good for 65th place. Tate carded three pars, 10 bogies, three double bogies, one triple bogey, and one five over par hole.

DAVID DAUKSAVAGE – The sophomore shot a 102, good for 72nd place. David had one par, seven bogies, eight double bogies, one triple bogey, and one quadruple bogey.

ASHTON SHOCKMAN – The senior shot a 104, good for 78th place. Ashton had two pars, eight bogies, three double bogies, three triple bogies, one quadruple bogey, and one five over-par hole.

Crookston doesn’t advance as a team but will advance Garrett Fischer to the final day of the section tournament on Tuesday.

CLICK HERE for Coach Steve Kofoed’s comments.

BOYS Teams Score   Pirates  Score
1. Detroit Lakes 307 Garrett Fischer 84
2. Fergus Falls 309 Brannon Tangquist 93
3. Roseau 322 Evan Shockman 94
4. Thief River Falls 331 Tate Hamre 96
5. Hawley 331 David Dauksavage 102
6. Perham 345 Ashton Shockman 104
7. East Grand Forks 348  
8. Barnesville 348 Top  Individuals Score
9. Warroad 358 1. Sully Braaten-DL 74
10. Dilworth-G-F 358 1. Carter Hillukka-UNC 74
11. United N. Central 366 1. Adam Kennedy-FF 74
12. Crookston 367 4. Quintin Kuehl-FF 75
13. Park Rapids 370 5. Jack Justesen-Haw 76
14. Pelican Rapids 409 5. Brock Burhans-DL 76


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The Polk County Board met Tuesday at the Government Center in Crookston. 

Mike Norland from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office then gave the monthly report and proposed a resolution to the board to provide the Sheriff’s Office with counseling for its employees in light of recent events. “We were just looking for a company to help us out for when we have situations that don’t go the way we plan, and the line of work we deal with is tough on all of us. Law enforcement/first responders, we just need a service to help us out in those times of need; if someone needs to talk to somebody, we are available,” said Norland. “They can provide training, consultation, or counseling, but we just feel it’s necessary to provide that for our officers and our staff.”

The board discussed its thoughts on the state’s new flag. Minnesota adopted the new state flag on May 11 last month. The government building has been notified that each county can decide if or when they want to replace the old state flag within their buildings. The board decided to keep/fly the original state flag for now. Several board members noted being disappointed in the state’s process of picking the new flag.

Polk County Engineer Richard Sanders discussed a maintenance request for a county ditch, awarding a roundabout project on County State Aid Highway 21 and Trunk Highway 75, and purchasing the property. The maintenance request was for County Ditch 60 in Polk County. The board approved surveying the ditch and cleaning it as needed. 

As for the roundabout project, the board was not able to award it. “Next on the agenda was the possibility to award our roundabout project up on CSAH 21 and Trunk Highway 75; SP 060-070-020 because it has federal funds attached to it,” said Sanders. “There are EEO and DBE, disadvantaged business requirements, that the contractor needs to meet. All that information has been sent into MNDOT; MNDOT just hasn’t had the time to go through and clear our request yet so that we couldn’t award this morning, but hopefully, we can award on June 18.”

The Super family owns land near the Polk County Campground southwest of Mentor. They came to the county with an appraised value of $132,000 for the property. The Board agreed to proceed with purchasing the property. Sanders, the administrator Chuck Whiting, and the county attorney will collaborate to finalize documents and purchase the property from the Super family.  

Facilities then were up to speak on issues related to the Polk County Historical Society and the Government Center. Previously, the Historical Society had assessed its roofing but found the roofing only needs annual maintenance and would like to allocate funds to other necessary updates around the complex. The Government Center had put in a change order request so the Government Center could replace its original roofing. There was a small layer of additional roofing material that hadn’t been figured for in the newly updated roofing that needed to be updated. Both of these items were passed by the board unanimously.

