Crookston City Council and Ways and Means to meet Monday

The Crookston City Council will meet on Monday, March 17, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers.  The Council will be asked to approve the consent agenda. The consent agenda for Monday’s meeting includes the approval of the City Council Minutes from March 3, 2025, and the approval of the City of Crookston Bills and Disbursements for $613,880.27.

The consent agenda also includes a resolution regarding approving $31,230.00 for the 2025 Assessment Billing. This item needs to be approved by the Council as it is not part of the approved budget for 2025. Although it is a regular expense, it has not been directly identified in previous years.  There is funding to cover this expense as some areas of the budget have come in under budget.  Also on the consent agenda is a resolution regarding approving pay estimate number 1 in the amount of $255,978.93 to RJ Zavoral & Sons, Inc. for the 2024 Taxi Lane Construction and site preparations.

The next two items on the consent agenda are resolutions regarding the adoption of policies discussed at the March 3rd Ways and Means meeting. The first is to adopt the Purchasing-Procurement Policy, and the other is the City of Crookston’s Expense Reimbursement policy.

Also on the consent agenda is a resolution approving Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SHE) to go out for bids regarding the 2025 Hangar Construction at Crookston Municipal Airport and, lastly, a resolution calling for a public hearing regarding the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) or Drone Program. If the consent agenda is approved, the meeting will occur on April 21st and is open to public comment.

The Regular Agenda for Monday has three items. The first is a resolution regarding the purchase of a Zamboni Battery in the amount of $11,750.00 from the Reserve Fund Account. The existing batteries for one of the Zambonis at the Crookston Sports Center are not holding charge and cannot function as needed. Funds are available for the batteries in a reserve account.

The second item concerns Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. (SHE) performing Levee System Inspections for the City of Crookston as required. Lastly, it is a resolution regarding approval for the Crookston EAD to apply for the Greater MN Cities Tier II Housing Aid Grant Program.  Funds from this program can be used the same way as the Local Housing Trust Fund.

The post Crookston City Council and Ways and Means to meet Monday first appeared on KROX.

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