The Crookston Ways and Means Committee met on Monday, March 17, following the City Council meeting in the council chambers at City Hall. The agenda was to review and discuss possible changes to the city’s Clean-up Policy, which is important because it pertains to the week-long Spring and Fall Clean-Up the city offers its residents each year.
“Some of the changes made were limiting the number of bags a household can put out. It went from 30 down to ten,” says Public Works Director Chuck Getsman. “When we were out last year looking at some of these areas and I was partaking in the clean-up, we noticed there were many residents who were exceeding the numbers on either the quantity of garbage going out there or the number of bags going out there, putting things out that you are not allowed to put out and trying to hide it within the normal or allowed garbage’s.”
Another change had to do with the Demolition-Bypass Pile limits. “We reduced the dimensions on pile sizes and put a little snippet in there about prohibiting the relocation of items from one location to another,” says Getsman. “Hopefully that will cut down on people coming in from out of town as well and just dropping garbage off that they don’t want at whoever’s location.”
The city council agreed that some changes needed to be made and asked for a few more detailed guidelines on how Public Works will follow up with violations. They also discussed the need for construction sites to be mindful of their waste. Clean-up days are not meant for contractors to get rid of debris, so the committee is going to look into paperwork of some sort being given out by the building department upon permitting as a tool to remind residents of the possible need for a roll-off as part of their construction process.
Getsman will make the discussed changes to the policy, and it will come back to City Council for approval at a future meeting.
The post Crookston Ways and Means Committee discussed changes to Clean-Up Policy at recent meeting first appeared on KROX.