Polk County Board of Commissioners Closes in on Budget Deadline

The Polk County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, December 3, at 1:00 p.m.  The Board met at the Polk County Transfer Station as the Government Center was closed Monday due to a water main break.

The Consent Agenda today included approval of the following: the November 19 Board minutes, the Auditor Warrants, a payment to Abentroth Brothers Construction, Caledonia, ND, in the amount of $2,500.00 for Sidewalk Repairs from tax forfeit demolition in Nielsville for the Environmental Services Department as well as a payment to Johnson Controls, Fargo, ND, in the amount of $456.77 for Service of Rooftop Unit at the EGF Human Services Building for the Facilities Department and Appointing the Commissioner to the Northwest Minnesota Multi-County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously by the board.

The Regular Agenda for today was as follows:

Richard Sanders – Highway Department.

Sander’s first four items were Certificate of Performance and Final Acceptance of work done, which included:

Box Culvert Contract for SAP 060-609-022 (CSAH 9) and SAP 060-621-015 (CSAH 21), completed by Knife River Materials out of Bemidji, MN, with the final contract amount being $2,009,960.70

Overlay Contract for SAP 060-614-023 (CSAH 14), and SAP 060-645-025 (CSAH 45), completed by Knife River Materials out of Bemidji, MN with the final contract amount being $1,863,033.35.

Crackfill Contract for CP 124-03-1429, CP 124-206-1433, CP 124-36-1430, CP 124-41-1431, and CP 124-42-1432, completed by Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. of St.Cloud, MN, with the final contract amount being $147,876.90.

Gordon Construction of Mahnomen, Inc. of Mahnomen, MN, completed the Fosston Ramp/Sidewalk work, which cost $241,453.00 in the final amount.

Sanders then brought to the board a ditch maintenance request. “I came to the board today to discuss a county ditch maintenance request on County Ditch 161, in Sections 11, 12, and 1 of Small Vineland Township. We have a petition to survey and clean as needed, and the County Board approved that petition today.”

Next up for Sanders was a motion to approve setting a hearing date for adding lands to County Ditch 11. Sanders explains why this hearing is necessary. “We have some land owners in the South West corner of Section 7 of Badger Township, Earl and Neal Pederson, are going to be doing some tiling on their property on the full quarter,” says Sanders. “We realize that the North half of that South West corner doesn’t pay into County Ditch 111, and so the county board approved setting a public hearing date of February 4, at 10:00 a.m., to review their petition to add lands to County Ditch 111.”

Looking ahead to spring, Sanders brought the board a motion to approve the 2025 Tractor Rental for mowing county roads. “Every year, we rent tractors so that we can do the mowing of our county roads,” says Sanders. “And so we sent out for quotes on tractor rental rates, and Valley Plains Equipment of Crookston, MN was the lowest quote at $18/hr., for up to 500 hours for three tractors.” The board approved the motion unanimously.

Sanders then brought Reed Hudmun, the East Grand Forks, MN, City Administrator, before the board to discuss getting approval to reapply for the RAISE Planning Grant. This Grant would make it possible to examine the corridor between the Merrifield Bridge Crossing and the Inner City Bridges of East Grand Forks and Grand Forks.  The board approved spending an extra $10,000 in the budget to help with this application.  Sanders says the deadline for the grant application is approaching. “That RAISE Grant could be applied for by January 31,” says Sanders. “We are requesting from the Federal Highway to get $7.5 Million for a planning grant, so Polk County’s total contributions after the $10,000 will be around $37,000.” That means Polk County will have contributed $37,000, along with contributions from East Grand Forks, Grand Forks County, and Grand Forks to apply for the $7.5 million grant.

The last thing for Sanders today was to ask for approval of his out-of-state travels for 2025, which the board unanimously approved.

Alecia Helms –  Human Resources Director

Alecia had two motions seeking approval today. The first was for the Approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Teamsters Sheriff’s Department/Dispatchers. The motion to approve the agreement was unanimously approved by the board.

The second was seeking approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Local 49r’s.  The agreement was approved unanimously by the board.

