Crookston sixth grade girls basketball team wins CYBA Championship

This weekend, the Crookston Sixth Grade Girls basketball team won the Crookston Youth Basketball Association tournament.
Crookston beat the Wildcats 28-12 in the first round. In the semi-finals, Crookston beat Roseau 34-12. The championship was a great game, as Crookston trailed by four points at halftime, but the Pirates used a strong second half and beat East Grand Forks 33-28.
Team members: Kambree Wangen, Hallie Perry, Clara Cymbaluk, Hadley Dans, Emma Perrault, Alle Kollin, Hillary Weber, Zaelyn Normandin, Stormy Lukow, Maggie VonRueden, and Annie Kollin. Coaches are: Katie Perrault, Garret and Ericka Kollin

The post Crookston sixth grade girls basketball team wins CYBA Championship first appeared on KROX.

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