Crookston High School FFA to hold outreach and fundraiser event on March 13

The Crookston FFA invites the community to its outreach night and fundraiser on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Crookston Eagles.

Burger baskets and pie will be served.  No tickets are needed, but free-will donations are appreciated.  A silent auction will include student projects and donations from community businesses. “It’s not an expensive event to come to. You give what you can,” said Kevin Capistran. “We want to get to the point where we don’t say congratulations, you made it to a state contest. Now we need money from you. We are trying as an organization to get it where the students can go on these trips, because they earned them, cost-free for them.”  Last year, Crookston sent around 40 kids to the state convention, and this year, they will be sending the same amount of kids to the state.

At 6:00 p.m. Crookston FFA members will perform opening ceremonies and recite the FFA creed.  FFA teams will have booths set up to share information about the Career and Leadership Development Events they are competing in this year.  There will be hands-on activities and attendees can test their knowledge on FFA contest questions. “It will be an event where you can learn more about FFA so we can encourage all the community to come on out to see the teams that are going to state and all the different areas that they participate in their Career and Development events,” said Kevin Capistran. “Each one will have a table set up around the room, and you can learn about the areas in which the FFA students are working and interact with them.”

 Everyone is invited to come to Crookston FFA Night to learn more about FFA and help support members as they prepare for their trip to the Minnesota FFA State Convention in April.  “Our community is relatively new to FFA. We had it back in the 70s and 80s, and we lost it for a while, but we only got it back in 2020. So we are maybe at the point of not everybody in the community knows what FFA is,” said Capistran. “This would be a great opportunity to come have a burger and a piece of pie and find out what it is all about.”

If you have kids in elementary school, bring them by to learn more about FFA. “If you’re a parent of a fifth, sixth, seventh grade come and see what opportunity is coming down the pike in a year or two,” said Capistran. “As soon as those kids get into junior high, they have the chance to take those ag classes and be part of FFA.”

Again, the Crookston FFA outreach night and fundraiser will be on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Crookston Eagles.

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The post Crookston High School FFA to hold outreach and fundraiser event on March 13 first appeared on KROX.

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