Jon Steiner – Environmental Services Administrator

Steiner’s first item on the agenda was a motion to approve extending the 2024 Steam Sales Contract through 2025.  Steiner explains the contract goes unchanged this year. “We sell steam in Fosston to three local businesses that use it as an energy source for food production plants,” says Steiner. “The contract expired, actually at the end of 2023, we extended it, we made a change that was just an across-the-board increase on the price,” Steiners says the intent was to go back and revisit the contract for 2025 and try to come up with a formula that would be more equitable to everybody. “That’s what we wanted to do, but we are basically running out of time, and we need information from them, and once we formulate, they have to have some time to look at it,” says Steiner. “It was more of a given that we are going to have to extend the existing contract.” The board approved the motion to extend the contract.

Next on the agenda for Steiner were motions for two change orders for the MSW Landfill Phase 15.  This project had been broken down into two contracts (Materials and Installation) with a total sum of $2,074,430.35.  The two change orders were as follows

-Materials Contract – Change Order #1 in the amount of $94.92 for R.J. Zavoral & Sons of East Grand Forks, MN

-Installation Contact  Change Order #1 I the about of $2,335.48 for R.J. Zavoal & Sons of East Grand Forks, MN

The board approved the change orders.

Steiner also brought a motion to the board asking for approval of the corrected 2025 Residential Solid Waste Fee Assessment schedule. At the October 22 board meeting, the commissioners approved the 2025 Solid Waste Fee Assessment schedule, but Steiner says it contained an error.  The fee for multiple residential was incorrect.  The residential rate for 2025 was approved at $170, and all 61102 assessments should be multiples of $170.  The board approved of the correction unanimously.

Steiner also had a motion to approve the Out of State Travel Request for Landfill Supervisor Wade Farrell to participate in the U.S. Compost Council 2025 conference in Phoenix in January.  The board unanimously approved the motion.

Next for Steiner was  Resolution 2024-81, EPA Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant Program Polk County Support for Hubbard County Hub & Spoke Region Hub & Spoke Project. “Polk is one of nine counties that have formed this unofficial group,” says Steiner. “We wrote a grant, we did a study, to figure out how to deal with the MPCA changing the construction/demolition/debris landfill rules, Steiner says they call the system they came up with the Hub & Spoke System. They applied last legislative session for funding which he says they did not get. Steiner says they also applied for a federal grant called a SWIFR Grant to help pay for the local share if they got the state project, but they did not get that either. “There is another round of that coming up for the federal and we are applying for that again and that application is due on the 20th of this month.” says Steiner. “The counties, the three tribal entities we work with, the MPCA, they are all offering letters of support, or resolutions of support, pledging their involvement to be part of this project.” The resolution of support by the board was approved unanimously.

Steiner also brought a motion to approve the Professional Services Agreement for Up North Engineering of Fargo, ND.  Steiner explains that Polk County was awarded two MPCA Grants in 2024 for about $2.8 million in value that we are going to be doing over the course of the winter and next spring. “Part of the grant requirements is doing the certified payroll,” says Steiner. “So they, what they refer to as prevailing wage, it’s usually associated with their big grants, the capital project grants that we did back in 2018. So I just went to the board with a Professional Services Agreement to hire the same person to manage that for us.” Steiner says a project can get bogged down worrying about the paperwork so allowing a consultant to handle that is how they want to do it.  The motion to approve the Professional Services Agreement for Up North Engineering of Fargo, ND in the amount of $30,240.00 was approved unanimously by the board.

Sam Melbye – Property Records

Melbye gave the board a summary of statistics of the 2024 General Election, Canvassing, and Post Election Review.  Polk County had 17,758 registered voters at 7:00 a.m. on Election Day, and 15,540 total ballots were cast.   That is an 87.51% voter turnout.  Also worth noting was that 47.39% of ballots were absentee/mail-in.

