The City of Crookston is getting closer to the reality of a Garbage and Recycling Bin Service here in Crookston. The optional service has been a topic of interest for many since Public Works Director Chuck Getsman brought it to light this fall. “This has been a topic of conversation with the city before I even started,” says Getsman. “They were looking at efforts to bring in garbage bin services, and I came in, and I kind of decided to take it over, and it went out for proposals and everything like that, so that’s been my efforts.”
This fall, Getsman and the City set up a survey for residents to fill out online to see if they were interested in the bin service. “We got really great responses back,” says Getsman. “More than half of the people who participated said they would be interested in having a garbage bin service and recycling bin service; they just weren’t sure about the price,” Getsman says that while waiting for proposal submissions from bin companies the city set up a pre-bin sign-up sheet. “We roughly had 240 responses from people who were interested,” says Getsman. “It didn’t lock them into any contracts or anything; it was just purely, hey, please reach back out to me when you learn more and let me know what the pricing and structure of everything is.”
The city did get the proposals back, and Getsman says they have looked them over and tentatively decided to go with the lowest cost that would be offered to Crookston residents. “Just today, I sent out an email to all 240 people who are interested,” says Getsman. “Now I am just waiting for confirmations to see who would like to continue with this process.”
Of course, a big deciding factor in the process was what the new bin service would add to their monthly bill. “I believe the monthly payment that we determined is $20.90 a month,” says Getsman. “That does not include a $6 charge that is currently on the bill. That $6 covers drive-by cost, spring and fall clean-up cost, and brush pick-up cost.”
Getsman wants to remind everyone that the bin service is optional. If you do not sign up, it will not appear on your bill. If you do sign up, it will appear on your water bill as a separate item.
The service, which is estimated to start April 1, 2025, is contingent on having enough people sign up. “One of the requirements for the city to actually bring this service in is a commitment from the residents. We have to hit a minimum of 200 participants,” says Getsman. “Once we can get the minimum 200 participants the companies are willing to move forward with the process.”
Some might be asking what happens to the yellow and orange bags. If the bin service takes flight, the bags will become a thing of the past. “They will become obsolete, not right away. Some stores out there still have inventory, and we still have inventory,” says Getsman. “It looks like the end of April, beginning of April, we are going to start moving away from the colored bags. We would like to make it easier for the employees not to have to get out and grab the bags.”Getsman says with harsh Minnesota winters, the bags become brittle, garbage starts flying everywhere, and they would like to get away from that. Once the city moves away from the bags, the residents can either opt in for the bin service at an extra charge, or they can still bring their garbage and recycling to the transfer station.
It is not too late. The latest cost information may help Crookston residents decide if this is a service they can afford and would like to utilize. “Go to our website. There is a form that you can fill out,” says Getsman. “I believe it’s’ right on the main page; otherwise, it’s called Garbage and Recycling Bin Pre-Sign-Up. Otherwise, get a hold of myself here at City Hall or call and talk to Tina at the front desk.”
If you are interested in the Garbage and Recycling Bin service in Crookston, visit the City of Crookston Website or call Tina at 218-281-1232 for more information.
The post Cost of Garbage and Recycling Bin Service made available to Crookston residents first appeared on KROX.