Jacob Snyder wrapped up the meeting by touching on several new planning and zoning projects within the county. The projects are as follows-

  • Kurt Larson and Shalom Estates will place six docks on Maple Lake.
  • Jenessa Kiecker will operate a home-based dog kennel and boarding business.
  • M&M Larson will operate a farm seed-related business.
  • Daniel Larson to construct a billboard.
  • Travis and Megan Pederson for an accessory structure larger than 800 square feet to hook up a new septic system.
  • Rory and Cheryl Knutson for an accessory structure larger than 800 square feet
  • William Wahouske for a new septic system.
  • Kevin and Patricia Lien for a new septic system.
  • Jerry Skjerven for a new septic system. 

All of the resolutions were approved. 



Adelle Jane Noss – OBIT

Adelle Jane Noss, 94, of Crookston, MN, passed away peacefully at the Benedictine Living Community of Ada, MN, on May 31, 2024. Adelle was born on December 12, 1929, in Sundal Township near Gary, MN, to parents, Nels and Josie (Amundson) Nelson, one of ten children.

Adelle attended country school through 8th grade and graduated from Gary High School with the class of 1948 as salutatorian. Following graduation, she moved to Crookston and secured a clerical position with Bethesda Hospital, now RiverView Hospital, retiring from the purchasing department in 1996.

On September 16, 1950, Adelle married Selmer “Sammy” Noss at Sundal Church in Gary, MN. They lived in Crookston their married life and gave birth to two children, Sue and Debbie. Sadly, Sammy passed away in 1993 after he and Adelle shared 42 happy years together.

Throughout her life, Adelle had a passion for many things. She loved baking, reading, cleaning (especially cleaning), flowers and yardwork, embroidery, and most of all, visiting with her family and friends. She was a dedicated member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Crookston and held various roles throughout the years including Sunday school teacher, church council member, WELCA member, volunteer communion server, volunteer memorial secretary, Martha Guild bible study, and prayer chain member.

Adelle will be greatly missed by her family and all who had the privilege to know her. May God bless the memory of Adelle Jane Noss.

Adelle is lovingly survived by her two daughters, Sue Dwyer, of Crookston, MN, and Debbie (Dave) McLaughlin, of Baker, MN; grandchildren, Amy Dwyer (Darrick Thorson), of Fargo, ND, and Jessica (Peter) Moland, of Fertile, MN; great-grandchildren, Riley and Leo Moland; sisters-in-law, Yvonne Nelson, Maureen Nelson, Maxine Noss, and Evelyn Michel. She was preceded in death by her parents, Nels and Josie Nelson; husband, Sammy Noss; great-granddaughter, Samantha Joy Moland; brothers, Arthur, Lawrence, Leonard, Russel, Clifford, Lyle, and Gordon; sisters, Bernice Horn and June Quant; brothers-in-law, Helmer Horn and John Quant; and son-in-law, Paul Dwyer.

The funeral service honoring Adelle’s life will be on Monday, June 10, 2024, at Trinity Lutheran  Church in Crookston. The service begins at 2:00 PM, with visitation with the family one-hour prior to the service. Burial will take place at Oakdale Cemetery at 3:45 PM, following a luncheon at the church. Please visit and follow the prompts to Adelle’s obituary page for more information.

In honor of Adelle, a memorial donation may be made to Trinity Lutheran Church or Sundal Lutheran Church, or a charity of your choice.

The post Adelle Jane Noss – OBIT appeared first on KROX.

Israel announces four more hostage deaths, including 3 older men seen in Hamas video

Israeli civilians gathered in solidarity for the missing and kidnapped Israeli people^ and demanding to bring the hostages home now from Gaza war. Tel Aviv^ Israel - November^ 2023

The Israel Defense Forces announced that four Hamas hostages being held in Gaza “are no longer alive,” after being taken on Oct 7, 2023.  Three of the men, identified as Amiram Cooper, Yoram Metzger and Haim Peri, were 80 years old, or older, and appeared in a December video released by Hamas under the title, “Don’t let us grow old here,” according to satellite television channel Al Mayadeen.  Peri said in the video that all three men had chronic illnesses and accused Israel of abandoning them. The fourth hostage was identified as Nadav Popplewell.