Melbye also provided the board with an update on hourly rates for Rinke Noonan, Attorneys at Law who provide legal services to Polk County.  The discussion led to some concerns from Commissioner Mark Holy.  Holy feels there are some conflict of interest issues that need to be addressed.  Melbye said he will do some homework and look into past contracts and more discussion will take place at a future meeting.

Chuck Whiting – Polk County Administrator

First item for Whiting was to set the 2025 Board Meeting Dates.  The board was happy with all dates except for December.  The dates were December 2, 16 (budget hearing), and 23. The board chose to move the budget hearing to December 2, with the 16th being a regular meeting and removing December 23.

Whiting moved on to the 2025 Budget.  The items Whiting brought up were for discussion only, and no actions were taken. Whiting says there are several resolutions for the Board to adopt upon budget approval.  He brought some early versions for the Board to review.  It was discussed that the 2025 summary budget is showing a levy increase of 3% over the 2024 levy, which is down from when budget talks started.  The board reviewed wage resolutions for staff and a resolution for the Commissioner’s wages, benefits, and per diems. 

The Board then went through the budget presentations as it was to be given at this Tuesday evenings 2025 Budget Public Hearing.

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Crookston Girls Basketball is at Red Lake County Central – ON KROX


The Crookston Pirate Girls Basketball team hits the road for the first time this season as they travel to Oklee to take on the Red Lake County Central Mustangs. The game will be on KROX Radio with a RiverView Health pre-game show at 7:00 p.m. and an opening tip at 7:30. You can listen online by clicking listen live at the top of the page.



  1st  2nd  Final
Red Lake Co. Central
For Crookston Points Rebounds Assists/Steals
Chloe Boll
Grace Boll
Madi Bruggeman
Naomi Johnson
Joey Nesseth
Brooklyn Waldal
Halle Nicholas
For Red Lake Co. Central Points

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Winter Storm Watch issued from Tuesday evening to early Wednesday evening


The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Watch from 10:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 3 to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4.
The Minnesota counties included are West Polk, Norman, Clay, Kittson, and West Marshall.

The North Dakota counties included are Towner, Cavalier, Pembina, Benson, Ramsey, Eastern Walsh, Eddy, Nelson, Grand Forks, Griggs, Steele, Traill, Barnes, Cass, and Western Walsh.

The cities included in the watch are Warren, Faith, Kelso, Hope, Argyle, Dresden, Aneta, East Grand Forks, Halstad, Drayton, Hillsboro, Lancaster, Maddock, Finley, Hallock, Portland, Grafton, Devils Lake, Fargo, Walhalla, Park River, Crookston, Minnewaukan, Mcville, Cando, Hatton, Mayville, Ada, Cavalier, Tolna, Leeds, Lakota, Karlstad, Grand Forks, Valley City, Stephen, Twin Valley, Moorhead, Cooperstown, Langdon, Lankin, Adams, New Rockford, Bowesmont, and Fort Totten.

* WHAT…Blizzard conditions are possible. Total snow accumulations of up to one inch and a glaze of ice are possible through Wednesday morning. Winds could gust as high as 50 mph.

* WHERE…Portions of northwest and west central Minnesota and northeast and southeast North Dakota.

* WHEN…From 10 PM CST this evening through Wednesday afternoon.

* IMPACTS…Whiteout conditions are possible and may make travel treacherous and potentially life-threatening. Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Wednesday morning and evening commutes. Gusty winds could bring down tree branches.


Prepare for possible blizzard conditions. Continue to monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation.

Persons should consider delaying all travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, drive with extreme caution. Consider taking a winter storm kit along with you, including such items as tire chains, booster cables, flashlight, shovel, blankets and extra clothing. Also take water, a first aid kit, and anything else that would help you survive in case you become stranded.

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Crookston Boys Hockey hosts Wahpeton/Breckenridge – on KROX TV


The Crookston Pirate Boys Hockey team has won its first two games of the season and looks to make it three in a row as they host the Wahpeton/Breckenridge Blades at the Crookston Sports Center at 7:00 p.m. KROX TV will have the RiverView Health pre-game at 6:30 p.m. You can watch on the link below.




