The Crookston City Council met Monday evening at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The agenda included three items.
Crookston Housing Trust Fund
The City Council of Crookston adopted Ordinance No.95, creating and establishing the Housing Trust Fund for the City of Crookston. The Housing Trust Fund will provide loans and grants to property owners, homeowners, local units of government, for-profit and nonprofit housing developers, and others to create new Affordable and Workforce Housing.
Code Change for Agenda Writing
The City Council of Crookston adopted Ordinance No.96, which amends sections 30.02.B and 30.02C of the Crookston City Code. Mayor Dale Stainbrook explains. “It just makes it easier to put stuff on the agenda by the Administrator or the City Clerk.” Mayor Stainbrook says it makes it easier to write an agenda and fit everything in without needing special meetings.
2025 Tax Levy and Preliminary 2025 General Fund Budget
The final item for the night was a motion that the Council carried out to adopt the proposed 2025 Tax Levy and Preliminary General Fund Budget. The Tax Levy as it sits is at a 26% increase over the 2024 Tax Levy. Mayor Stainbrook says it’s important to remember that this is a preliminary number. “We are going to get into the nuts and bolts of it now and try to get down as low as possible.”
The City Council Meeting was adjourned, and the Special Ways & Means Committee Meeting opened with just one agenda item. Tonight’s meeting was held to get approval for the Mayor’s Recommendation to appoint Todd Johnston to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Bryan Schipper. “We appointed Todd Johnston; he is replacing Bryan Schipper, who is a snowbird, and it was just difficult for him to Zoom in when we did have the meetings,” said Mayor Stainbrook. “Todd did serve on the Planning Commission before, and he was excited and willing to come back to serve Bryans Term.”
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