The IDF said it had told the families of the victims that they are no longer alive and that their bodies are held by the Hamas terrorist organization, based on intelligence and was confirmed by a Ministry of Health expert committee, in coordination with the Ministry of Religious Services and the Chief Rabbi of Israel. The circumstances of their deaths in Hamas captivity are still under examination, according to the IDF, which says it uses a “a wide variety of methods to gather information about the hostages who remain in the Gaza Strip.”

Chief spokesperson for the IDF, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, said “Their loved ones were killed a few months ago during Hamas captivity in Gaza and their bodies are still being held by Hamas. We assess that the four of them were killed while together in the area of Khan Younis during an operation there against Hamas.”

More than 250 people were taken hostage and moved to Gaza during Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel but more than 100 were released during a temporary truce last year. The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office believes there are still 124 hostages, living and dead, in Gaza; of the remaining 120 who were taken on October 7, Israel now believes 41 are dead.

Last week, President Joe Biden detailed a three-phase deal proposed by Israel to Hamas militants that he says would lead to the release of remaining hostages in Gaza. The three-phase proposal would secure the release of hostages paired with a ceasefire. Following news of the four deaths, the Hostage and Missing Families Forum in Israel reiterated its demand to the Israeli government to immediately approve the proposal. The group said in a statement Monday: “The Israeli government must send out a negotiating delegation this evening and return all 124 hostages, both living and murdered, to their homes. Chaim, Yoram, Amiram, and Nadav were kidnapped alive, some of them were with other hostages who returned in the previous deal – and they should have returned alive to their country and their families.” 

Editorial credit: Omri Eliyahu /

Vice President Kamala Harris to represent U.S. at upcoming Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland

Kamala Harris addressing the media from a presidential podium in the East Room of the White House. Washington D.C.^ USA - October 24 2022

Vice President Kamala Harris will represent the United States at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, taking place in Switzerland on June 15th. Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, will join Harris as part of the U.S. delegation. Switzerland’s Federal Department of Foreign Affairs said on X it was “pleased with the participation of” Harris for the upcoming summit.

According to the White House, Harris is expected to highlight the U.S. commitment to “supporting Ukraine’s effort to secure a just and lasting peace,” at the international peace summit at Burgenstock Resort in Lucerne, Switzerland, which the White House says is “based on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principles of the U.N. Charter.” Harris’ communications director, Kirsten Allen said in a statement: “The Vice President will also reaffirm support for the people of Ukraine as they defend themselves against ongoing Russian aggression.”

The summit will immediately follow the 50th G7 summit that is set to take place in Borgo Egnazia in Italy’s southern Puglia region between June 13 and 15. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had previously urged President Joe Biden to personally visit Switzerland on behalf on the U.S., saying last month:”I believe that the peace summit needs President Biden, and other leaders need President Biden because they will look at the U.S.’s reaction.”

National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby defended Biden’s reason not to attend the June 15 summit; asked Monday if the president was sending the wrong message globally by forgoing the peace summit to attend a California fundraiser, Kirby said “there hasn’t been any single leader around the world who has supported Ukraine more and more stridently than Joe Biden.” He said Harris will be attending the summit “because of our desire to be represented around that table” and her presence will help demonstrate that “Ukraine has no stronger backer than the United States.” Kirby added that “No matter who represents the United States at this summit, it can’t be said that the United States has in any way walked away from supporting Ukraine.”