Team 1st 2nd 3rd Final

1st Period

2nd Period

3rd Period

Goalie 1st 2nd 3rd Total
Parker Kelly-Crox
– W/B

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Crookston Wrestling beats Grafton fall to Grand Forks Central and Red River


The Crookston Pirate Wrestling team opened up the 2024-25 season competing in three duals at the Grafton Spoiler quadrangular. Crookston tied Grafton at 36 apiece, but won the dual due to criteria. Grand Forks Central beat Crookston 54-16 and Grand Forks Red River beat Crookston 60-18.

Crookston drops to 1-2 on the year. All the match results are below.

Weight Crookston-36 Grafton-36 Winner Results
114 Jose Contreras OPEN Crox Forfeit
121 Gabe Perala OPEN Crox Forfeit
127 OPEN Gabe Dumas Grafton Forfeit
133 OPEN Rico Estrella Grafton Forfeit
139 Chris Kruiser Burns Grafton Pin :40
145 OPEN Fisher Clapp Grafton Forfeit
152 Gavyn Hlucny Shaiden Thomas Crox Pin :20
160 Lucas Perala Andy Pulak Crox Pin 1:11
172 Paul Thornhill OPEN Crox Forfeit
189 OPEN Miguel Rodriguez Grafton Forfeit
215 OPEN Dylan Tapia Grafton Forfeit
HWT Riley Helgeson OPEN Crox Forfeit
Weight Crookston-16 G.F. Central – 54 Winner Results
114 Jose Contreras Connor Wocken GFC Pin 4:31
121 Gabe Perala Gabriel Flores III GFC Pin :40
127 OPEN Cesar Cruz GFC Forfeit
133 OPEN Rhys Safratowich GFC Forfeit
139 Chris Lucas Weber Crox Pin 1:18
145 OPEN Caden Everson GFC Forfeit
152 Gavyn Hlucny Michael Norman Crox 12-3
160 Lucas Perala Landon Petron GFC Pin 1:50
172 Paul Thornhill Ayden Hinsey Crox Pin :20
189 OPEN Logan Vorhies GFC Forfeit
215 OPEN Eli Fisher GFC Forfeit
HWT Riley Helgeson Manuel Borges Leal Crox Pin 1:08
Weight Crookston-18 G.F. Red River – 60 Winner Results
107 OPEN Kamden Goulet GFRR Forfeit
114 Jose Contreras Jeremiah Barta GFRR Pin 3:08
121 Gabe Perala Liam Wadlow GFRR Pin 1:26
127 OPEN Brody Ray GFRR Forfeit
133 OPEN Isaiah Barta GFRR Forfeit
139 Chris Miles Larson GFRR Pin 3:56
145 OPEN Noah Biocic GFRR Forfeit
152 Gavyn Hlucny Max Martin Crox Pin 1:24
160 Lucas Perala Cormac Doty Crox Pin 1:12
172 Paul Thornhill Drake Johnson GFRR Pin 1:30
189 Quinn Rarick OPEN Crox Forfeit
215 OPEN Brody Behm GFRR Forfeit
HWT Riley Helgeson Garrett Krefting Crox Pin

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2024 Crookston Hockey Alumni Games to be held December 23


The 2024 Crookston Hockey Alumni games/scrimmages will be held on Monday, December 23, at the Crookston Sports Center. 

Alumni from Crookston Central High School, Crookston High School, Cathedral, and the Mount will be back/are invited back to participate in this year’s games. The schedule and info are listed below –

GAME 1 – 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. – All Years……..Odd vs Even

Cost – $10.00 (Make checks out to Pirate Hockey)

Social at the Crookston Eagles Club from 9 PM to 1 AM with live music, and all alumni game players get in free.

Mail registration forms to
Steve Biermaier
PO Box 496
Crookston, MN  56716
or email steve.biermaierchiro@midconetwork.com

For the registration form, CLICK HERE.

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2024 Crookston Hockey Alumni Games to be held December 23


The 2024 Crookston Hockey Alumni games/scrimmages will be held on Monday, December 23, at the Crookston Sports Center. 

