Crookston School Board to meet Monday, March 24

The Crookston School Board will meet on Monday, March 24, at Highland Elementary School at 5:00 p.m.

The featured program will be by Victoria Ramirez and will be about the Family Resource Center.

The consent agenda includes the following personnel items. Acceptance of resignations from Carolyn Pavlish as Ag Instructor and Marita Kendig as a special education instructor at the high school. The board will be asked to approve non-renewals of Kate Mulvey as EL instructor, Emma Morlan as a special education instructor, Katie Scott as a preschool instructor, Kristine Dickson as Elementary music instructor, Marianne Isaacs as a full-time substitute teacher, and Kabie Weisert as a full-time substitute teacher.
The board will also be asked to approve the spring coaches.

The main agenda includes the approval of a daycare agreement with Kendra Sinclair and Janelle Encinia. The board will be asked to approve achievement and integration along with the academic calendar for the 2025-26 school year. They will also be asked to approve school readiness tuition, asphalt repair to a parking lot with ReitRock Paving, and the approval of the comprehensive achievement and civic readiness (CACR) plan for the 2023-24 school year.

The meeting will wrap up with reports from the administrators.

The post Crookston School Board to meet Monday, March 24 first appeared on KROX.

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