Editorial credit: Tennessee Witney /

Anthony Mackie, Laura Dern and Glen Powell to star in John Lee Hancock’s film ‘Monsanto’

Anthony Mackie at the premiere for "We Have A Ghost" at the Tedum Theatre^ Hollywood. LOS ANGELES^ CA. February 22^ 2023

Glen Powell, Anthony Mackie and Laura Dern have signed on to star in “Monsanto,” the latest film from writer-director John Lee Hancock (“The Blind Side,” “Saving Mr. Banks”).

Monsanto tells the true story of young, untried attorney Brent Wisner (Powell) who in 2019 takes on a seemingly insurmountable case against the giant U.S. chemical company Monsanto on behalf of Dewayne “Lee” Johnson (Mackie) who used Monsanto’s best-known product Roundup, a wildly financially successful weed and grass pesticide killer, as part of his job as a high school groundskeeper. Dern plays Dr. Melinda Rogers, the Monsanto Company’s chief toxicologist, who testifies with certainty that Roundup is safe during the landmark cancer trial.

Hancock said: “I was drawn to this contemporary David vs. Goliath true story because I found it dramatic, moving, quite funny and of critical importance in today’s world. My ambitions are to deliver a smart, thoughtful and commercial legal drama that takes the audience on a human journey.”

Powell said of the project: “I’ve always been fascinated by true stories of ordinary people against extraordinary odds. This story encapsulates that spirit with a critical issue that affects us all. And it’s a privilege to bring it to audiences with an exceptional filmmaker and powerful cast.”

Dern added: “I’ve loved my collaborations with John Lee and look forward to working with him again. There couldn’t be a more vital story to be a part of.”

Editorial credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

See Lily Gladstone in the trailer for the film ‘Fancy Dance’

Lily Gladstone at the 29th Annual Critics Choice Awards - Arrivals at the Barker Hanger on January 14^ 2024 in Santa Monica^ CA

Apple TV has released the latest trailer for the drama film, Fancy Dance, featuring the directorial debut of Erica Tremblay and starring Lily Gladstone and Isabel Deroy-Olson. Fancy Dance, from Apple Original Films, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2023

Gladstone stars as Jax, a woman scraping by on the Seneca-Cayuga reservation on Oklahoma, who has cared for her niece Roki (Deroy-Olson) since her sister’s disappearance. At the risk of Jax losing custody to Roki’s grandfather, Frank (Shea Whigham), Jax and Roki hit the road and scour the backcountry to track down Roki’s mother in time for an upcoming powwow. The cast also includes Ryan Begay, Crystle Lightning, Audrey Wasilewski.

The film’s synopsis reads: “Following her sister’s disappearance, Jax and her niece Roki must stick together. Desperate to keep what’s left of their family intact, Jax and Roki defy the law and hit the road on a journey to the Grand Nation Powwow in Oklahoma City .. What begins as a search gradually turns into a far deeper investigation into the complexities and contradictions of indigenous women moving through a colonized world while at the mercy of a failed justice system.”

Fancy Dance opens in select theaters June 21 and will start streaming June 28 on Apple TV+; you can watch the trailer – here.


The Northwest Regional Corrections Center reported the arrest of the following-

Donald Scott Brace Sr., 56, of Champlin, for Disorderly Conduct, offensive/ abusive/noisy/obscene behavior.

Sheldin Porter Sundberg, 18, of Grygla, for DUI in the fourth degree, driving while impaired.

Dalton Aaron Vandehey, 29, of Williams, for Domestic Assault.


The post ARREST/FIRE REPORT – JUNE 4, 2024 appeared first on KROX.


The Northwest Regional Corrections Center reported the arrest of the following-

Donald Scott Brace Sr., 56, of Champlin, for Disorderly Conduct, offensive/ abusive/noisy/obscene behavior.

Sheldin Porter Sundberg, 18, of Grygla, for DUI in the fourth degree, driving while impaired.

Dalton Aaron Vandehey, 29, of Williams, for Domestic Assault.


The post ARREST/FIRE REPORT – JUNE 4, 2024 appeared first on KROX.