Alumni from Crookston Central High School, Crookston High School, Cathedral, and the Mount will be back/are invited back to participate in this year’s games. The schedule and info are listed below –

GAME 1 – 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. – All Years……..Odd vs Even

Cost – $10.00 (Make checks out to Pirate Hockey)

Social at the Crookston Eagles Club from 9 PM to 1 AM with live music, and all alumni game players get in free.

Mail registration forms to
Steve Biermaier
PO Box 496
Crookston, MN  56716
or email steve.biermaierchiro@midconetwork.com

For the registration form, CLICK HERE.

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Section 8AA and 8AAA Football All-Section teams announced


The Section 8AA All-Section team has been announced. Barnesville was the Section 8AA champion again this season. The team, by school, is listed below.
Barnesville – Gannon Bolgrean, Nick Robideau, Collin Morey, Major Ness, Cameron Halverson, Jack Maesse, Connor Klemin
Hawley –
Noah Nelson, Levi Lelm, Blake Bigger, Jack Ames, Blake Dauner
Frazee –
Cade Nagel, Asher Blaine, Jack Graham, Adam Vigen
Pelican Rapids –
Treyvon Benson, Channing Russman, Jack Kapenga, Ethan Isaman
Roseau –
Jake Borowicz, Jordan Borowicz
Warroad –
Cody Kvarnlov, Conner Lund
Crookston –
Teagan Lubinski, Rylan Lubarski
Park Rapids –
Carter Hirt, Parker Hunter

The Section 8AAA All-Section team has been announced. Fergus Falls was the Section 8AAA champion. The team, by school, is listed below.

Fergus Falls – Henry Bethel, Jack Ratz, Levi King, Dane Hastings, Colton Drouillard, Isaiah Holmes, Carston Fronning, Parker Thielke
Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton –
Casey Macziewski, Caleb Johnson, Kade Swenson, Brady Wadena, Bodie Musolf
East Grand Forks – Messi Kalenda, Cole Bies, Jordan Nowacki, Cole Schmiedeberg
Morris –
Jackson Hallman, Preston Hinrichs, Isaac Just, Grayson Gibson
Perham – Alex Blume, Cash Burke
Thief River Falls –
Everett Nelson, Jaxon Hams

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Section 8AA and 8AAA Football All-Section teams announced


The Section 8AA All-Section team has been announced. Barnesville was the Section 8AA champion again this season. The team, by school, is listed below.
Barnesville – Gannon Bolgrean, Nick Robideau, Collin Morey, Major Ness, Cameron Halverson, Jack Maesse, Connor Klemin
Hawley –
Noah Nelson, Levi Lelm, Blake Bigger, Jack Ames, Blake Dauner
Frazee –
Cade Nagel, Asher Blaine, Jack Graham, Adam Vigen
Pelican Rapids –
Treyvon Benson, Channing Russman, Jack Kapenga, Ethan Isaman
Roseau –
Jake Borowicz, Jordan Borowicz
Warroad –
Cody Kvarnlov, Conner Lund
Crookston –
Teagan Lubinski, Rylan Lubarski
Park Rapids –
Carter Hirt, Parker Hunter

The Section 8AAA All-Section team has been announced. Fergus Falls was the Section 8AAA champion. The team, by school, is listed below.

Fergus Falls – Henry Bethel, Jack Ratz, Levi King, Dane Hastings, Colton Drouillard, Isaiah Holmes, Carston Fronning, Parker Thielke
Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton –
Casey Macziewski, Caleb Johnson, Kade Swenson, Brady Wadena, Bodie Musolf
East Grand Forks – Messi Kalenda, Cole Bies, Jordan Nowacki, Cole Schmiedeberg
Morris –
Jackson Hallman, Preston Hinrichs, Isaac Just, Grayson Gibson
Perham – Alex Blume, Cash Burke
Thief River Falls –
Everett Nelson, Jaxon Hams

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Orville L. Lee – OBIT


Orville L. Lee, 93, of Hayfield, MN, formerly of Fertile, MN, passed away on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at Field Crest Care Center in Hayfield. 

Orville Lawrence Lee was born August 6, 1931, in Crookston to Gilbert and Minnie (Pederson) Lee. He lived at the family farm until the time of his retirement in 1994, after which he and his wife moved to their new home on Cable Lake, rural Mentor. His final years were spent in assisted living communities in Kasson, MN and Hayfield, MN, to be near family.

Orville attended grade school at the Woodland Nook – District 95 school near his home. He attended secondary school at Fertile High School, graduating in 1949. In the winter of 1950, he completed a short course at the Lutheran Bible Institute in Minneapolis. He farmed with his father and Uncle Albert until taking over the farming operation, mainly small grains and corn, in the late 1950’s. The corn was used for silage to support the beef herd. Each year Orville would calf out 50 cows, raise and sell the steers and heifers, and perform most of the veterinary work.

Orville married Edith Bergeson, a freckled, small of stature, hard-working and driven lady from Bear Park Township on the other side of Fertile, on June 8, 1957. Marrying someone from Bear Park was slightly scandalous, but that is what love does.

In the early 1960’s, Orville began growing nursery stock for his father-in-law, Melvin Bergeson, which eventually grew into the Lee Wholesale Nursery. Many of the farm windbreaks across Minnesota are trees that he grew from seed and sold to the county soil and water conservation districts. A unique part of this business was the fact that he could not simply buy tree seeds from a seed company – he had to collect seed from mature trees. He, along with his children and employees, were found all over the state raking up maple seeds, gathering acorns and walnuts, picking ash seeds, and collecting berries.

Another new venture for Orville was his side business, Lee Hydra-Mac Sales and Service – one of the first dealerships for the Hydra-Mac skid steers made in Thief River Falls. It was a great decision as it complemented and supported the nursery business. It also gave him an opportunity to do what he liked best – close a sale. He treasured the many friendships that were developed with customers and vendors during his working years, as evidenced by countless evening hours spent on the phone talking to friends, business acquaintances, and family.

Orville retired in 1994 when his son Gary took over the business but continued to assist and enjoy field work during his retirement.

Orville was an active member of the Gideons; served on the Pioneer Nursing Home board; and spent 15 years on the Fertile-Beltrami School Board. He served on the Lake Agassiz Education Cooperative board during its early years and was an active member of the MN Farm Bureau and the Fertile Lions Club. He also served in various officer positions for the Hitterdal and Maple Bay Lutheran churches. In 1995, Orville and Ede were named the Valley Farmer and Homemaker in East Polk County. Orville also received the Distinguished Service Award from the North Dakota Nursery and Greenhouse Association in 2010. A proud card-carrying Republican, he loved to discuss the shortcomings of the other party.

Orville loved to hunt, fish, golf, and pursue the many hidden treasures at garage and estate sales – much to the dismay of his beloved. He always loved the good deal, especially when he didn’t know what exactly he had purchased. As an outdoorsman, he was forever stalking the elusive trophy, be it a northern pike, a white-tailed deer or an elk. An avid storyteller, he melted when the grandchildren arrived. Visits with his kids, grandkids and greats were indeed his delight, but the quiet when they left was hard.

Late in his retirement he loved to cut wood for their fireplace so he could watch the embers burn as one of his many John Wayne movies played in the background.

Orville is survived by his children, Gary (Connie) Lee, Linda (Steve) Lamm, Tom (Sheryl) Lee, and Ryan (Heidi) Lee, twelve grandchildren, and fifteen great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his

parents, his wife Edith, brothers Arnold Lee and Gilbert Lee Jr., and sisters Bernice Bakken, Thorine Johnson, and Gladys Swengel.

We are blessed to have a father that loved us, and the Lord as Orville did.

Memorials will be distributed to The Gideons International.

Funeral Service: 1:00 PM, Saturday, December 7, 2024 at Maple Lake Lutheran Church, rural Fertile, MN. 

Visitation: One hour before the funeral at the church. 

Interment: Our Saviors Lutheran Cemetery, rural Fertile, MN. 

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